What Happened To The Og

What happened to all the Hookers that hung out by 12th Ave.?

They are long gone. Back during the Mayor Guiliani era, the NYPD cracked down on prostitution ridden areas throughout NYC. Operation Losing Proposition was used to confiscate cars of the men picking up these prostitutes & undercover female officers were used.

Not only the 12th Avenue area, but Hunts Point in the Bronx, underneath the 59th Street Bridge in Queens, and over by Park Avenue in the upper 20's got cleaned out.

What happens when you combine H2O and CO2?

Hey there partner,You get carbonated or fizzy water. The process requires that the cold/cool water be saturated with CO2. (when the CO2 returns to a gas, it is endothermic…requires input heat). Then when capped off while it forms more carbonic acid, H2O3. H2O itself is also very stable - when there's no water around. When there is water around, it can decompose to H+ and OH-.Slide 16Slide 17Slide 18 of Reactions & FormulasEssentially the same thing with H2CO3. Breaking it into water + CO2 in gas phase would require moving a hydrogen to one oxygen in concert with that oxygen breaking its bond with carbon, which causes quite a distortion of the structure and leaves the proton relatively 'naked' in-between the two oxygens:(transition state) Reaction of carbon dioxide and waterWhereas in water you can simply break an O-C bond creating an OH-, while kicking out a proton, and let them recombine wherever. The reaction between carbon dioxide and waterHave a great time exploring.PS: Then there is this fellow that sees it as a way to produce energy: The Mystery, Art, and Science of Water: The Chemistry of Water: Electrolysis and CO2

What happened to Exid Solji?

I know im like a year late and you probably know what happened to Solji by now but ill say it anyway.Solji cannot do promotion/stagees with the rest of the EXID members because she is recovering from Ortibal Decompression Surgery. She had surgery in parts of her eye around the start/January of 2018. She was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in 2016 I think.Due to her health problems thats why she could not promote her new songs and albums in the past. Also EXID are rumoured to have a comeback in August if Solji recovers fast enough she may be in that.

What the hell happened to Cartoon Network?

Ugh! I know! I remember back in the good 'ol days when I used to get up and watch Dexter's Labratory, PPG, and Cow and Chicken! *sigh* My friend told me that the old president of Cartoon Network died so they started making new stuff. To tell you the truth, I like some of the new stuff like My Gym Partner's a Monkey, KND, and some more but all of that Flapjack crap is...DUMB!!!!!!!!!!! I wish CN never changed -_- Someone needs to sign a petition to get the old shows back!!!!!!!!!!

What happened to the future Flash from 2024 after he saved child Barry?

I’m assuming you mean the scene where Reverse Flash attempted to kill Barry as a child, and Barry’s future self stopped him.And there’s a part where Barry’s future self whisks Barry 20 blocks away.See, the future Barry then was from a timeline in which Barry grew up with both parents, and became Flash in 2020 after Dr. Wells’ particle accelerator exploded.However, you might recall how (spoilers) at the end of season 2, Barry goes back in time and saves his mom.The Barry that was watching through the door, the one from the end of season 1, immediately fades from existence, as he was erased from the timeline. In order for that Barry to exist, his mom must be killed.Much in the same way, in order for the 2024 Barry to exist, his mom must not be killed. The instant that Reverse Flash killed Barry’s mom, the future version of Barry was erased from existence. The 2024 Barry needed his mom in order to exist, and his mom’s death prevented Barry from ever becoming that specific version of Flash. Instead, Barry became a slightly different Flash, due to Dr. Wells’/Reverse Flash’s training.Still pretty good, if you ask me.

What do you think happened ? if a glass og cold water whose particles had a low average kinetic energy and...?

A glass of cold water whose particles had a low average kinetic energy was placed on a table. The average kinetic energy in the cold water increased, and the average kinetic energy of the part of the table under the glass decreased. What do you think happened??
pleaseee help:)

What happened to the original Flash who tried to save his mother from Reverse Flash?

Remember before reading this, My answer is a conjecture.OK. Before answering, team behind TV shows especially comic book ones like to plant seeds for a story and may get back to it after some time.Season 1 Episode 23Barry travels back in time, but his future self signals him not to save Nora. The present Barry returns and stops Thawne from returning to his time.We see Future Barry 2024 run back with Eobard to save himself when he was a child.After doing that he goes back to his present i.e.2024 around 3 months from Emo Barry, considering The Headline the newspaper had we can see it winking at Crisis on Infinite Earths where Barry dies.So no That version of Barry can’t be Savitar logically with the current facts.From the comics we know Barry didn’t die but was trapped in the speed force itseef. So they could use that if by any reason showrunners prove that 2016 Barry who created Flashpoint did something bad to 2024 Crisis Barry. So yeah there 1% chance 2024 Barry turns out to be Savitar.But I think it’s a time remnant or something of Flashpoint Barry.We know that Barry created Flashpoint but also realised his mistake and changed the timeline again to S01 timeline we had, now comes the Savitar theory.According to the show Savitar is some version of Barry and in canon Savitar was a villain to Kid Flash/Then Flash(Wally West) and now in Flashpoint who is the flash there…..Wally.So from the information that Savitar was originally a villain to Wally West’s Flash and From I Know Who You Are that Savitar is some version of Barry.We get to the point that the Barry we see inside Savitar suit is actually a version of Barry if Barry had decided to stay in Flashpoint and not correct his mistake.

What happens when cold glass is heated up?

If it is a heater - nothing. Because air contains too little energy and heats too slowly. However, if you throw boiling water on the bottle, and the bottle is cold enough (say, around 0 degrees Celcius), the bottle will crack from uneven thermal expansion. Don't do this to a very cold car windshield - it will crack it.