What Does The Eu Gain By Not Letting Those People It Sent To America To Return

Why do all the people say that black Americans are not owed anything because they were not slaves or generations removed from Africa-?

1. No one alive today owes any other person alive today a cent for things those alive today had nothing to do with. How far back do you want to go with this? Should today's citizens of the UK and other European nations (Spain, France, Belgium etc) be also forced to pay people who were not living when those nations participated in slave trading? Should all of the citizens in lands where there was once slavery and serfdom and other forms of involuntary servitude be forced to pay for those things they had nothing to do with? It's ridiculous.

2. What people are saying is not 'you need to go back to Africa'. What they are saying is, 'If living in the US is so terrible and oppressive, perhaps you'll find life better in Africa.' They say it in reference to the fact that slavery is a non-issue and people are using it as an excuse for their own lack of effort to succeed.

Why aren't native Americans fighting for their land?

Cause they have a long history of knowing what happens to them when they go against the Government. They also know that the Governments in the Americas can not be trusted.

I do think that Native Americans were more appreciative of land & the environment around them. And that some were quite disgusted with the way the Europeans treated their surroundings.

Most Native Americans *had* to assimilate & do what ever their new Government told them they had to do. If they did not they were destroyed. Dissenters who did not want to move & stay on Indian Reservations or assimilate into society were hunted down, & either murdered or put in prison.

And ultimately those who came to the Americas much later than the Native Americans. Just kept coming & coming until they were so outnumbered that any fight was basically futile. There are a few Nations in the Americas that still have quite a large percentage of people who can trace their ancestery back to Native Americans. (And more than just one ancestor a long, long time ago. Like the majority of the one's in the U.S. & Canada that say i'm Native American & you can't tell at all, cause they're like 1/10th Native American.) But even in those Nations they have been so deprived & have had to change their Religious Beliefs Centuries ago. Now a days they can research their previous Religious Beliefs & even practice them to a certain extent. As long as there are no human sacrifices etc. But for the longest time they had to change their Religion, & if they didn't they weren't around very long.

Why México and latinoamerica are so poor?

While the north american colonies were as well original held by european feudal system ... many people came from europe to seek freedom from oppression not riches
the europeans in middle america and south america came for the gold and riches planning to go back to france and spain

the aztecs and inca and mayans (builders of the pyramids) had slaughtered the intelligent in each group people in war after war long before Cortez got there leaving people only in a ritualistic actions not with knowledge how they got there ... so the idea of get rich by war have power centered in that area

in the USA revolutionary war the people seeking freedom won
in Mexico when one group won they were the same power money hungry as the ones before them

While Mexico has the great resources they still fight for power to dominate not to individually succeed based on effort of sweat equity -- in suppressive government where private ownership is not the way of business and much if government owned and operated people have no incentive to be productive