What Happens If You Add Two Different Button Objects To The South Part Of A Frame Using A

How do filmmakers film scenes where an actor plays two characters at once? Specifically, the bits where both characters' faces are facing the camera, such as Hayley Mills in “The Parent Trap”, and Armie Hammer in “The Social Network”.

You have a few options. If you're lucky, your actor has an identical twin with equivalent acting chops. On the show Sliders, where the main characters were traveling between near-identical Earths and always bumping into other versions of themselves, actor Cleavant Derricks (playing Rembrandt) would act opposite his own twin for some episodes. Since most actors don't have identical twins to work with, there are a few other options available. Often the most realistic method, but sometimes the most difficult, is to simply shoot the same scene multiple times, once for each role the actor plays. To successfully do this, you have to mimic everything else around them exactly, to include lighting and camera position. This isn't so difficult if you've got the camera locked down, but if you want to move the camera, there are devices (I'm guessing very expensive) that allow you to "record" the camera movement once, and then the machine will move the camera identically for each subsequent shot. Then, in post production, you simply layer the shots on top of each other so that they're starting at the same point, and mask part of the top layer so that you can see through it to the second character on the bottom layer. There are two other options that I'm aware of. First, you never show any key features, like the face, for both characters at the same time. Then, for example, while your seeing the face for one, you have a similar-looking stand in whom you can only see from behind. The other option is to use green screen - you shoot one or both characters that your actor plays in front of the green screen, then you can easily remove the green and "place" them in the same scene together. This last method has the disadvantage of not allowing your physical interaction, however. In reality, many productions will use a combination of these techniques. For example, you might shoot everything, including wider shots, with a stand in. Then, for any scenes where the face for both is visible, shoot one character in front of green screen to overlay on top of the stand in.

Java button won't move to the bottom of the JFrame?

My JButton will not move down to the bottom of the JFrame no matter what I do. Please help.


package components;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class PassGenButton extends JPanel implements ActionListener{

protected JButton generate;

public PassGenButton()
JButton generate = new JButton("Generate");

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)


private static void createAndShowGUI()
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Password Generator");
PassGenButton contentPane = new PassGenButton();

frame.setSize(400, 250);
frame.setLocation(600, 300);

public static void main(String[] args)
javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLat... Runnable(){
public void run(){

Transfer a Variable from jFrame to jFrame??

//Lets Say JF1 and JF2 are the two JFrames u have... After clicking a button in jframe 1 u can transfer that string to label in jframe 2...
//The Code is..

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

class JF1 extends JFrame
JTextField tf; //Declaring Objects..
String str;
JButton b;

super("JFrame - 1"); // Setting the title of frame
tf = new JTextField(20);
b = new JButton("Transfer");
b.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
str = tf.getText(); // when button is clicked the string in text field is stored in str and new jframe 2 is opened by calling its constructor with str parameter so that it can know the value..
new JF2(str);
Container cp = getContentPane(); // adding the components into the jframe

class JF2 extends JFrame
JLabel l;

JF2(String x) // the text in jframe1's textfield is obtained in x
super("JFrame - 2");
l = new JLabel(x); // the obtained value is assigned to label

class Sample
public static void main(String args[])
new JF1(); //spawning only jframe1 because when button is clicked jframe2 is automatically spawned.

//Hope it helps :)

How do you Remove unwanted objects from photos?

There many photo editing apps available to do such kind of task. Photoshop is one of the top to do this work. As you need to be pro to operate the Photoshop so you can try the best software application to remove unwanted object from a photo is Wondershare Fotophire. Wondershare has brought you an amazing tool that is both feature-rich and user-friendly. It will help you remove unwanted objects with just few clicks. You need not to be a photo editing expert in order to use Fotophire.Follow these simple steps:1. Launch Fotophire Photo Eraser and select the image that you want to remove objects.2. Select the object using fully customization brush. You can pick the size and shape.3. Drag the selected are and release the mouse button and the powerful algorithm will remove the area and adjust the background automatically.I can say those who are looking for a simple yet effective software for photo editing, this works great.

What will happen when a ball is dropped in a tunnel that passes through the center of the Earth? What's the behavior of the ball as it accelerates down to the center of the earth?

Assuming no friction or other dissipative losses, neglecting the fact that the density of the Earth is non-uniform, neglecting the centrifugal force that acts on the mass due to Earth's spin, and neglecting other sundry stuff like Coriolis forces (if all this sounds excessive, remember that it's not as excessive as digging a friggin' tunnel through the Earth!), the ball will keep shuttling back and forth in Simple Harmonic Motion. As you move inside the Earth, the Force acting on you will reduce linearly. This is often counter-intuitive for many people. The formula [math]F = G \frac{m_{1}m_{2}}{r^2}[/math] is applicable only if you are outside the Earth's surface. This will work inside the Earth too, but you'd need to use the integral form (Gauss' Law for Gravity). Suffice it to know (unless you are interested in the details) that, inside the sphere, [math]F = G(4\pi r \rho m)/3[/math][math]\rho = M/(4 \pi /3  R_e^3)[/math]Putting all the constants together as 'k'[math]F=kr[/math] (attractive)If the force acting on a body is directly proportional to the displacement (from a reference point) and acts opposite to the direction of motion, the body executes what is called SHM (Simple Harmonic Motion). Other examples are a mass attached to a spring and a simple pendulum (for small angular displacements)In fact, you could replace Earth with a giant spring attached to where the center of the Earth was.The time period for any SHM is given as[math]T=2\pi\sqrt \frac{m}{k}[/math], where 'm' is the mass of the object.Putting in the constant 'k' using the relation for the gravitational force, we get[math]T=2\pi\sqrt \frac{R_e}{g}[/math] [math]R_e[/math] is the Earth's radius and [math]g[/math] the acceleration due to gravity (at the surface), equal to [math]\frac{GM}{R_e^2}[/math]T comes out to be 84.5 minutes.Imagine yourself in this situation now. Jump into such a tunnel. As you hurtle towards the center, you will reach a peak speed of [math]R_e \sqrt  \frac{g}{R_e}[/math]. That's about 7900 m/s. (~28500 km/h). As you decelerate and reach the other end of the tunnel, you will have to quickly hold on to something on the surface, or you risk falling again. And again. And again.

Make something creative with socks?

i have like 14 odd socks, different colours and sizes and i was wondering what i could do with them?
i have a sewing machine and stuff :)

thanks :)

Dialogues and Speech Patterns?

One thing you might try is thinking of how you would say it in your native language and then translating it. I know this will require some re-ordering of the words, but it might help you when you're thinking out your dialogue.

Also, one thing I do sometimes when I'm creating a 'voice' for a character is exaggerating whatever speech pattern they happen to have. I have one character who repeats himself a lot. Another speaks in a very formal English compared to the other characters. I've taken those traits just a smidge further which helps keep the voices separate. (Philip Pullman is like a master at this if you want a really good example.)

One thing that helps a lot with this, at least for me, is giving the character a few things that recur throughout the whole novel. It can be something simple, like a word they use for 'friend' (and they call everyone who's not an enemy that word,) or maybe a random curse word they tend to add to their sentences.

Also, give each character a few emotions as they're speaking. Maybe every time Mary gets mad, there's something to show it in her face, and it's the same thing every time. I think tagging is half of the success of dialogue.

My last bit of advice in creating realistic dialogue is, don't be afraid to use slang. Not all the time, mind you, but a word here and there can help distinguish a character's voice from the other characters in the novel. The cool thing about slang is that you can use it two ways; everyone from a certain area can have a certain group of words that they use, and each character can have a few that they use from that group more often than the others.