What Excerices/weights Do I Need To Do In Order To Do A Pull Up

How many pull ups do you need to do daily in order to build muscle?

You dont need to do pull ups daily, first of all. You can do them only two to three times a week and build muscle. But if you want, you can do them everyday, in which case you should not go anywhere near failure with them, otherwise you will not be able to recover. As far as how many, it depends where you are starting. In each pullup workout you should aim to do something a little bit better than the last one. It could be one more rep, or nore range of notion, or just better technique and more tension. But you have to have some kind of progression over time to build muscle, not just pick an arbitray number and do the same every day. You will just plateu like that, and you wont build much. Just aim for at least some small improvement every time you work out, and it will slowly bring results. And that goes for all of your exercices, not just pull ups. Hope that helps.

How many pull-ups should one be able to do in order to do a one armed pull-up?

Although it seems like there is a correlation and its obvious that you should be able to do a couple regular pullups, there are other types of pullups that are harder than regular pullups. As for how many you should do before you try progressions, probably 15 strict pullups (none of that kipping) 15 sec L sit, 15 sec dead hang, 15 scapula pullups. For progressions, archer pullups, uneven pullups, one arm lock offs, one arm negative, One arm scapula pullups, Assisted one arm pullup (using a band of some sort, gripped lower as you get stronger), one arm Australian pullups.Then when you are a beast, make it happen.

What are some exercises in order to get strong to do a pull-up?

You can start by just hanging from the pull up bar in the down position.Be careful that your shoulders don’t get stretched out of their socket though! (if that makes sense)After you can do like 2 sets about one minute, you can move on to the next step, which can be either jumping pull ups or negative pull ups.You basically use a chair or similar to help your self to the up position, using your legs for negative pull ups.For jumping pull ups, you grab the bar, and use your feet to jump to the up position.Either way works great, but be sure to squeeze your lats for a second on the up position, and then SLOWLY lower yourself.Once you are strong enough to do like 2 sets of 10 from either, you can start with normal pull ups.Just stand under the bar, aim for a number, and don’t leave until you complete it.Start with like 5, move up to 10, 15 … up to 30 one day!Also keep in mind, chin ups are easier then pull ups, because you use your biceps more.

Pull-ups needed to do a muscle up ?

Not being rude, but the people who have answereed above have no idea what they're talking about. I'm in the same situation as you. I can do 13-15 pull ups and around 15 chin ups, and 30 dips. Still cant do a muscle up. You probably have the strength, the trick is the shift of your body weight as your chin gets over the bar. Use a flase grip to pull yourself up and then get your shoulders over the bar. Youtube a false grip if you dont know what it is. Also, you need to be able to do more dips, get that upto 25-30, That will significantly reduce the amount of effor required to complete the movement once you're over the bar. Hope this helps! Good Luck!

Curls VS Pull ups for bigger biceps?

Both are great for building bigger biceps. The name of the game is muscular hypertrophy. Which basically means you want to stimulate muscle growth by "shocking" the muscle. A lot of people don't realize this but in order for biceps (or any muscle) to grow... it needs to be broken down, feed with protein, rested, and then it grows. The sore feeling you get after a workout means you've torn the muscle (specifically the Z lines of your muscles) and is going through recovery in order to grow larger... hence muscular hypertrophy.

Both doing curls and pullups have it's pros and cons for building bigger biceps. With pull-ups, you are using your own bodyweight. In the beginning this is nice since your body isn't used to it and will get sore fairly easily. After a while your body will get used to it and you'll have to increase the amount of reps you do in order for any growth to occur. You'll hit a plateau and feel as though doing the same repetitive exercise is getting you nowhere (you might even feel bored of doing them).

With curls, the nice thing is you can steadily increase your weight each time. With each set you can increase the weight, thus increasing your chances of hypertrophy. And then there are also many different curl exercises you can perform (ie. dumbbells, barbells, hammer curls, reverse curls, etc). The downside with curls, also, is you'll hit a plateau and will need to be a little creative to break out of this plateau (maybe do less weight and a lot more reps, only do cable exercises as opposed to free weights, etc).

I would say your best bet is to either alternate between doing pull ups and curls or integrate both into your workouts. But remember, biceps (like any other muscle) only grow as much as you rest and feed them. Plus biceps are a fairly small bodypart so it can be easy to overtrain them (especially as you workout your back muscles). Check out the shared links I provide. One is a site about nutrition and the other is a site dedicated to just bodyweight exercises

How much weight should I use when doing pull ups?

