What Does This Steve Jobs Quote Mean

What does this quote mean by steve jobs?

What an interesting combination of words! This quote reffers to the Past-Present-Future axis of time, and to our lives in connection with this axis, this predefined "path" the we , as humans, MUST follow. It is about understanding and accepting at the same time that you cannot understand it all.

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards". You must live with no expectations of outcomes,you cannot waste precious time planning your life ahead. Things should make sense when you look back into your past. You must go with the flow, trust your instinct. Understand the past and accept that you cannot understand the future. You have to believe that it will all fit together at some point in the future. You must believe in something, God, Karma, Destiny , it's not important what you believe in, but it is crucial to just BELIEVE.

Quitting expectations enables you to enjoy life as it is, and to realise the meaning of some things that at the moment, in the past, didn't seem to fit. This will be a silly example, but let's imagine that your car stops working on your way to an important conference. You may be nervous and say "oh, I won't make it to the conference! Why did this happen to me?!" . That's a wrong way of handling things, you must believe that things will happen your way, that you are fortunate and just have trust. Maybe,who knows, a gentleman would pass by and take u to the conference.

In conclusion, the dots in your life don't connect unless their purpose has been fulfilled. Therefore, don't try to connect the dots of the future, 'cause you will not be able to do it. Just live! That was a beautiful quote, and I enjoyed interpreting it! Have a great day! ;)

What does the quote by steve jobs mean?

To me this means know what you believe and live by it. However, do not decide what you believe to be true about yourself and life by using/following the words and beliefs of others.

To follow your spiritual heart and to follow your intuition are the same thing. It means to listen to that small, still voice inside. When Fulton was building the steamboat, everyone made fun of him and called it Fulton's Folly. Yet, he knew he could do it and did not let the opinions of others keep him from accomplishing his goal. If he had allowed them to influence what he knew to be true inside of him, he would have never even tried, much less been successful.

What exactly does this Steve Jobs quote mean? "My favorite things in life don't cost any money..."?

Time does not cost money. Time to be with the people you love and what you love doing.That is my guess.

What does it mean "Why join the Navy if you can be a pirate?" -Steve Jobs?

At one time, ships carrying supplies, the Navy and Pirates were all who traveled the oceans. Steve Likely meant, why should he join the Navy, Microsoft, and be limited by another in direction. As a Pirate, he was free to travel in his own direction, finding his own currents and earning in his own way.

What does “connecting the dots” mean? Steve Jobs mentioned this in his speech.

The more-common “connect the dots” is a puzzle where kids draw lines between dots, and “poof” a picture appears.“Connect the dots” in this case means “find the pattern.”Nothing to do with Apple. If you aren’t sure what to do with your life, think of things you were good at, delighted to do, compensated for, etc. Try to find the pattern to these things (i.e. “Connect the dots”) and maybe you’ll come up with a satisfactory idea.Alan Kay (a famous computer “visionary” that Jobs knew) has been quoted as saying “The best way to predict the future is to invent it” — and I’m certain Jobs had that in his head for much of his life.

What does William Blake mean by this quote?

example- politics, if you life in a democracy where you can vote for who you feel is representing you the most then you should if not you will have to life by the rule of someone else and feel enslaved. do not settle for or compare your self to someone else or something else just because. so what he is saying is -'I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans- make something that you can live by not what someone else has made for you to live by -i will not reason or compare;- don't settle for anything short of exactly what you want- my business is to create- you personal business is to make a world that you want to live in, rules you want to follow and a system you think is fair don't let someone do it for you be act in deciding what your future holds.