What Foods Or Other Things Strengthen The Heart

What specific exercises strengthen your heart? and what specific foods help strengthen it?

You need to be careful about how you define a strong heart. Many people have hearts which are enlarged because they have to pump blood though a greater resistance than normal and this is usually a sign of pathology, not health. An example would be a person with severe atherosclerosis which is a very serious disease of the arteries.

A person with a very large heart from being required to pump a large volume of blood for prolonged periods of time is not necessarily a sign of good health either. For example, long distance runners are often mistaken for being healthy when they are, in fact, exerting themselves beyond any healthy standard. The following excerpt explains some of the problems associated with this type of over developed heart.

"The scientific literature is filled with data that strongly make the case that long distance runners are much more likely to develop cardio-vascular disease, atrial fibrillation, cancer, liver and gallbladder disorders, muscle damage, kidney dysfunction (renal abnormalities), acute microthrombosis in the vascular system, brain damage, spinal degeneration, and germ-cell cancers than are their less active counterparts."


The truth is, any heart which has good blood flow, proper neurological activity, and no pathology or disease would beat long after the person death were it possible. Cardiac muscle is unique in the human body and it is the strongest of all muscles.

The best way to maintain a healthy heart is to eat a heart healthy diet and ensure there is plenty of good active muscle throughout the organism to command robust organic and systemic fitness. Providing the heart with a strong and healthy organic and systemic infrastructure is the best way to ensure a life free from heart disease. We mistakenly believe that we can build the heart simply by running. Such is not that case. We cannot "build" a heart. We can only force it to work harder which is not necessarily a good thing as previously noted.

How we got the idea that aerobic exercise is the path to optimal fitness so wrong is very thoroughly discussed in this book -->

Good luck and good health!!

What type of food, practices, and habits strengthen the heart, lungs, and kidneys functioning?

YOG … Do yogasan regularly and properly.

Can you make the heart stronger?

Certainly, the heart is in essence a muscle, and like all muscles it can be made stronger through exercise, specifically cardiovascular exercise in this case, which means essentially any exercise that causes increased heart rate, which includes walking, jogging, running, swimming, cycling, basically almost any exercise that involves whole body movement or large amounts of energy output, ie not static exercises like weight training which work mainly the skeletal muscles.

To raise the heart rate you need to increase the oxygen demand of the body basically, this will cause increased heart and respiration rate and thus exercise the muscles of the heart, along with of course the diaphram (muscle which controls the inflation and deflation of the lungs) and the muscles of the rib cage (also important in breathing). Which will cause those muscles to become stronger and overall increase your general health and stamina.

Of course it is also important to avoid activities which damage the heart, these include alcohol consumption (Anything beyond very moderate amounts), smoking (of any substance), Fatty foods (these increase cholesterol levels along with depositing fatty tissue around the heart, both will weaken the heart).

Also to be avoided are stimulant drugs (including everything from the legal drugs like caffeine to illegal drugs like amphetamines or cocaine), while these do increase heart rate they generally do so in such a way which places excessive stress on the heart causing damage as opposed to making it any stronger. Although you will find in general that regular cardiovascular exercise will improve your overall energy levels anyway.

And it helps to eat a healthy balanced diet, which will of course help your heart but also the rest of your body as well.

What are the healthy ways to keep heart, lungs and liver in good condition?

Physical fitness is the key here. So what you need to focus on is Physical exercise. So make sure you take a break from soda and other sugar-sweetened drinks, phase out the salty junk food, engage into high intensity exercise once a day, take a break from work with yoga and prefer walking/cycling over to nearby locations. Once you’ve taken control of all this, the most important thing you should keep an eye on is your diet. While avoiding the wrong is important, however eating the right is even more integral.Here’s a list of ingredients your daily diet must comprise of.Just recently I came across an amazing blog on a healthy diet, this answer is a crux of that blog.1)Carbohydrates: Carbs are the basic fuel on which you run throughout the day. While excess of them can make you obese, lack of carbs can make you faint, feel dizzy and weak.Some ‘good’ carbohydrates are: all vegetables, whole fruits, nuts, legumes(kidney beans, lentils), chia seeds and potatoes. The carbs you must avoid are: white bread, all synthetic sugars – ice cream, cake, pastries, candies,etc. (Cheating once in while is fine :D)2)Liquids: The fact that more than half of human body is liquid implies the importance of liquid intake. So get your water bottle ready. Replenishers like lemonade and water based drinks(non sugar) will keep you hydrated and replenish those important electrolytes that the body needs on regular basis.3) Proteins : Your building blocks, even though required in less amounts (45-55g), they are needed by the body for perfect functioning and maintenance of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. They play a crucial role in giving you a steady metabolism, stabilizing blood sugar levels and improving mood and heart health.4)Moderates: Coffee, tea and dark chocolate show significant improvement in cognitive ability apart from boosting memory, attention span, reaction time, and problem-solving skills by increasing blood flow to the brain. However they must be kept a check on. Avoid coffee after 3PM if you have sleep disorders and dark chocolate should not be the last thing you have before you sleep.Live healthy.Live awesome.

What foods slow heart rate? and what food increse it?

Although heart rate and blood pressure are 2 different things, many of the foods that lower blood pressure also tend to reduce heart rate over time. Foods rich in potassium tend to slow your heart rate. These include bananas, lentils and others. Salt increases blood pressure and heart rate. So do saturated fatty foods over time (hamburgers, fries, processed meats.)