The pullup is a simple strength-training exercise that uses your body weight. Unlike pushups, which only use a fraction of your weight, pullups lift 100-percent of your body weight. For an extra challenge, you can use additional weights as well as your body weight. When you calculate the weight lifted, make sure you add the extra weight to your own.Save yourself time with this: Solving Problems for Beginners and Excellling ElitesAdd up the weight of any weights you are adding to your body. For example, if you wear a 20-pound weight vest and two 2-pound ankle weights, then you would have an additional 24 pounds in weight.Add any additional weights to your body weight to get the total weight of your pullups. For example, if you weigh 180 pounds and you add 24 pounds of additional weight, then you are lifting 224 pounds total.

What exercises can I do that will help me do pull-ups?

The best way to learn to do pull-ups is to do pull-ups. Benefits from other exercises (like lat pulldowns) will carry over somewhat, but not as much as one would hope.Useful pull-up variations (in approximately increasing order of difficulty):Jumping pull-ups. Find a bar that is a few inches below your wrists when you reach toward the ceiling. You can stand on a box if it helps you find the right height. Start with your knees bent and arms extended, then jump up to get your chin over the bar. Return to starting position and repeat. The goal is to use your legs as much as necessary, and to use your arms more and more over time.Band-assisted pull-ups. Tie an elastic band around the bar. The thicker the band, the easier the pull-up. Use multiple bands, if necessary.Negatives. Stand on a box so that your chin is just above the bar. Step off of the box and try to come down with as much control as possible.Static holds. Stand on a box so that your chin is just above the bar. Try to hold yourself over the bar for a few seconds. Misc. tips:Be careful not to hit your chin on the bar the first few times that you try these exercises.Stretch a little bit before doing anything (arm circles are a good start).Start light, and don't try to do 100 repetitions of anything on your first day.Jumping pull-ups can be a little jarring on the body, so band-assisted pull-ups are preferable if you have a band.As mentioned in Anon User's answer, pull-ups are hard for most people, but especially so for women. Be patient. =)VideosJumping pull-up:Band-assisted pull-up:(Note: you only need one band, not two.)Pull-up negatives:Static hold:


Pull Ups is a functional compound upper body excercise. The general fact in the fitness world is that no other excercises such as the using the lat pulldowns machines cannot compare to Pull Ups. You still need a Pull Up bar. The best way to increase pull up strength is by doing assisted Pull Ups with a partner supporting you or using resistance bands or the assisted pull up machines.

You have to realise that having a good Grip Strength is very important in doing pull ups. Grip Strength is the limiting factor in doing Pull Ups. Grip Strength is often overlooked by most beginners doing pull ups. If your grip on the bar is weak, you find it harder do more pull ups as you cannot hold on to the bar longer. Strong Grip on the bar helps you to hold on to the bar longer allowing you to crunch out more reps of Pull Ups. Grip Strength has to be trained. You can get a pair of BEST suitable crush grippers that can improve your Grip strength in a short amount of time (for like 3-4 weeks of improvement) from sports equipment stores and you use your plams to crush those grippers all the way regularly. You should do like about 3 sets of 20 for each palms if not then do as much as you can then you increase. Another way is to do monkey bar swings. Monkey Bar swings makes use of grip strength to help you to hang on to the monkey bars. Alternatively, you can hang on to the bar as long as possible. First you can try to hold on for 30 seconds then you increase by another 10 seconds subsequently.

When you are doing assisted Pull Ups using the medium grip, you Pull Up at the normal speed then slower down slowly. This excercise is known to negative Pull Ups. Negative Pull Ups are reputable in increasing Pull Ups Strength and increase number of Pull Up repetitions. You should also try doing wide grip Pull Ups. Wide Grip Pull Ups are best in increasing back strength which is the main body part strength being utilised in doing pull ups.

I also suggest you can try doing inclined Pull Ups as well. Make sure your grip strength increase so that hanging on the bar feels more comfortable. You need to learn to use your utmost strength in doing pull ups. There is no other easy way to improve pull ups other than pull ups itself.

Do pull ups/chin ups give you broad shoulders?

In your case, don't do pull ups. Pull ups work your lats (lateral dorsi), they hardly work your arms and they don't work your shoulders at all. The bigger your lats are the wider your shoulders get.
There are lots of calisthenic exercises that work shoulders, abs, and so on but not for the arms. If you want toned arms get out some weights and lift do bicep curls, hammer curls (if you want triceps), and do push ups. If you don't know what some of those exercises or muscles I said search the word on google images.

If you have any further questions contact me:

EDIT: And I think Wrestle didn't read the details of your question.