What Does This Mean Translated From German To English

What does the German "Hof" translate to in English?

It means yard (as in Hinterhof, backyard), court (as in der königliche Hof, the royal court) or courting (jmdm. den Hof machen, to court someone, although this is now old-fashioned). Specifically, a Bauernhof (‘farmer’s yard’) is a farm, whilst a Bahnhof (‘rail yard’) is a railway station. Höflich, meaning polite, comes from Hof, and relates to the fact that the manners of the royal court were traditionally considered to be the best, hence ‘courtly’.The word Hof is masculine (der Hof), and it’s plural is die Höfe.EDIT: Because of the associations of the word Hof in certain contexts with aristocracy and royalty, the word is also frequently used in the names of hotels and restaurants as a way of conveying an air of grandeur, prestige and luxury (an example here would be Der Frankfurter Hof, a luxury hotel in the aforementioned city). This is particularly the case where the hotel or restaurant in question is housed in a former aristocratic or royal residence (i.e., a place that really did once have a Hof in the sense of a ‘court’ within its four walls). This is a ‘cultural’ use of the word Hof that you will not find in the dictionary: it’s not a definition of Hof as such, more an explanation of the type of context in which the word is used nowadays, to evoke luxury and an aristocratic or royal past.PS / Although it’s no trouble to respond to questions such as these, the answers to this type of question can easily be found on Google or by looking up one of the many online dictionaries. It’s best to keep Quora for the types of answers where you really do need the ‘human touch’ or specialist knowledge, such as a translation in context or distinguishing between two words that are otherwise synonymous.

What does this German phrase mean, translate to English please?

For dance and joke remains the heart happy.

Basically it means stay drunk, you'll be happier. It is on a German beer stein, right. The Germans love spring and fall fests. They have big parties, singing, dancing and drinking the night away.

What does the German word/name "Berger" translate to in English?

Berger : It means mountaineer in German, and shepherd in French

I want to translate dates from German to English. What does "15.12.08-30.01.09 und 09.03-30.04.09" mean in English?

15.12.08-30.01.09 is 15th Dec. 2008 -01st Jan.2009and 09.03-30.04.09 is 09th March 2009-30th April 2009

What does "Mich überläuft's!" mean translated from German to English?

According to my authoritative Cassells German Dictionary, "mich überläuft's", or "es überläuft mich", means "I shudder, my blood runs cold". The phrase "Mich überläuft's" features in the Garden Scene in Goethe's greatest drama, "Faust". Gretchen uses it when Faust takes her hands and confirms that he loves her. Note how Faust, below, tells her not to shudder ("o schaudre nicht!"):

Mich überläuft's!
O schaudre nicht! Laß diesen Blick,
Laß diesen Händedruck dir sagen
Was unaussprechlich ist:
Sich hinzugeben ganz und eine Wonne
Zu fühlen, die ewig sein muß!
Ewig!- Ihr Ende würde Verzweiflung sein
Nein, kein Ende! Kein Ende!

How does the following translate from Swiss-German to English, "gopferdammi, leck mer doch am arsch und verreis"?

Literally it's “God shall do me something bad, someone lick my ass and go on vacation/go far away for a long time”It's meaning is more like “God shall do me something bad, fuck it, go away”And in the end I think it shall just express extreme anger. Hehe

I need a translation from German to English?

It actually could mean both.

"I thought we knew each other" OR
"I thought we knew ourselves"

But usually when saying this you mean "each other"

Don't listen to xmris!!
It's NOT "Ich dachte wir uns kennen" due to wrong sentence structure! ("I thought we each other knew")
It's NOT "Ich dachte dass wir einander kannten" due to wrong tense! ("I thought that we had known each other")

What does 'aso' mean? German-English?

It's slang, a contraction of "ach so" = oh, I see.

What German words are hard to translate into English?

German has this amazing knack of explaining entire concepts in one word using compounds .These words are so inventive and original , they totally blow your mind .A few of them areBackpfeifengesicht : A face that begs to be slapped.Kummerspeck: Excess weight gained due to emotional overeating.Torschlusspanik:This is the fear that time is running out. It describes the panic you get when you realise one day that in actual fact, you haven’t done very much with your life, and if you don’t act soon then you may miss out on more opportunities as time passes and the ‘gate closes’.Schnappsidee: An idea ,so ridiculous, that you sound drunk.These are just a few words off the top my head which can’t be translated into any language, let alone english.This list will give you an idea as to how awesome a language german is , contrary to popular belief .

What is the English translation of the German word "bitte"? What are some ways it can be used?

One important footnote, perhaps.As others have noted, bitte schön can mean you’re welcome. In usage, though, there is a crucial difference between the two languages.In English, if you say “you’re welcome” before your interlocutor says “thank you”, it will seem sarcastic, suggesting that they should have thanked you already but haven’t done so.In German, this is not the case. Someone opening a door for you might say bitte schön as one might say in English “let me get that for you”.