What Goes In The Mind Of People Who Knows That Their Life Is Coming To An End

What do people hardly know about life?

People hardly know about suffering in life.Most people have little knowledge of what it feels like to have soldiers break down their door. They rush in and start killing and raping their family.Do they know the tigers come at night(Vietcong)? Do they know about starvation? I don’t mean hungry, I mean starving to death and holding their screaming and then silent child while he/she dies?How about being a doctor or educator forced to flee their home” How would they feel being a refugee? How about living in a tent inches from someone else for months. No toilet, shower is available. Sewer water is available to drink or wash clothes in.How does it feel being aware no one wants you in their country.Maybe you’re a child fleeing violence and after you’re tired and hungry men and women start screaming at you. You’re six years old.Most people have no idea what it feels like to have bombs fall from the sky and kill people all around them.How many people have walked among the newly dead and put their bodies in a body bag?There are lots of things people know about life and I hope they never have to.“Stood in firelight, sweltering. Bloodstain on chest like map of violent new continent. Felt cleansed. Felt dark planet turn under my feet and knew what cats know that makes them scream like babies in night.Looked at sky through smoke heavy with human fat and God was not there. The cold, suffocating dark goes on forever and we are alone. Live our lives, lacking anything better to do. Devise reason later. Born from oblivion; bear children, hell-bound as ourselves, go into oblivion. There is nothing else.Existence is random. Has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it for too long. No meaning save what we choose to impose. This rudderless world is not shaped by vague metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It’s us. Only us. Streets stank of fire. The void breathed hard on my heart, turning its illusions to ice, shattering them. Was reborn then, free to scrawl own design on this morally blank world.”Does that answer your Questions, Doctor?” ― Alan Moore, Watchmen (

How can I ruin someone's life who has tried to ruin mine?

What a bunch of holier then thou, self righteous pri##s you all are. This person asked for help with a problem and not one person actually gave him/her the help they needed. Instead, every one of you preached about living well, smiling, being successful and overcoming the wrong that was done to him. What you all don’t understand is that sometimes, that is just not possible but revenge is. I aam also in the same boat. Someone has ruined my life and I do not have the options you all suggest. I was severely, emotionally, physically and financially hurt by someone very close to me. Someone I loved. Someone I mentored. Someone I treated like my own child. Someone who I took in and whose life I improved greatly. Someone who ruined me. Someone who swindled me. Someone who took advantage of me. Someone who is now enjoying the fruits of my labor. And someone who has made it so that I will be forced to scrounge and scrape until my dying day. I shall never again be able to go away for a weekend. I shall never again be able to buy an extra pair of shoes. I am pretty sure the 3 year old car I drive will have to last another 20 or so years because there is no way I will ever be able to buy another newer car. I will never be able to afford the 2 hearing aids I need now. I will not ever be able to renew the magazine subscriptions I have subscribed to for many many years. I will have to wear the same sunglasses until the day I die, never will I ever be in a position again to go plop down $160 dollars for a pair of the same glasses I’ve been wearing for 20+ years. I will never again have the disposable income to hire someone to plant a couple of new plants in my yard. I will have to spread out my haircuts to every 7 weeks instead of every 4. Being disabled in my 7th decade doesn’t leave me with too many options to succeed again in life and show this person I can smile and be happy because I have overcome. No, I will not overcome! Not ever! I have been doomed to live a life of poverty. I have been doomed to a life of doing without the things I have worked to afford all my adult life. Worst of all, I will never be able to help my kids out again if they ever have a problem. Sorry son, I realize you’re having trouble with the rent this month but I just don’t have any money to help you out.So when someone asks for help getting even, help them get even, or just pass it by. Sometimes one really needs more than a lesson in morality!

Living Yogic Life: Why do some people feel anxious all the time?

