What Happened To The Obama Coat-tails

Is Trump riding Obama's coattails?

Trump is, and always has been, a con man. He's not responsible for anything positive. How many times did his companies declare bankruptcy? He ripped off thousands of subcontractors by refusing to pay for services they rendered his companies. The economy we have is a result of Obama era policies. If the odious tax bill Congress is considering now passes, it will eventually lead to a recession if not a depression. The Middle Class and Lower classes can't take anymore "trickle down economics". Let's call it what it is... a scam. It is a transfer of wealth to the 1% and large corporations. This leaves everyone else poorer and the government struggles to function. This will only get much worse if the republicans pass their "tax reform" bill. The economy is going to fall into recession and eventually a depression because people won't have money to spend. Government can't function without revenue. So what the republicans are pushing is really suicidal/treasonous. The good new is people are waking up to how dangerous all this is and we're probably going to have a progressive wave in next years elections. I would not rule out republicans losing control of Congress. And if that happens it's game over for Trump because he will probably be impeached.

Is Trump riding on Obama's coattails?

Trump has been spending most of the year undoing what Obama did. How can you claim he's riding Obama's coattails?

BTW....the stock market was basically flat the 2 years before the Nov. 2016 election. Up a little, but not much. Since Nov. 8, 2016 it is up 33%

What happened to Obama's promise?

Obama is the master fabricator, and libs swallow it whole. He actually said that the news was good that they had "saved or created" thousands of jobs when the news was released that 550,000 more people filed for unemployment. Look at that idiotic response that the libs and media bought !! Well hell, he might as well say he saved or created 75,000,000 jobs. Why not? If you're going to be such a blatant liar, why not go for the home run?

Meanwhile, unemployment has already shot WAY past what he said the max would be, it is continuing to grow, and the REAL unemployment level is roughly 16%. They are fudging data to keep the number a bit more palatable. Just wait until the energy tax and Obamacare come through. NO employer will be able to keep employees except for those deemd absolutely essential, and that might not even make the cut.

Who could have ever known that coninually attacking the "rich", also known as the successful, the job creators, the backbone of the economy, would have ever affecting the country? They admitted they were/are clueless on the economy, but we need to trust them with their grand knowledge to rectify things?

Seriosuly, this will go down as the worst administration in history. Some accomplishment when in office barely half a year.

What happened to obama last night?

Romney was just more aggressive. That doesn't mean he told the truth or stuck to his original positions on issues.

Obama told the truth and continued to point out the distinct differences between he and Romney, which Romney ran from last night so the American people wouldn't dispose of him. That's what matters.

News stations base their opinions on who "won" the debate by who spoke better and spent the most time on offense, which is silly. I can't stand when people fail to fact-check or use their brain whatsoever before praising a candidate.

Specters loss puts Obama at 0-4; What happened to "riding Obama's coattails"?

Specter did what Obama wanted and now he is finished with him. People are only good as long as they are of use to Obama. After that, they're just political waste to be flushed. Obama appears to be toxic for Democrats. If I were a Democrat running for office, I wouldn't want the Obama kiss of death.

All the people who aren’t elected and who are political appointees will leave. Since I’m writing this months after you asked the question, you should know that Trump has put in the most incompetent people possible, people who have sued the agencies they now are supposed to lead. People with animosity towards their positions, people with no training or education in the multibillion dollar budgeted posts.Czars aren’t appointed. But far more Russians than ever before were part of the Trump fake win.

Race relations declined to a point not seen since the 60’s by Obama, the worst president in history.Budget deficits reached record numbers, even to the point that Obama, the worst president in history, doubled the federal debt even more than all previous administrations COMBINED!A perfectly fine and affordable health care system was replaced with one that was sold to the american public with lies directly from Obama, the worst president in history.Unemployment of black people increased by 16% under Obama, the worst president in history.Food stamp recipients increased by 16 million people under Obama, the worst president in history.Chicago, where Obama hails from, experienced unprecedented murders in its entire existence under Obama the worst president in history.International relations and respect was at its lowest point in history under the worst president in history Obama.A United States Ambassador was killed by terrorists in his office, because of the inactivity and weakening of our US reputation, for the first time in history, under the horrible leadership of Obama, the worst president in history.Eight years of stagnant economy under the empty suited worst president in history, Obama.Terrorists released from American Captivity were returned to our enemies to fight again and kill Americans, under the failed leadership of the worst president in history, Barrack Hussein Obama.A nuclear deal that guarantees Iran nuclear bomb making capabilities negotiated by the worst president in history, Obama.The payment to Iran of over 450 million dollars for the release of traitor Beau Berghdahl, and the praise of his Islamic supporting parents in the rose garden on national television, by the worst president in history Barrack Obama.The opening of American borders and disregard for immigration laws was abused beyond any time in history, by the worst president ever, Barrack Obama.Ok, so I am getting bored with this answer because I could continue, but I invite you to add your examples of Obamas disastrous presidency, the worst in the history of the United States of America.

