What Happened To My Fish

Seafood: What happened to the bones in my fish?

Oh, have you been taking the Filet-O-Fish (MacDonald's) burger? Even if you have not, there's a method that many cooks are aware of: filleting. They just cut away one of the sides of the fish, leaving the bones still stuck in the other. Then they take out the raw bones out of the other one as well. It is a great skill that's difficult to master, of course, but the practiced hands do it routinely. Or you could have frozen fish that's similarly processed in the automatic setup of a factory, you know. Both are ways to make the fish less interesting, though.

What happened to my fish’s tail?

I have two goldfish in a 5.2 gallon tank. The one is slightly bigger, and a couple years older. Today I came home and saw my fish. His tail kinda seems slashed? It seems it’s in actually stuck in the sides of the filter. I don’t know what happened, but there also seems to be some kind of white stands covering his eye. What is going on and will he be ok? I took a picture with his eye and tail in good view but I can’t attach it here. I’ll gladly email someone who might know what is wrong the picture. Please respond.

What happened to my daughters sucker fish?

Plecostomus or pleco is the name and this fish probably died from water shock from the temperature, ammonia build up, or ph shock.

Goldfish need running cold water (52-70) degrees and smaller pleco's prefer but don't need warm water (74-82) degrees. The fish died and the body dissolved in to a mucus and bacteria form that fed off the ammonia and nitrites in the water. This happens allot in aquariums. its ok. just get a bigger pleco or a larger tank. Ive seen pleco's get 3' long in a goldfish in-door pond. Good luck !!! have fun..

What happens if you don’t feed your betta fish for 3 days?

Betta and other fish are cold blooded and can go weeks without food. Three days won’t do anything. It is actually safer to go on vacation and leave the fish without food than to use dissolving food blocks which pollute the water, or trusting someone who doesn’t know how to feed them.

What happens to fish when they freeze in the ponds?

Depending on where you live and how severe the winter is, ponds freeze over to varying depths. In Eastern Canada where I grew up, a typical pond freezes to a depth of about 50 cm in a severe winter or 30 cm in a milder winter. This layer of ice is called an “ice cap”. The water below the ice cap remains liquid at a temperature of 1 or 2 degrees Celsius. Fish move down into deeper water as winter approaches, and that way they avoid freezing. The only way a fish would freeze in a pond is if the pond was very shallow, so that it froze completely to the bottom, and there were no streams or outlets through which the fish could escape before the water froze. If the fish can not escape and becomes frozen solid in ice, it will die.

What happens if i put alcohol in my fish's bowl?

No he will die immediately.

On this site it actually states alcohol as a method of euthanising fish. Quoting,


As pure as possible - vodka, tequila.

The method is that you have the alcohol at the same temperature as the water in your aquarium - the fish is introduced to the alcohol and immediately becomes overwhelmed by it.

Alcohol works like an anesthetic and is at lethal levels. The fish will instantly be paralysed and unconscious, death follows quickly due to respiratory failure.

An alternative is freezing alcohol as mentioned above - that might, just be overkill.

Recommended for: all fish

Not recommended for: fish who attend alcoholics anonymous

Humane rating: 100% "

So alcohol is a very effective way of killing your fish immediately.

If a fish goes down the toilet, what happens to it?

No, but the untreated sewage it ends up swimming in before it reaches the treatment plant almost certainly will. If that doesn’t kill it, I sort of doubt it would survive most sewage treatment systems. I actually hope one of the two does, because otherwise flushing fish would be a very common source of invasive species, as if home aquaria weren’t already.If you have fish that no one will take and you have to get rid of, it’s best to immerse them in ice water. The rapid temperature drop will kill them almost instantly. (Don’t put them in the freezer, slow freezing is painful.) This sounds unpleasant, but has been shown to be no more stressful than an overdose of anesthetic. It’s relatively ethical as killing fish goes. Under no circumstances should you release a pet into the wild, even by flushing it.

What happens if fish eat aquarium salt?

I don't know why they would eat it, but I don't think it will harm them. They'll just need to swallow some water to dissolve the salt-- easy enough for a fish to do.

It's usually recommended, though, that you dissolve salt in some aquarium water before adding it to a tank.