Most people have heard of the “fight or flight” response of the nervous system, the way in which the body reacts to stress or danger. If you are feeling nervous, this system is usually firing away in the background. A bit of psycho-education first:The fight or flight response is represented in part of your autonomic nervous system: the sympathetic nervous system. This is what prepares our body for action. All of the organs involved in getting ready for a physical challenge (“fight”) or preparing for a retreat (“flight”) are activated through this system.The sympathetic nervous system activates a part of the adrenal gland named the adrenal medulla, which then releases hormones into the bloodstream. These hormones activate the target muscles and glands, causing the body to speed up and become tense, as well as more alert.Your body goes through a number of changes when the sympathetic nervous system is activated.Your heart rate increasesThe bronchial tubes in your lungs dilateYour pupils dilateYour muscles contractYour saliva production is reducedYour stomach stops many of the functions of digestionMore glycogen is converted to glucoseAs you can see, all of these changes are designed to make you more ready to fight or run. This is what happens when we are faced with a stressor that presents an imminent physical danger, but we actually see many of these changes in response to imagined or internal views of stressors.For you, this system tends to be switched on most of the time. Hence the feeling of nervousness. It means that either consciously or unconsciously, your mind is on the lookout for danger. There might not be a sabre toothed tiger around the corner, but that doesn’t stop our minds looking out for ways we might be in danger. Not fitting in to the group, wearing the wrong clothes, under-performing on an exam, getting lost on public transport, getting sick from being in public… the list is endless!I’d start here for you - learn to tune in to your mind to see what it is worrying about. What real or imagined dangers is it focusing on?For more help or info, head on over to my page the barefoot psychologist :)

How do people feel in their last minutes of life?

I can't claim any personal experience but I have attended a few people in their terminal illnesses. What I write is based on this.Different people appeared to behave differently. Most of the ones who knew that they were terminally ill appeared to be Mentally Prepared quite calm and resigned to the inevitable. Some welcomed the end as it was a relief from their pain and suffering. The older they were – the calmer they were! The younger ones were more scared.One 24-year old girl with terminal Cancer Breast kept asking me what to expect after death and I had to truthfully tell her that no one alive knew for sure… but I would be glad to hear from her if she could communicate. I then held her hand while her mother hugged her close. I talked to her in a soothing calming voice, reassured her, made her feel hopeful and then found that she was in a “Very Relaxed Awake Hypnotic Trance!” I couldn't make out when she breathed her last but she still had a smile on her face when I realised that she was not breathing any more.A couple of elderly had, what are called, “Deathbed Apparitions” which are visions of their dear and departed loved ones whom they saw floating above them and beaconing them. They were joyous at seeing their welcoming Relatives Committee from the afterlife. This hallucination made their transition from life to death like going to a family party!!The best transition appeared to have been experienced by those who were at peace with their family and their Maker/possible afterlife. Please note that I have called death a transition that it may very well be… just like the transition that occurs from intra-uterine life to human life that occurs at birth.The ones who had lot of guilt appeared to be the most scared and sought last minute Forgiveness, Prayers and Blessings.I'd say:Life is a stressful transient challenge and, Death its peaceful eternal corollary! – Yousuf K. Mirza

If God loves us all, does he still love the people that he sends to burn in Hell for all eternity?

Sending someone you created and love to A hell goes completely against everything God is about.
1 John 4:8 says "God IS love." So this means that Hell cannot exist because in ancient times, people burned their children in sacrifices to false gods. AND God clearly told the people that it was something detestable to him and something that had NEVER even crossed his mind nor heart to do.(Jer.19:5;32:35) This teaching of hell is a pagan belief brought into Christianity. The words used to translate Hell is Sheol & Hades which means the common grave for mankind.
Lets Read Revelation 12:9 "So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the ENTIRE inhabited earth; he was hurled DOWN TO EARTH, and his angels were hurled down with him."
This means that Satan DOES NOT live under ground of the earth waiting to torture people. He's already doing it right here on earth. Thats why there's plenty of suffering & injustice in the world.

Why are some people nosey??

because they either want to ruin you. They despise your greatness. or they want to ruin your future relationships by trying to find something that will make you look bad.

They think they are superior and your faults make them feel better despite the fact that they have just as many.

They don't do anything else in their daily life and believe that this is some kind of game.

people like this aren't your friends. and never will be. they only seek out information that makes you look bad. never the good stuff.

Why do people believe in an afterlife?

How can the universe create itself out of nothingness? Doesn't it make sense to assume the existence of a Creation. This statement is tricky because it sneaks in the false assumption that GOD came from somewhere and then asks where that might be. The answer is that the question does not even make sense. It is like asking, “What does blue smell like?” Blue is not in the category of things that have a smell, so the question itself is flawed. In the same way, GOD is not in the category of things that are created or caused. GOD is uncaused and uncreated—He simply exists.
We know that from nothing, nothing comes. So, if there were ever a time when there was absolutely nothing in existence, then nothing would have ever come into existence. But things do exist. Therefore, since there could never have been absolutely nothing, something had to have always been in existence. That ever-existing being is what we call GOD ,GOD is the un-caused Being that caused everything else to come into existence. God is the uncreated Creator who created the universe and everything in it.

