What Does Narcissistic Mean

What does "narcissistic" mean?

I have a friend who claims to be narcissistic and he feels that the world revolves around him and that he is the bomb and his poop does not stink and he is the beginning and the end. You could check it on Wikipedia but I think it will say basically the same thing.

It's not really a bad thing. You might deserve all the praise ... some people do. I think it can also mean that you value yourself and feel that you deserve all the praise b/c you work hard for it. And you might be right.

It's when people put themselves above others and do NOT deserve it that it becomes a bad thing. I'm an Aries and a bit arrogant and into myself so I can't understand what it means either. I think it's when you DON'T understand what it means that you're in trouble.

For the person who called you that you can tell him that he is entitled to his opinion but you just don't understand to what he refers. And leave it at that. It's not like other people's opinions matter as long as you are happy with yourself ... THAT is what is truly important. YOU are the God of YOUR World and you are the most important person in it ... so who cares what otehr people think right? If that's narcissistic? So what? Who cares? Right?


What does narcissistic mean?

loving oneself to a GREAT extent that u r vain

What does Narcissistic mean?

a narcissistic person cares only of self; not a good label to take; to be self absorbed

What does ' narcissistic ' mean?

It can mean different things depending on the context but generally, it describes an egotistical person who is self-obsessed and selfish (has a very high opinion of themselves). To give you an example: it was actually named after the Greek myth of Narcissus, which is about a Greek guy named Nacissus who fell in love with his own reflection.

It is also a personality disorder/mental illness. Often serial killers are narcicissitic; in this case it is the same concept but they are people who have very high opinions of themselves yet they basically can't empathize and only care about their own amusements (so they often end up hurting people).

What does a "narcissistic double" mean?

here is the original article,11882,1579063,00.html#article_continue
he (the pychiatrist) discribes narcissistic doubles as "having a soul partner with whom they can share absolutely everything with" that dosnt sound narcissistic to me, me and some of my friends are like that. it is possible to have a non narcissistic double?

What exactly does Narcissistic Mean?

Ok I kinda know what it means but, What do you call those people who talks a lot about themselves and show off every aspect of "jewelry , girlfriends , cars etc"...

I have a few friends who like to brag about their girlfriend whose rich this and that, their car this and that to new people they met. Meanwhile the whole time I know its all BS because I know they are making up lies to this new person they just met... What do you call that behavior? and Why do people lie to Ego-boost themselves knowing that one of their friends whose around know their lieing??

Do you know a person like this? I seem to know a few, Usally I just let them talk and just nod along thinking "he/she is full of sh)(t"

What is narcissistic ?

Narcissism' describes the trait of excessive self-love, based on self-image or ego.

Also, might I recommend a google search next time? Would get a complete answer quicker than if you posted here and waited for a response. :)

What is a Narcissist.?

Basically a narcissist is someone who values themselves very highly. But not in the "normal" way. Have you ever heard of people saying, "I would take a bullet for you", maybe in reference to a lifelong friend or lover... well a narcissist would never say that. They would be more like "I love you, but I would never risk my life for you". There are MANY misconceptions about being a narcissist, and there are different "degrees" of narcissism. Everyone has narcissistic tendencies, in fact many children have very high levels of narcissism that they grow out of as they get older. I'll give a couple common misconceptions. 1. Narcissism is not necessarily equivalent to having a high self-esteem. In fact, Narcissists have an extremely fragile self-esteem... if you cannot handle criticism, you may be a narcissist. 2. Narcissists are not unemotional per se. I don't cry during movies either, that doesn't mean I can't feel sad... if you can't feel, you may simply be a sociopath. Narcissists appear unemotional, if people have a difficult time reading your expression, you may be a narcissist. However, exceptions are prevalent, sometimes simply because of the nature of the situation (for example, existential situations) narcissists may feel no emotion where most would.

I am a narcissist myself so if you have any questions, email me through Yahoo Answers.

Most people don't realize that Narcissism is an actual personality disorder. Your friends are most likely thoughtlessly using the wrong adjective... people can be selfish, egocentristic, and individualistic without being a narcissist. If you don't have NPD your friends would be more accurate to say you have narcissistic tendencies.