What Exercises Will Make My Butt Bigger

What exercises will make my butt bigger ?

Squats ? what will make my butt bigger ?! mt boyfriend likes girls with nice asses, and mine is so small, what exercises can i do to to make my butt bigger and fuller ? my diet is incredibly restricted, im terrified of food and eating. i just want to make my butt a little bigger for my boyfriend !

Exercises for bigger butt.?

I'm currently 5'3 and 117lbs with a small butt. It's not flat, but it's not perky either. I wanna know if there are any exercises that'll make my butt bigger, fuller, and rounder. I've been doing deep unweighted squats and unweighted glute bridges, but I read that exercising without weights will make your butt smaller. Is that true? If so, what exercises can I do to make it bigger and how much weight should I use? I don't have access to a gym and I only have two 20lb weights at home. So basically, I'm looking for exercises that'll make the top part of my butt poke out more, make my butt bigger and fuller, make my thighs bigger, and make my calves bigger too. And please let me know if the weight thing I mentioned earlier was true. I really need help.

Does exercising really make your butt bigger?

It depends on the exercise! The main butt muscle is the gluteus maximus, a very large muscle that allows us to stand upright. By doing either squats with weights OR better yet, bicycling (either regular or stationary), her "glutes" WILL enlarge, causing more definition...and probably increase in size. To see the results, look up some pictures of bike racers.

By contrast, tell her NOT to run, as they usually get flat butts.

Here are some search results focusing on the glutes, with some other exercises for them, like lunges:

A diagram of the muscles and tendons:

Here's a bike clothing site with a model whose glutes are nicely developed:

Notice the large thighs, however. This is also characteristic of cyclists. You can counteract this with swimming, x-c skiing and making sure to stretch after cycling.

Add: I kind of got into this (!) and you MUST check out this exercise site, devoted to "booty-shaping". The testimonials (and pics) don't lie:

Will this make my butt bigger or smaller?

Hello, I had a few questions regarding certain exercises, I am 5'4 and 17 years old and I weigh 118 pounds. Well basically over the past few months I've been doing a lot of cardio (running on treadmill) and other exercises such as donkey kicks with 20 lbs weights (10 lbs per ankle) and other butt exercises. I would run for about an hour each day and every other day I would do 3 sets of 20-23 reps of donkey kicks and then about 3 sets and 20 reps of two other butt exercises. I've noticed that my butt actually decreased in size. I'm happy with that because I got rid of the unwanted fat but now I want to start building my glutes.

I was wondering how I can build my butt, I am definitely going to do squats with weights but will doing about 3 sets of 12-15 reps of donkey kicks (10 lbs per ankle) help build my butt? and how many butt exercises should I do in 1 day to help make butt bigger? is doing cardio okay while trying to build butt?

Basically, my goal is to make my waist smaller while making my butt bigger and toned.
Thank you!

Do butt exercises make your butt smaller?

This is probably a stupid question lol , but I want my butt to be bigger (it's already pretty big but I want it bigger and rounder). I was wondering if butt exersizes like squats and lunges make your butt bigger? because I have a feeling that it might make me lose butt fat which will make it smaller. Thanks for answering! :)
Oh and if you have any advice on how to make your butt bigger , that's be nice too! Xoxo
P.s. I said butt like 100 times in this question lol

What squat exercises will make your bum bigger and firmer?

Traditional squats - both back and front squats - are strong glute activators. If you’re looking for more glute isolation exercises, there are plenty of machines available at gyms that do just that!My favourite exercise, however, are barbell hip thrusts. You’ll look silly, but it’s worth it if you’re interested in developing your glutes!Joshua

Will exercising with ankle weights make my butt bigger?

i've been using 5 pound ankle weights while doing donkey kicks and stuff like that for a couple of days now. some people are telling me this will only tone me up and make my butt smaller, and some people say itll make it bigger. so i dooooont know?