What Does This Mean If We Are

What does it mean if you dream that you are a ghost?

I have dreamt like that many times, i am more prone and open minded to the spirit world so it does not bother me. it does not mean anything except you were experiencing a kind of dream that your spirit was traveling. that was why no one can see u only if you let them. trust me you will have a couple more like this. its almost like a outer body experience except if you are like couple of times you might encounter other spirits that are either traveling or deceased spirits, sorryyy...not trying to scare you but just letting you know what you might experience so you will not get freaked out. sometimes the spirits might question you that why are you in their world because they can sense that you are not their kind......but if you like to know more just ask me or email me.........later..

What does it mean when you die in your dream?

Firstly, dreaming of your own death doesn’t mean your death is imminent. It only means that there are some changes or transformations that are going to take place. So, relax and read on :)Dreaming of your own death symbolizes inner changes, transformation, self-discovery and positive development that is happening within you or your life. You are undergoing a transitional phase and are becoming more enlightened or spiritual. Big changes are ahead for you where you are making a new start and leaving the past behind. If you are getting married or divorce, being promoted to a new position, moving to a new country, you may experience dreams of your own death.he frightening and alarming nature of death can in itself be a wake- up call for something. It is your mind's way of trying to grab your attention to something dire in your waking life where you need to take action. Consider how you felt in your dream and think about a situation in your waking life where you felt the same way.To dream that you die may also mean that you are desperately trying to escape from the demands of your daily life. This may be some major stressor, obligation, responsibility or perhaps you want out of a painful relationship.SOURCE : Common Dreams: Death

What does it mean if you dream your dad died?

Death in dream implies change. On the bright side, death dreams usually have positive symbolism.Seeing your dad die in dream may imply a change in your understanding level with your dad. Perhaps your dad is going to accept some new facts about you that would bring a change in the relationship with your dad.Dream is a reflection of our own self. When you see a person in your dream, you actually see an aspect of your own self. Your mind projects the impression of that person that is registered in your memory. So, death of your dad may imply change in certain qualities like your beliefs, judgements & attitude - that are influenced by your dad.If you are anxious about the well being of your dad, dreaming of death of your parents is just a reaction to your fear. It doesn't necessarily mean your dad is going to die.Few people among us sometimes get a glimpse of their probable future in their dreams. Since you've asked this question, you are not one of them. So, again no worries.Sometimes, what you see in dream is exactly the opposite of what happens in reality. That too implies your dad is fine.Don't worry. Don't take your dreams too seriously. Have a good day!

What does it mean if a guy calls you "my girl"?

I have been dating this guy for a while casually. The other day we were in the car and his cousin called and he said im with my girl. Do guys call all girls their girl or just ones that they are in relationship with

What does it mean if you dream about someone dying?

There are two dream symbols: death and someone.Dreams about death only indicate that something or a situation ends. Often dreams about death are connected to another ‘dream symbol’ such as a rising sun. This symbol is missing. It is therefore incorrect to say death is about a transition, as in this case it is only about an ending.If you want to know what the dream means, it is important to know who that someone is. It may be about a real person, but may as well be about what that person represents.For instance, if your mother dies in your dreams, then it often is a dream that signifies that a period of caring has ended and that it affects you emotionally.Nevertheless, it may just as well mean that your mother died and that you miss her presence. Dreams are often indirect, so people who die in your dreams often haven't died at all (nor will predict death). It is what they represented that died - their characteristics (and its influence) which you previously experienced has currently ended.

What does it mean if you dream the same dream continuously?

A dream that you keep dreaming over and over is known as a Recurrent or Recurring Dream. Recurring Dreams happen when you did not remember, or understand the dream message information the first time you dreamed it, also known as solving the riddle of the dream. This was seen in many of the multiple dreams of the dreamers in the book Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases, based on the Diagnostic Dream Research Work of Duke University Radiologist Dr. Larry Burk. Your inner-guidance is using dreams to communicate something important, but you are not “getting it.” The majority of recurrent dreams usually appear as a nightmare so you won’t dismiss the information. It is easy to forget a nice dream but difficult to ignore a frightening nightmare. Recurring dreams reflect the presence of an unresolved or persistent conflict in an individual's life. Remember, dreams may speak to us with signs and symbols. If you keep missing the message, your dream environment may shift into a nightmare to get your attention. Recurring dreams appear during tough or emotional times in our lives. Like nightmares, they are also often a call-to-action.Photo credit- Pixabay FREE Image no Attribution required.

What does it mean if a Girl asks if I love her?

girls are by nature more romantic than guys. if she asks that, it means that u dont say often enough about ur feelings to her. try to express urself, he ll appreciate that.
women love with ears!

What does my guy mean when he says he needs some time?

I experienced this 4 times which DROVE ME INSANE. i didn’t understand why he “needed time to think” because we were doing so well. Whatever happens, DO NOT ANSWER HIS TEXTS immediately when he text you- it’ll make you disposable and look desperate. Take 3 days to respond. DO NOT INITIATE TEXTING HIM & CALLING and I’m serious. Hence the all caps. You want to win him back over and make him want you and more to be curious where you are. This break is not cartblanche to cheat or flirt around. If you want him back, be respectful. We have been together and strong after his last “reflection time” since April of 2017. We are stronger than ever and it’s all because I did a few things, respected his wishes, had faith that we will be okay and found a hobby to occupy my time.Good luck. It’s not easy, I know it well.A few things can happen if you don’t..he will get angry and block youhe will not want to ever speak to you againYou will validate his need for a break; it could be for many reasons, moving to fast, you’re too clingy, complain too much etc.A few things can result if you do..he will miss you immensleyhe will realize he does want you and only youallowing him that me time will allow him to put his life in perspectivepeace, love & light❣️

If we have very cold temperatures in March, does this mean that we will have a cold summer?

Having very cold temperatures in March, does not mean that [sic] we will have a cold summer.

One season's weather does not influence the weather in the following season.

What does it mean if you can clearly read text and numbers in a dream?

write it all down what you see, it makes sense on some level and could be revealing.
ask that the meaning be revealed to you.
i think we are all connected to others, for good or not.
Our dreams often reflect what we are connected to.