What Does This Body Language Symbolize

What does foot shaking mean in body language?

Know as “Psychomotor Agitation”You likely refer to this form of nonverbal communication as "fidgeting" but in the research literature psychomotor agitation define gestures or automanipulations that lack any real purpose.For instance, think back to the last time you adjusted your clothes or accessories in public. Was it a meaningful adjustment that needed immediate attention, or did it just give you something to do with your hands or feet; something to fidget or fiddle with?WHAT FOOT/LEG FIDGETING MEANSThis type of nonverbal communication signals to others that you’re either1) Nervous because you think you’re being judged…or2) Apprehensive because of the situation you’re in or about to be in (think about waiting to be seen for a job interview or for your significant other to respond in a fight).Even if you claim that these movements are something you just do when you are bored, studies indicate that such fidgeting and leg shaking comes off to others as a clear sign of anxiousness.I’d wager that there is more on the person's mind, they are anxious because they feel they cannot voice their opinion effectively (they think it will come out wrong) or they fear any response will cause further problems (regardless of the merit it may have to it).Hope this helps!

Body language: What does this mean?

Body language: What does this mean? Was out with some friends the other night at this bar. Really hit it off with this one guy and whenever we would move from place to place, he would always hold hands or either hold on to my dress while hands or either hold on to my dress while I'm walking in front of him.

What does it symbolize when someone blows Smoke in your face?

What does it mean as a women face to face with another women when confronting her about a disagreement and she contiunally blows smoke in your face? By the way this women is also bisexual.

What do crossed arms symbolize?

When reading body language it's important to remember that there are no hard and fast rules. For some people crossing their arms is a default position. It could be no more ominous than a person feeling cold, shy or uncomfortable. I think someone said that it's a sign they don't know what to do with their arms.  Crossed arms is often read as scepticism or defensiveness. I often teach people by presenting their body language to them in mirror. When I approach them with my arms crossed, I ask them, "How does this make you feel?" If you're trying to win someone over, you would not adopt this pose. It's important to keep your body language as open as possible and use embracing gestures. If you're seeing this pose in others, don't jump to conclusions. Take note of their body in totality. Are their legs crossed? Check their facial expressions. If you notice that they have crossed arms, narrowed eyes and lowered brows, then you could assume that they are suspicious or sceptical. Keep your own body language open in response and open your arms and show your palms to encourage that person to trust you and open up.Those who study body language know that it's important to establish a base line. What is a person's default position? We will ask certain questions and watch their response.  The best way to learn is to begin observing and taking note of what people are doing around you.

What does it mean in terms of body language when someone pulls their t-shirt from the collarbone area and pulls it up and forward slightly with both hands used?

This is ventilating or decreasing discomfort. Meaning the body temperature has gone up or the surrounding environment is hot.This is associated with general sympathetic nervous system arousal.The heart rate goes up, energy storage systems are stimulated to release energy and metabolic activity in muscles increases. This is what causes the temperature to go up.You see this with people becoming nervous or stressed. This often is also seen with people lying on the spot.What also can cause the neck collar being pulled up is increased blood flow to the neck and face. The tie can cause pressure to increase under the tie or collar which causes discomfort. This causes the urge to pull on the collar or tie to decrease discomfort.What it also could be is a form of hugging oneself when feeling low confidence or social discomfort. This seems to look like protecting sensitive areas like the breasts or neck dimple (also called the suprasternal notch).neckdimpSympathetic nervous system - WikipediaHuman nervous system - The autonomic nervous systemBody Language of The Collar Pull - Nonverbal Body Language DictionaryNeck body language

What sort of body language is turning your back towards someone whenever you see them?

I had an interesting experience at a restaurant. I noticed that a particular waitress always turned her back to me. It happened every time I went there for lunch. She would suddenly find something fascinating on the blank wall and turn her back to me. At first I found it funny, then rude and annoying.Much later, I found out that she liked me and had mentioned this to her coworkers. They teased her with this information. They would inform her that her 'boyfriend' was around each time they saw me. That was why she always turned her back to me in embarrassment.When some people are attracted to a person, they turn their backs because they are shy or afraid. Some other people turn their back in anger, disgust, dislike or frustration.What sort of body language is turning your back towards someone whenever you see them? It depends on the person and the situation. You've got to dig deeper to find out exactly what's going on. Talk to them if their action bothers you.Interpreting body language is subjective and comes with assumptions. Assumptions which magnify themselves and could be miles off the mark.There's no one conclusive interpretation for every person who turns their back to you or places a hand on their hip. That someone turns their back to you or puts a hand in their pocket when they see you, is not always an accurate compass in determining their direction of thought. Sometimes their body language is a reaction to your perceived body language. If you always act aloof or withdrawn, people could react by turning their back when they see you.