What Does This Black And White Dream Mean

What does it mean if you dream in black and white?

i cant even remember what i had dreamt to even think what color it is in.=)

What does it mean when I dream in black and white?

Dreams don't express anything nor have any symbolism nor do they mean anything nor do they have hidden messages. Your brain is processing the days events and recent events. It makes sense of what has happened to you in it's own way. It revisits events, it sties to work out what was important, what to store in the memory and what not, it tries to connect the dots. While it does this, the brain tries to create a story from all seemingly random brain activity. Because thats how the brain works. It's how we read a comic book - we have pictures and we infer a lot so that they form a story. Dreaming is a more advanced version of this. The brain gets loose 'pictures' and it creates a story. That story is often weird and confusing.For instance. I have recently noticed that dreams are very associative. I'm doing one thing in a dream and go on to do a little other thing, and the little thing becomes a whole new story. Or I see people in my dream and the next minute I AM those people. It's because your dreams are just random, based on what the brain is working on. It's not a real story, it carries no meaning.

Black and white cat with wings dreams what s does it mean?

Oh yes - pretty common to be threatened and bitten by animals in dreams. But I will say your black/white cat with wings is a New one on me.

These animals in dreams represent parts of your unconscious mind - like bits of anger. They're old bits which were repressed long ago and "forgotten" - maybe since you were 2 years old. So they're sort of unreasonable creatures - they're unhappy - and they will strike out. But it's all completely normal.

I'd imagine you're in teenage years - and it's this time when these old repressions get more "released" from your unconscious mind so that you can re-experience them. This is what gives teenagers a lot of anxiety/depression sometimes.

It's YOUR guess as to why the black/white cat had wings........ it's some association you have which is individual. And those are often fun to talk out and see if you can understand more of it.

But overall, you have a very "normal" sort of thing here.

What does both black and white spiders in dreams mean?

I’ll give an answer. Without the complete dream including your gender and the genders of other dream figures including as much detail of the dream as possible my answer will be limited to what is given.Details and genders in dreams are essential to better understand the dream.Generally speaking the colors white and black can have meaning related to Tao. Tao represents a balance.White is a spiritual color while black is a power color as in black ops, SWAT, police. Black is also a color that represents unconsciousness, meaning more consciousness needed.Spiders in dreams generally represent the negative mother archetype. The negative mother archetype with her web wants to catch and consum her prey.Most often this can mean the mother desires to control and dominate including trying to suppress the dynamic push especially of children towards independence and individuation.Without the content of the dream nothing more can be said.Best wishes.

I dream in black and white. Why?

I have always dreamed in black and white. Im 16 and now really interested in knowing. Never once have I dreamed in colour. Does anyone have any information and does anyone else dream in black and white??

Dream of black and white dove. whats the meaning?

i had a dream of a white and black dove flying in the sky.what does this mean?

you won't believe this but so many times black and white has come to up in my life.
without stating the obvious that white is usually good and black evil
does anyone know .... what it means to dream of a white dove and black dove?

What does my dream mean of a tiny black and white striped snake?

it means you and the culture to which you belong have some serious psyhcological issues. you dreamed about a snake. big deal. tomorrow night you'll dream about a house on fire. big deal. why not focus on the here and now, that is, live in reality versus basing your existence on the "meaning" of a dream.

the idiot above me wrote it means "self renewal." uh huh... and how is one to take this? dreaming of a burning house or puppies or the sea could mean self renewal. what a crock.

you need to seek help.

What does a white scorpion in a dream mean?

To see a scorpion in your dream, represents a situation in your waking life which may have been painful or hurtful. It is also indicative of destructive feelings, "stinging" remarks, bitter words and/or negative thoughts being expressed by or aimed against you. Your dream forewarns of a self-destructive and self-defeating path. The scorpion is also a symbol of death and rebirth. You need to get rid of the old and make room for something new. Alternatively, the scorpion may also represent a person who is born under the astrological sign for Scorpio.

White represents purity, perfection, peace, innocence, dignity, cleanliness, awareness, and new beginnings. You may be experiencing a reawakening or have a fresh outlook on life.

My opinion
alright from my research i'm thinking that you may be usually a very good person and usually act the part. soon or it has already started somthing will/has happened that will bring you down in a bad way and if it hasn't happend already this is a warning to watch out and stay on the right track

What does it mean to see an ex wearing white in a dream?

Thou first have to figure out yourself what your ex means to you. Most often the people in our dreams evoke an emotional reaction today. As an ex is a finished chapter; it means you experience something in your life now that makes it equal to what you used to experience in the past with him or her. Basically, the dream reminds you of a time in the past. So what kind of time is this? Again only you can answer this by asking yourself what your ex means to you; as well as what the color 'white' means to you.To me, white means purity, virginity, newness, a child that is born, peace etcetera. So I would argue that - during the daytime (i.e. before you reached your dream state) - you were thinking of a situation that had similar characteristics as with your ex.I think that you now have peace with the situation of the past; which could explain the color white and your ex. This would explain that after such a long time that your ex is gone, you still think about him and have let your brains create a 'new' relationship with him - one of peace and harmony. You may not be as angry anymore and have chosen to move on in peace.On the other hand, I cannot exclude that you may have found someone who shares similarities with your ex; and that you are now going to make the same mistake(s) as you did in the past.So it is either one of the two scenarios:You have peace with the past regarding your ex and decided to move on in peace.You have met a new person that reminds you a lot of your ex, and that would mean you would end up in the same 'crap' as you used to be in - as with your ex.Take care!