What Happens If U Pocket The 8 Ball On Break But The Cue Ball Scratches

What happens when you pocket the white ball in 8 ball pool?

Under world-standardized rules for 8-ball, when you pocket the cue ball your opponent can place the cue ball anywhere on the table, just as you stated. The only exception is when the cue ball is pocketed on the break shot. In this instance, the opponent takes cue ball in hand behind the headstring (the second diamond from the head cushion). As far as your friend's rule about pocketing the 8 ball in the same pocket as the last of your group, this is just an unofficial variation of the rules known as last pocket. Last pocket is something that the players should agree upon beforehand, but you are correct in that it is not the default rule.

What happens when a scratch occurs on an 8-ball?

I am going to say AGAIN, that “pool” is not a game. It refers to a category of games within the overall category of “pool” or “pocket billiards”. Popular games are 8-ball, 9-ball, straight pool, rotation, and others. “Pool” is not a game any more than “cards” is a game. Both are categories of games. Poker, blackjack, and bridge are all played with cards but they are VERY different games.In each game, the definition and implications of scratch is different. If you pocket the cue ball, that is a “scratch”. If you take a shot and the cue ball isn’t pocketed but fails to hit an object ball and a bunker, or drive an object ball into a bunker, that is a “table scratch”.The implications of a scratch can be loss of game, penalty of a stroke, turning play over to your opponent, or some combination of these. In 8-ball, if you’re trying to pocket the 8 ball, it’s loss of game. If you pocket an object ball and scratch, you lose your turn but the object ball you pocketed stays in, so scratching becomes part of the game strategy since usually a pocketed object ball is worth loss of turn. In a game of straight pool up to 150, it’s a one stroke penalty and loss of turn. Generally not a big deal unless you and your opponent are good enough to make runs of 10 or more called balls in a row, in which case a lost turn can cost you a lot.So you’re best option is to look up the rules of the specific game you are playing and learn them. Pool games are not complicated, and you’ll get a lot more information from a web search, and get it much more quickly, than on Quora.

In 8 ball pool, what happens when you scratch the cue ball but do not sink the object ball?

From my understanding of the rules, whenever the cue ball is scratched, you pull out one of your previously sunk balls. is this true? or is it only when you make a ball, that you pull a previously sunk ball? Also if i scratched on the cue ball and I sunk my opponent's ball, do i pull his ball out, or mine?

In billiards what happens if you sink the eight ball and scratch?

It is most certainly NOT a loss of game. I don't know which "official" rules they are referring to but I am referring to World Pool-Billiards Association (WPA) world-standardized rules.
(f) If the breaker pockets the eight ball and scratches (see definition 8.6 Scratch), the opponent has the option of

(1) re-spotting the eight ball and shooting with cue ball in hand behind the head string; or
(2) re-breaking.
The only reason anyone would play this as a loss is in the case of an unofficial game of 8-ball on a coin-op table. Most people wouldn't want to pay for an extra game just to spot the 8-ball so they play it as a loss of game.

What happens in billiards (pool) if you sink the 8-ball on the break?

If the 8-ball is pocketed on the break, the breaker may ask for a re-rack or have the 8-ball spotted and continue shooting. If the breaker scratches while pocketing the 8-ball on the break, the incoming player has the option of a re-rack or having the 8-ball spotted and begin shooting with ball in hand behind the headstring.

If a player scratches on a legal break shot, (1) all balls pocketed remain pocketed (exception, the 8-ball: see rule 9), (2) it is a foul, (3) the table is open. PLEASE NOTE: Incoming player has cue ball in hand behind the head string and may not shoot an object ball that is behind the head string, unless he first shoots the cue ball past the headstring and causes the cue ball to come back behind the headstring and hit the object ball.

In Billiards, if you scratch (the cue ball goes in) after the 8-ball goes in a designated pocket, do you lose?

WPA world standardized rules:

3.8 Losing the Rack
The shooter loses if he
(a) fouls when pocketing the eight ball;
(b) pockets the eight ball before his group is cleared;
(c) pockets the eight ball in an uncalled pocket; or
(d) drives the eight ball off the table.
These do not apply to the break shot. (See 3.3 Break Shot.)

A scratch is considered a foul, so it falls under (a). It doesn't matter which ball is sunk first. As far as spotting balls (placing them back on the table):

3.7 Spotting Balls
If the eight ball is pocketed or driven off the table on the break, it will be spotted or the balls will be re-racked. (See 3.3 Break Shot and 1.4 Spotting Balls.) No other object ball is ever spotted.

In 8-ball, what happens if you sink the 8-ball on the break.?

DUH you lose...

everyone knows you get the 8 ball in last!!!

8 ball goes in, but cue ball follows. scratch or no?

If your on the 8-ball and hit it into the pocket you call and the cue ball falls in as well, regardless of which pocket it fell into it is a loss. the only way (according to BCA (Billiard Congress of America)) that it is not a loss is if you scratch and the 8-ball did not drop in a pocket. in the latter case it would give ball in hand to your opponent. In a separate rule book from the American Pool Players Association both instances would be a loss. but then again APPA also lets you keep your turn on slop shots and win the game on an 8-ball break, which BCA doesn't allow for. The bottom line is check to make sure you and your opponent are in agreement on all the rules you plan to employ in the game you are playing.

A person is aiming to pot 8 ball. If the person scratches the white ball while leaving the 8 ball on the table, does he or she lose the game?

If a player scratches when shooting the 8 ball, but does not pocket the 8 ball, it is not loss of game. It’s just loss of turn. The opponent gets cue ball in hand anywhere on the table.