What Does The Term A Stranger Is In The Frame Mean

What does it mean to dream about getting married to a stranger?


Well, let's start "top-down", here, shall we ?

First: Modern dream theory, states that each and
every component of the dream, is a component of the

If you make that a given, then, it's all not as difficult
as one might believe.

The component of the dream, that is the "unknown man",
is particularly interesting to me, as a Psychiatrist.

Not because it means anything untoward, or negative,
but because it means something very interesting.

The " Uknown Man " is the part of you that you have
yet to comprehend.

I want to make a special point, here, about this unknown

ALL human beings have polar opposites in their emotional
and mental make - up, that is submerged, but is there, and
is quite active.

The unknown man, is a part of you that is inviting you
to investigate that component of you.

The core of the dream, is about marriage...but not like
you think.

Your dream marriage, is about some component of you,
that needs to reconcile with another component. And, it
might be rather exciting to you, when those components
finally do reconcile.

Here's a possibility: You are on the verge....of solving a
major problem....that involves having TWO, separate but
more or less equal, feelings about a major topic in your

Yep. The more I see it, the more I think I am right.

Give us a shout, and let us know how these two ideas
have reconciled....because they will...given the time.


What does it mean when someone stares at you?

When someone stares at you, it is usually just because of 5 things.1) They're not even staring at you.This happens almost 50, scratch that, 70 percent of the time. Look around you.Is there a beautiful flower?Or a pretty lady?Are you wearing bright red clothes? If not, well, maybe they're just deep in thought and staring into space... which happens to be right beside your head.At the most, they probably have some weird neck fetish and are staring at your neck.You never know.Nope, not the pretty lady. It's the mean teacher standing behind her.2) There's something on you.Check again.Is there leftovers of food in your mouth?Did your annoying sibling draw on your face with a marker?Is there blood on your ass? No shame, it happens every month.If you suspect something's wrong, then know two things. Firstly, there is something called a camera function in your phone. Secondly, you can always flag the nearest person down to check your backside.3) They are trying to make you uncomfortable.I have to admit. I am very guilty of this one. There are times when I just stare into a stranger's eyes and see how long I can hold their eye contact. Usually, many quickly shift their sight to somewhere else once they realize I'm not going to move my eyeballs. And they usually get mildly uncomfortable or severely creeped out by it. Hey, it's fun seeing their reactions.4) They find you repulsive.Check:Is there any rumors going on about you?Are they staring at you and whispering?If they are...then Oh My God, something's wrong! Quickly walk towards that person, show them your middle finger, and give them a piece of your mind. Or you can walk off like the boss you are.5) They like you and/or find you attractive.This one is the rarest, but ironically we all think that this is the most common reason. It's not. And anyways, I don't think I need to explain why someone would stare at you if they like you. They you. Their brain makes some fuzzy connections between their heart and mind. So the eyeballs are instructed by the brain to follow your every movement. The sensors in your eye then translate the information to the brain which then relays it to the heart...which then builds up some weird fantasies of its own.So here it is. The most probable reason why that person is staring at you is because, well, they aren't even staring at you at all.

What does a person mean by "you intrigue me"?

Thanks for A2A.I would suggest that the person making the comment is fascinated by some aspect of the subject.Intrigue only means "interest or fascination" not necessarily "a liking". In fact, the very aspect of a person that is found intriguing may, actually, be disliked!When the subject of intrigue is a person, the intriguing or fascinating aspect could be as simple as the way that person walks or the style of spectacle frames worn.90% of the time, it would be a shy way of saying, "I like you (and I'm using a minor detail of interest as reason to approach you)."

What does my dream of being told im pregnant by a stranger?

I had a dream that i was on the stairs at my moms house and a strange guy that was at her house touched my belly and said " are you pregnant?" i said " not that i am aware of" then he proceeded to look at the pictures hung up in one of those collage picture frames and said you see those bugs by your picture (they were little black bugs that were making a web but they were not spiders) i said yes i see them! "he said those bugs by your picture means that you are pregnant! Congratulations" Then i woke up feeling like i was 5 months pregnant! any idea what this dream could mean?

What does "Two ships passing in the night" mean?

It implies a connection for a brief and fleeting time.
Ships are lit and stand out in the night, the image implies that they are the only things on the horizon, and there for share a connection outside the rest of the world. However the feeling is short lived as they pass by and out of sight.
Like a brief romance that passes never to be the same again. A moment and then out of each others existence.

What does it mean when a guy texts you xoxo?

It means HUGS AND KISSES according to this guy as he mentioned in his book.But I don't exactly know what your guy meant. I strongly believe he meant this asĀ  I assume he read Revolution2020 or may be he knew it from a friend who did.

What does Kant's "Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made" mean?

Confucius said the same: he tried to help humanity, but appreciated it was an uphill climb.

Likewise, Camus symbolized this as Sisyphus condemned to roll a heavy boulder up "Mount Analog."

Kant often framed his ideas in geometric terms. Straight = Truth, the Platonic ideal.

To somewhat answer your question:

Kant assumes humanity is crooked, and that his observation is absolutely true. How would he know, if per his assumption he too is crooked? This "ignores" Goedel's proof that incompleteness is endemic to logic. Kant's error of logic is assuming the omniscient observer position, while concluding that all humanity is "crooked" (imperfectly perceptive).

In a general mode of behavior, Kant often does this particular illogic. I.e., judgment is based upon a priori principles (which Kant labels "Analogies"). These beg the question of the judgment categories and bases, hence resolve the antinomies by schematization.

Thus, while his schemata are often finely made, his assumptions are nevertheless observational and personally or psychologistically preferential, and, given the case of post-Newtonian physics, outmoded vis a vis the qualia of the present scientific real, which latter qua quantum mechanics is significantly beyond the mode of kantian 5-sense observations.

In sum, Kant is knowingly or perhaps unknowingly critiquing kantian five-sense data schematization as circular, re transcendental claim-making. (Yet Kant makes a transcendental, as universal, claim, regarding human nature. Tautologically, Kant is saying nothing Good comes of anything non-Good. This echoes Saint Paul's "put off the old deeds and let this Mind abide, which was also in Christ Jesus." That is the infusion of Good, which Kant's aphorism re mortal mind and humanity states the inverse of.)

"A Philosophy of Universality," O. M. Aivanhov.

Is my butt to big for my frame?

wow I like it, it's sexy

that leopard dress doesn't flatter your butt quite well though, you should try spandex clothes

there's nothing more beautiful than seeing a nice as.s in a black spandex leggings!! =D lol

P.S: and I can help you with that! I'll gladly take all the pictures of your butt for you ; )

Why people don't keep photo frames empty?

It is just an old belief (I am unsure of the origin) that an empty photo frame is an open invitation to bad luck and it is a wasted opportunity to celebrate life.