What Does This Formula Work Out

What is the formula for working out speed?

Train strength to develop power which leads to more speed. Also working on technique for starts and secondary mechanics is key

How Do You Work Out Chemical Formulas?

Common Table Salt is Sodium Chloride.
The formula for Sodium Chloride is NaCl
This means that one molecule of sodium chloride has one atom of sodium(Na) and one atom of chlorine(Cl).
The sodium and the chlorine are 'holding hands' .

Another common chemical is Baking Powder, sometimes called sodium bi-carbonate. Its chemical name is sodium hydrogen-carbonate, and it has the formula NaHCO3.
This means that one molecule of sodium hydrogen carbonate has , one atom of sodium, one atom of hydrogen, one atom of carbon and three atoms of oxygen. The carbon and the three oxygens hold each other very tighly by 'linking arms', but the sodium and hydrogen are just holding on by their 'finger tips', and will let go very easily, especially in water.

Water has the formula H2O.
One molecule contains two atoms of hydrogen(H) and one atom of oxygen(O)
It is very difficult to make the atoms in water 'let go of hands' .It needs the 'electric shock' treatment - electrolysis, which is very expensive, to form the two gases hydrogen and oxygen.

Hope that helps!!!!!

How do you work out empirical formula?

An empirical formula shows the relative ratios of the elements in a compound. So, lets develop an empirical formula for the sulfur oxide.

Since 3.2gS + ?gO2 --->6.4gsulfur oxide, there had to be 6.4-3.2=3.2gO2.

Now we need to figure out the percentage composition of each element:

S: 3.2/6.4=50%
O: 3.2/6.4=50%

So, lets say we had 100g of the compound. Then 50g would be S, and 50g would be O.

Lets figure out the number of moles of each element using those numbers:

50gS(1molS/32g)=1.56molS ~~~NOTE: we dont need to use decimals because this is all relative


We can see that the ratio of S to O is 1:2

Thus, the empirical formula of the compound is SO2.

The sulfur oxide that is produced is sulfur dioxide


If you need a further explanation or any other help, feel free to ask.

What is the formula for mass?

Mass is a measure of how much stuff an object has. Mass is a scalar quantity therefore, it only gives us information about the magnitude .According to newton’s 2nd law of motionForce = mass * accelerationF = m * aSo Mass = force / acceleration...We know thatVolume = mass/ densitySo mass = volume * density..Weight = mass * gravityW = m * gm = W/ g

Working out empirical formula?

moles of C in the compound = .273 /12 = 0.02275
moles of H = .046
moles of O = .182 / 16 = 0.01138

molar ratio of C:H:O = .02275 : .046 : .01138
dividing by the smallest we get
C:H:O = 2:4:1

empirical formula is C2H4O
the empirical mass is 24+4+16 =88 which is half the molecular weight so the molecular formula is double the empirical formula or


i hope you can understand the solution ... P

How do I work out this linear regression formula?

Slope(b) = (NΣXY - (ΣX)(ΣY)) / (NΣX^2 - (ΣX)^2)
Intercept(a) = (ΣY - b(ΣX)) / N
Regression Equation(y) = a + bx

x and y are the variables.
b = The slope of the regression line
a = The intercept point of the regression line and the y axis.
N = Number of values or elements
X = First Score
Y = Second Score
ΣXY = Sum of the product of first and Second Scores
ΣX = Sum of First Scores
ΣY = Sum of Second Scores
ΣX^2 = Sum of square First Scores

One thing I don't understand is Σ. It's supposed to be the sum of scores. Does that mean ΣX is the sum of all values of X and ΣY is the sum of all values of Y? If so, what about the ΣXY? I really didn't understand the "sum of the product of first and second scores" ... is that adding together all the products of X and Y for each point? So, if point 1 is (0,0) and point 2 is (2,4) and point 3 is (6,10) I would do ΣXY = (0*0)+(2*4)+(6*10)?

Anyway, I only have 4 X values.... x={1,2,3,4} (month 1, month 2, etc.)
My Y values will obviously vary each month, but I need to predict out to month 5,6,7,and 8. Linear regression seems to work perfectly for this.

Anyway, if Y={420,504,498,520}, (sample data) could you please show me how to perform the steps to work this equation out? I understand the line equation and the concept of slope and intercept... I just don't quite get the Σ (SUM) thing.


How do we work out the formula for aluminum chloride?

As Aluminum has only a +3 oxidation state and Chloride has -1, then an Aluminum ion will bond with 3 Chloride ions, AlCl3.

Formula for working out the area of any regular shape with 1000m perimeter?.?

Dear sweetmango! Correct me if I'm wrong. Why insulting each other?


Here n = no. of sides

An n-sided regular polygon consists of n isosceles triangles. The base length of each triangle is 1000/n, and its height is
(I need to draw a picture to explain).

Hence the area of each triangle is 1/2 times base times height
= 1/2[1000/n][500/n]cot(π/n)

We have n such triangles, so multiply the above number by n. Thus:

How do you work out the formula for magnesium nitrate(III)?

magnesium is in column 2, therefore when it forms compounds, it gives away 2 electrons becoming a +2 ion.

The nitrate, is a polyatomic ion, NO3^-1, and has a -1 charge. Oxygen in column 6 takes 2 electrons and is always -2. The nitrogen in column 5 has several oxidation states, but in this case is +5, giving the polyatomic ion of nitrate a -1 charge.[ There are several polyatomic ions, that should be memorized so that we know the formula and charge when using them.]

There should not be Roman numeral in that formula. The Roman numeral is used to show the oxidation number of elements that have more than one oxidation number, not after a polyatomic ion