What Does Rawr Mean In Text Language

What does rawr mean in "girl language?"?

In "girl language", RAWR is short for Quadrotriticale.

Quadrotriticale (pronounced "quádro-trítĭ-kay-lee") is a high-yield, perennial, four-lobed grain, genetically engineered hybrid of wheat and rye with a bluish color. The root grain, triticale, can trace its ancestry back to 20th century Canada. Pavel Chekov, however, claimed that "it [was] a Russian invention." As of 2269 it was the only Earth grain able to grow on Sherman's Planet.

Chicks dig Quadrotriticale.

What does :) mean in a text message?

It is a smiley

What does '…' mean in a text message?

It can mean that they are typing a response, as that is how most smartphones inform you that the other person is typing something.However, when written, it means…the same thing that it means in non texting terms. That punctuation is called an, “ellipsis”, and is basically a super-sized comma, indicating a long, meaningful pause, or that the rest of the sentence is implies.You could think of it as the pause of a period, multiplied by 3. Or replace each dot with a, “yada” (This happened, this happened, yada yada yada, now I'm here). But it's definately not a text only thing. Texting gave the ellipsis a big increase in popularity, but it is a part of just regular language and grammar.Definition of ELLIPSIS

What does "dp" mean in a text?

lol it means 'display picture' I didn't know what it meant when I first saw it either. lol :D

Hope I helped!!


What does "xd" mean when texting?

It is a Keypad Emoticon mean to derive a Smile “xD”

When someone texts "rawr" what does it mean?

it's like a sound that a lion makes


What does "eh" mean in a text?

Primarily used to indicate neutrality, indifference or Canadian-ness.

My girlfriend keeps texting Rawr.what does it mean?

lol....i do that do my boyfriend rawr!!! lmao hhahahaah it doesnt mean anything!! it's just a way of being cute. well at least that's my reason. maybe its hers too. and when you do it back..she thinks its cute cuz she says " hehe =) ...rawr!! =P

Does Rawr mean I love you in dinosaur?
