What Does This Sentence Mean In English

What does this English sentence mean?

Hi! This clearly states that you are addressing yourself an engineer and that being one you further aspire to be…..Eg 1- As a leader she aims to lead not dictate.Here she is already a leader and she aims to lead…..Eg2- As a mother she wanted to build a paradise for her children.In this sentence she does not want to be a mother as she already is. What she wants is, to build….Hope this is helpful.

What does this greek sentences mean in english?

- if I am to pay for her tickets to come to Mykonos in summer I will have to cut from somewhere ( to make cuts, to use money I have for something else )
- I do not know only one thing : when they ( girls ) will learn Greek and come to f*** us

What does "sera" mean in English? How is it used in a sentence?

It’s not English, it’s a Latinate loan word from French and also Spanish meaning “will be”.It’s almost like saying you have little control and implies a laissez faire is only used as part of a loan expression from French “ que sera sera” which means “what will be, will be” and cannot be used on its own.

What does this spanish sentence mean in english?


hi, just to say hello and know how ur doing, beautiful

What does this mean in English (Persian sentence)?

forgive me If I like you so much

it is a part of a song by Kamraan and Homan .

What does the following sentence mean in English?

Without any further context or details, the sentence as it stands is probably an idiomatic phrase which suggests that the "she" in the sentence is so attractive and desirable that spending time with her will disavow you of any desire to waste time online or on your smartphone. Alternatively, it could also suggest that "she" is a luddite and a convincing one at that.

What does this sentence mean in English? "wo kan doa ni piao lian de lian, wo xiang ni hen cong ming"

"I look at your pretty face, i think you are very smart"

hehehe...Chinese aint my native tongue though. hehe!

What does this Vietnamese sentence mean in English?

I am in a meeting.I(D) will call u later

What does this Greek sentence mean? (in english obviously)?

Well, it's a strange sentence, even in Greek. As it is there, it means May, elephants always have 4 legs/feet.

The grammar is correct in saying οι ελέφαντες έχουν πάντα τέσσερα πόδια. Now is the word Μαΐου being used as the month May, or as a name? It makes slightly more sense if it is a name, in which case it would need a comma after it. Hope that helps!