The universe requires a cause because it had a beginning, GOD unlike the universe, had no beginning, so he doesn’t need a cause. Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which has much experimental support, shows that time is linked to matter and space. So time itself would have begun along with matter and space. Since GOD is the creator of the whole universe, he is the creator of time. Therefore He is not limited by the Reality, Time dimension He created..

You can't see the wind, but you know it is there because you can see what the wind is doing. You can know that the wind is there because you can feel it.GOD is like the wind, you can't see him.

Where do dead people go?

What happens when we die?
Some people believe that we live on in another form, while others feel that death is the end of everything.

What the Bible says.
The dead know nothing at all. Ecclesiastes 9:5 When we die, we cease to exist.

The first man, Adam, returned to the dust when he died. Likewise, all others who die return to the dust.

Why did Jesus speak of death as a sleep?

Because a sleeping person is inactive. During deep sleep there is no consciousness of surroundings or the passing of time. There is no pain or suffering.

Similarly, in death there is no activity or activity or consciousness. But the comparison goes further with sleep.

With sleep, one expects to wake up. And that is exactly the hope that the Bible offers for the dead.

This would be the resurrection that Jesus spoke about.

Jesus’ early disciples clearly understood the true condition of the dead. To the followers of Jesus death was a sleep, and the grave a resting-place.

God knows what happens to us when we die, and he has told us that when a person dies, his life ends. Death is the opposite of life.

So when someone dies, his feelings and memories do not keep on living somewhere else.  When we die we can’t see, we can’t hear, and we can’t think anymore.

When we know the truth about death, we are set free from religious lies.

What do you call someone who thinks they know everything?

In my experience, people, especially wise people, don't actually think they "know everything". I find the "know everything" label is an accusation thrown at knowledgeable people when someone (the less-knowledgeable person) is feeling threatened by the more knowledgeable person, or is actually emotionally insecure. The clearest sign of someone being emotionally insecure when it comes to real or perceived superior knowledge in another person is when the one that feels inferior uses the, "you think you know everything,"/"know-it-all" rants, which is an aggressive reaction to their feeling of inferiority.

Insecure people lack the ability to appreciate another person's knowledge or light.

Many elderly people are "like that" because they do know more than their younger counterparts. The only thing youth has over age is "book smarts", outside of that, youth will never, ever match the wisdom and life-experience of their elders. If that were not true, the youth of every generation would not continuously make the SAME mistakes those from the previous generation warn them about. Logic, something else older people will have in spades compared to younger people. Just remember, everyone has someone that is older than them (except for the oldest living person, of course), so even if someone is 30, they have a lot to learn from someone that is 50+, for example. And therefore that younger person should have the respect to keep their mouth shut and their ears open.. It's much easier to actually learn that way.

What does 'life goes on' mean?

I read this blog and got the exact meaning of life goes on.Blog: LIFE GOES ONEverything was going fine even though they were in different grades but, grades do not define how close you should be with the other person. It’s all about the compatibility. They thought that it was the best thing happening between them right now. You never know what happens next!A subtle way of talking to each other, keeping up the different names and keeping it cool but who knew something might fall in their lives that could break each other. He got a letter from University that was far away for his hometown. The letter resulted in tears of happiness. But the difference was that the tears in the eyes of guy were of joy whereas the tears in the eyes of the girl were of mixed emotions having an equal composition of joy and sorrow.But how can she even feel sad because his happiness was the utmost priority for her. Keeping the hard rock on her heart she just converted those tears of sorrow into joy. She was strong and couldn’t spoil the moment.Days passed where she kept thinking that there should be something other than that but, there was no way. Crying alone as she never imagined a day when she would be far away for him. Keeping the attitude positive she got dressed up with her favorite outfit and applied her eyeliner which was always on fleak. As she got into her shoes, she felt the real pain of not moving forward and taking him to the airport.But you can’t just fight with time because it never stops. Reaching the airport she thought this was it and she decided not to cry and took him to the gates where final good-bye was done, she hugged him tightly and couldn’t resist herself to kiss him with all her passion and which ended up in tears saying out loudLIFE GOES ON!