What Happened To The Smell Of Cigarette Smoke On Me

How do you cover the smell of cigarette smoke?

When the tar of burnt tobacco gets into your blood stream, it comes out through your pores and hair. That’s also what yellows your teeth, nails, and complexion over time, the same stuff that coats the paint on your walls, the windows in your car, and everything in the rooms you smoke in. I didn’t notice it, and how pervasive it was, until I quit.How to get rid of it? Luckily (for me), it was around the time I moved to a new place and could let the landlord and next occupant deal with the issue in the old place. But I also got a bunch of new clothes and linen and donated a lot of the old stuff to Goodwill. The rest I continued to wash and have dry-cleaned until the smell finally faded. My books and papers, which couldn’t be washed, continued to smell of tobacco tar for years. It eventually wore off somehow. Molecules flaked off the paper or something.When you stop smoking, your body cleans that shit out of your system pretty efficiently (assuming you’re in good health). But if you’re a regular smoker, non-smokers know. We just don’t say anything because it would be rude. Well ok, most of us don’t. Unless you’re our kid.You can try to disguise the smell by eating strong-smelling spices like cinnamon and curry, or foods like garlic and onions. Those fragrances come out through your pores and hair too. Mint chewing gum doesn’t. Mouthwash doesn’t. Applying fragrances externally works to an extent, but the smell comes through most things.

Why do I smell cigarette smoke when no one is smoking?

I started smelling cigarette smoke at home, in my car and at work after a co-worker passed away. It lasted about two weeks. The smell became progressively so intense, it would wake me up in the middle of the night, and the insides of my nostrils would be burning. It felt as though someone was blowing cigarette smoke right up my nose. To my knowledge she was not a smoker. It happened again a year later after a dear friend died. He was a chain smoker. This time it brought me comfort thinking he was around. But now, almost two years after his death, the smell and the pain in my nostrils is so severe, I can't shake it. It's becoming completely bothersome and the episodes are lasting longer. Even as I sit and type this, my nose is on fire and the smell is sickening and dizzying! Is this a sign of a medical condition? Has this happened to anybody else? No one in my family smokes, and we had completely gutted our home when we moved in, installing new floors, paint, & carpet so I doubt it could be possible residual odor from past owners. Especially since the smell seems to follow me to my car and at work. Could this be paranormal? How do I make it stop?

Why does the smell of cigarette smoke make me sick?

I absolutely hate smokers. The smell makes me nauseous and I try to hold my breath whilst walking past smokers. Why do i feel sick though of other people don't?

Why do I crave the smell of cigarette smoke when I am pregnant?

A lot of women will crave something weird while pregnant. I believe the medical term is called Pica. My mother in law said she used to hold a spoon out the window and collect snow and eat it. Some women Ive heard have eaten baking soda and clay its just an odd thing we ladies can do.

If you smoke cigarettes in the rain does the smell stick to you less or more?

Over the years, particularly since indoor smoking was mostly banned, I have noticed there seems to be a peculiar and distinctive change to a smokers breath when a smoker smokes outside in the cold air and then re- enters a warm room.The smell seems to be much more noticeable and much more acrid and piercing than usual.Smoking outside on a warm day seems to have less of an effect.I noticed this a lot even when I was smoker and was very self conscious about walking back into a room when I had been smoking outside in the cold.I don’t know why this happens but I’m guessing it might have something to do with the reaction between volatile compounds in the cigarette with cold air?So I would say that when smoking in cold rain, it’s not that the smoke sticks to you more, it’s the reaction of the tobacco smoke on your breath which changes and becomes more noticeable.

Headache every time I smell cigarette smoke?

The toxins in tobacco such as nicotine and especially carbon monoxide will cause the headaches.

There is no definitive cure apart from abstinence from smoky atmospheres.

A standard superking cigarette contains 10mg of carbon monoxide and it is generally accepted that the smoker won't absorb all 10mg whilst inhaling and retaining the smoke. Therefore when the smoker exhales you can pretty much guarantee that you will be taking in some of the carbon monoxide through passive smoking.

Also remember that carbon monoxide can be fatal when inhaled in large amounts and in confined spaces such as a room or even a house. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headaches, nausea and lethargy.

I hope this answers your question.

What can I do to make cigarette smoke not make me feel angry?

The smell is horrible and my entire family smokes, all day I can smell it and it passes through my house constantly. You think I'd have got used to it by now but its worse, it makes me angry like I wanna punch someone. How can I stop this? Thanks