Most of the American electorate is in the middle of the political spectrum. Democrats make up about 30%, Republicans are about 28%. And many in both parties tend to be moderates trending towards the middle. The same holds true for most of the rest of the independents. Then there are a couple of percentage points spread among the greens, socialists, libertariams, communists, etc. The majority of voters do not like to stray too far from that center. They will occasionally take a flyer and vote in someone at the outside edge, such as Obama. If such a candidate is a success then there might be the start of a shift in the overall electorate. Obama was a failure. Trump is the result of that failure. This is the electorate snapping back like an overstretched rubber band and overcompensating for the years of excess “progressiveness" with the resulting crippled economy, terrible foreign policy, decreased real wages, high unemployment, an ever increased regulatory burden, increase in welfare recipients. Trump is the repudiation of those 8 years.Now the progressives think the same, that Trump is the result. But for them it was not because of the excesses of Obama, it was because he did not go far enough for them. He was not enough of a socialist.So it will be interesting to see who the democrats put up for president in 2020. If the left wing of the party gains control we will see an openly socialist candidate like Bernie Sanders. If the moderate wing is in control it will be someone like Joe Biden.I am sure there is some hidden desire by the moderates for a leftist candidate to be nominated and go down to crushing defeat ala' George McGovern so the moderates can retake control and reshape the party into a more representative party.

In 2018, dogs Bo and Sunny, who lived in The White House with the Obama family, both now live in DC’s Kalorama neighborhood with the Obama family.On the first day of spring, in March 2017, Michelle Obama tweeted a photo of the dogs on a walk.[1][2] In July 2017, Malia Obama was seen in Georgetown on a walk with Bo.[3]In a March 2018 interview with The Washington Post, Michelle Obama mentioned the dogs’ adjustment to their new lifestyle:[4]“Now I have a door and doorbell, and people actually trip out when I come to my door and I open it,” Obama said. Bo and Sunny, the family’s Portuguese water dogs, are unimpressed by the bell. “They’re like, ‘Huh, I never heard that before.’ ”Footnotes[1] Michelle Obama on Twitter[2] Michelle Obama Took Sunny and Bo Out to Celebrate Spring[3] Malia Obama spotted out with Bo, reportedly claims he's 'socially awkward'[4] Michelle Obama on divisiveness and fear: ‘Forget what they’re saying in Washington’

What Obama said was technically correct, but it was probably not a good idea for him to say it in that way. It gave rise to misinterpretation and misunderstanding, as exemplified by this question.The thing is, there was nothing in the Affordable Care Act (the ACA, or “Obamacare”) that would force anyone to change their plan or their doctor. Under the rules of Obamacare, you definitely COULD keep your plan, and you definitely COULD keep your doctor. So what he said was completely true - at least, nothing in the rules of Obamacare made it untrue.The problem was that we have a system of free-market, privately run health insurance in the United States. If your insurance company decides to change the plans they offer, or get rid of some plans in favor of others, or cover different doctors than they used to, there as nothing in the ACA to stop them from doing that. By the same token, if a doctor decides to stop working with a particular insurance plan, there is nothing in the ACA to stop that either.In the end, it wasn’t Obamacare that made it so some people couldn’t keep their doctors, it was insurance companies. And it wasn’t even really Obamacare that forced insurance companies to make it so some people couldn’t keep their doctors. Insurance companies have done that for years - made plan changes that force some people to change their doctors. It’s just that when it happened after the ACA passed, many people blamed Obama.Few people, however, acknowledged that before the ACA, when an insurance company made changes like these, some people would lose coverage altogether. It was common practice to cut costs by dropping (or pushing out) people who were expensive to cover - hence the concept of “pre-existsing conditions” and “lifetime reimbursement limits”. These are both things that the ACA got rid of, meaning that insurance companies could no longer just decide you were too expensive to cover, and drop you.