What Does This Person Mean By

Who is a mean person?

In my opinion a mean person is one who makes no effort to understand or empathize with others, but acts in their own interest without caring who else gets hurt. Also, a mean person often hurts just because they are in a position to do so - because they can. Someone who trips a little kid so they drop their treat, or calls a mentally challenged person a name, or does the same to racially different people, or gay people - not because it will do anything, just to be mean. Another example is a person who has plenty but will not offer to help those who have little or nothing, instead will try to take what they have.Mean used to mean stingy, or greedy, but has come to include all the above types of useless cruelty.Thanks for asking!

What does a “verbal person” mean?

A verbal person:

- is talkative
- likes to learn verbally
- is good at communication
- does not prefer reading and writing
- is good at presentations
- can communicate their feelings
-are good at making friends
- are not shy
- can be loud
- quick thinkers and provide quick answers to questions

Hope this helped.

What does it mean to have a personality?

For those who are fortunate, it means you were loved and accepted as a child in ways that encouraged you to blossom in the unique ways that you chose to express your thoughts, feelings and responses to others. Your basic inborn temperament, whether you are an introvert or extrovert, sensitive or bold, shaped a personality that ultimately feels comfortable and natural for you.For others, developing a personality can be delayed or weakened by early conflict and insecurity. Difficult primary relationships in childhood can thwart the natural expression of feelings, thoughts, attitudes and opinions. A child who’s natural temperament is rejected learns to suppress, hide, and distrust elements of the emergent ‘self.’ This disruption can lead to maladjustment and neurotic tendencies which may distort or skew parts of the personality. It can take these people many years to ‘find’ or ‘build’ a personality that aligns most effectively with their natural temperament and sense-of-self.Unlike inborn temperamental qualities, personality remains malleable and modifiable throughout life as events and experiences impact and shift perceptions about yourself, about others, or about life itself.

What does a person mean to you?

I can only talk about me and my experience, I understand that not everyone has the same perspective as mine.My answer:“Human - person” relationship is like that of “1 dollar bill — 1 dollar value”. The first item on both pairs is tangible the second isn't, Is easy to give a very good description of tangible objects. On the other side, non - tangible objects are by nature not graspable, nor is possible to fully describe them, we invariably fall short. Is like trying to describe a dream.We can only mention elements of it and tell stories about it, that is we are not completely in the dark about it only mostly.Thus, here are some elements of our subject (person): body, mind, soul, thoughts, everything he or she has ever said, all of his/ her actions, family (upwards and downward) All of his/ her good and evil deeds, all his/ her records (any and all media), knowledge, all of his/ her virtual faces (social media, email, job, etc)… there is more but I think this gives the idea (i told you, you always land short).And then we have stories (I'll keep it short). A human is born then overtime he start to acquire more and more elements, evolves into a person. We talk about him/ her, we associate with him/ her, etc.Cheers

What does it mean to be a complex person?

Complex person are usually very experienced , passionate , knowledgeable with lots of inherited wisdom and insights .Traditionally they can be phenomenal people creating new ideas to fruition - for instance Lamborghini is a complex car .Complex people are contradictory for only those who are shallow and don’t know them .Complex persons are one of the best people to enjoy going to wilderness as they can easily survive on their own , they have lots of energy .Their thinking is clear at all times however most people use only 2–5 % of their brain capacity and therefore they are misunderstood by many .Complex person thrive on raw vegan lifestyle where they minimize distractions from ads , polluted environment .Complex person is highly valued at schools such Stanford for their natural ability to impress audience without trying ….

What does a person who is well grounded mean?

When you are well grounded you have the following traits:good self esteemexcellent confidenceother people's drama won't move youyou have unshakable moral compassyou have unshakable spiritual convictionsyou know your worthyou know what you represent with yourselfyou have a positive opinion of yourselfpeople can't play you, you are too good for thatyou form your own opinions about thingsyou are a leader in lifeyou are courageousyou are a person that is respectfulpeople respect you for who you areyou can see right through whiners, cowards, pity-seekers, manipulators and you refuse to play their game of liesCheers!Angie

What does a "special person" mean?

Sounds like, to me, that they have no idea what it means themselves. The "Special Person" in someone's life is the one that they really and truly love. And I am not talking about teenage puppy dog love or that one that you think you are in love with because you've never been in love before....or because you are lonely you settle for someone love. I mean actually and truly love. You'll know when you meet that "Special Someone" in your life. It's way different than anything else. People say that to each other all the time not knowing what it truly means until they actually do meet that someone. That's not to say that there is something wrong with you, as I am sure there is not; that's just saying that they don't know themselves what it means and that they shouldn't be so free with whom they say it to.

What does it mean to tell a person they have "no class"?

When someone says another has no class, it means they think that person is crass, rude, or acting outside the boundaries of  the lowest socially acceptable behavior.Class refers to the system by which some populations define and group people by their monetary value. People who make a lot of money are upper class. Next is middle class and last is the lower class. It is based, generally, on how a person dresses and behaves. Describing someone as having no class means they dress, live or behave in a manner that is below even the lowest income people in society. We assume the upper classes dress well, are clean and well educated. They are expected reflect their affluence through good manners and verbosity. Low class people have little money, dress in less expensive clothing and are assumed to receive less education than upper classes. Because of the lack of education, their social skills are crude. This how we view social classes and the power of wealth.Or, for college students, it may mean class has been cancelled for the day.

What does per person sharing mean?

Some hotels actually will charge you for another person, though it's never been the full price of the first person in my experience, usually half or a quarter.

I learned real quick to just tell them I was sleeping solo though, because they never check.

Just get a room that's not close to the front desk if you're worried about it.

What does the word personality mean?

What is personality? Understand this.Personality is an expression of your individuality.Personality is what you appear.What you appear should not be different from what you are?Personality is the expression of your potential. The potential is already there within you, when it is expressed, then it is called personality.Do not think that personality is about a certain way of behaving. No, that is not personality. What you really are, when that gets expressed, manifested, then that is personality. Have a real personality. Be a genuine man, a genuine woman.Become more concerned with what is going on in your mind. We think that nobody knows what is going on here(pointing at the head), so we think that this mind is our kingdom. Anything goes.Look at the contents of your mind, forget the personality.‘How am I living my life? I sit just as the way others are living? Why is my life so predictable? Why am I afraid, desirous? Do I know love?’ Be much more concerned about these questions and when these are taken care of, then intelligence shines. That is the very function of intelligence. And in that intelligence, personality is automatically taken care of. An intelligent man will know by himself what is the right kind of clothing and appearance for an occasion. He will not need to be told. That is a very minor thing or secondary thing. Be concerned with what is major, what is primary.I repeat: You are the content of your mind. Personality is just an appearance that you wear.Be bothered with what you are, not what you wear.To have more clarity on this you can visit these blogs:What is a good personality?The personality is not your essenceThe personality is not your essenceLet personality be an expression of your essence And more at:www.prashantadvait.comPB