What Happens If You Didn

What would happen if we didn't have a brain?

No brain they wouldn't be alive at all. No chance. The brain controls the heart beat, the muscles, everything.
It is like asking-Can I use a computer and type without the Tower , just the screen.

There are however, people born with half a brain, and th ebrain learns to function on one side.
Some people lose a piece of their brain and lose a function of their body or personality.

What would happen to me if I didn't exist?

Nothing. You don't exist remember? Sure the butterfly effect says that your non-existence might have huge consequences but no one would know that's because you're not there. The idea, the concept of you, only exists because you exist and with it your identity.Without you, the concept of you is as fictional and hypothetical as the multiverse theory and god. Even more, those two are still universal concepts which are greater than us and require answers. No one sits around wondering about a random fella named Duncan who doesn't exist.Edited update: Okay. You keep saying imagine it. Okay brutal truth. If you didn't exist. Nothing would be different. You wouldn't exist so there would be no you. No one would care or even spare two seconds of thought wondering. Your identity only exists because you exist. Without a body or a brain or anything how would 'you' even know about 'you'. If you didn't exist nothing would happen to you because you don't exist.You want imagination and an exact answer. That's not possible. Why don't you instead use your free time thinking about better things? Cure cancer or solve the theory of relativity. Seriously, you sound like a child. Trust me if you didn't exist there wouldn't be people answering this question (which is frankly, really ridiculous after your ‘update'). I'd say if you weren't born your parents would have saved all the money they spent on you and taken a vacay to Switzerland, maybe built a chalet. Those are literally the only things that could have happened if you had never been born. No, no one would have missed you BECAUSE YOU DON'T EXIST. I don't miss my imaginary childhood friends because they're not real.If you are a kid, go to school, study and stop thinking about ridiculous hypothetical scenarios. The world exists in reality, here.

What would happen if we didn't have a liver?

If we didn't have a liver we'd be dead. This can be a big essay topic but I'll try to cover some topics that you will be able to expand on. W/o a liver we won't have any metabolism, no bile, won't be able to process a lot of drugs in our body. Usually the drugs taken orally (by mouth) are processed in the liver first and then distributed into our bloodstream then to the rest of our body. If the liver didn't processed it we'd overdose on a lot of our current drugs.
Also 90%+ of alcohol is broken down by the liver so technically one or two drinks will kill us if we didn't have a liver. We'd have bare to none metabolism. No secretion of certain chemicals in our body would kill us. The liver also helps out with our immune system. Storage of protein. We couldn't detox a lot of the chemicals in our body which those stuff would go into our kidneys and destroy out kidneys. We'd all be in a very yellow tone due to inability to break down toxins.

Also another fun fact is the liver can regrow. As long as we have 25%+ of our liver it can grow back.

What would happen if we didn't have cells?

we wouldn't be.

What would happen if you didn't feel fear?

If a person didn't feel fear, there is something wrong with their sympathetic nervous system, and they would likely become careless and unmotivated, because they aren't getting the proper psychological feedback from reality.For example, nearly getting hit by a bus doesn't cause them a psychological reaction, thus they never learn the importance of being alert near busy roads. This means that they have to rely on their self dicipline to keep them safe rather than having survival instincts, and if we had to always rely on dicipline, our wavering human will power will eventually fail one day, and we could be careless and in danger.Not having fear also means not fearing consequences, this is what happens to drug addicts that have numbed themselves, that is why they slowly neglect their hygiene, they show up to work late, they lower their standards because they do not have adverse feelings about the consequences. It is normal for a person to dread negative outcomes, this is a huge part of human emotion.From the other answers, I wonder if the OP meant “what would happen if a person mastered their fear response?”. This means the person still feels fear but has learned to quiet down the fear in situations like giving presentations or approaching a potential romantic partner, thus having the benefits of feeling fear but not being controlled and hindered by fear.It is possible to master fear, as well as our other emotions, and obviously that would greatly save us from unnecessary psychological suffering.

What would happen if I didn't eat for 3 weeks?

As others have mentioned if you continued to try go about your normal daily activities and simply not eat for 3 weeks it would likely end in your death or you would be seriously ill. However, there are a number of incidences where people have gone long periods without eating and it is suggested that about 2 months is the maximum you can go without food unless in a clinical setting. The BBC ran an article on this a couple of years back:, there is a verified documented case where a Scottish man went one year and 17 days without food. That’s right, a full 382 days with no food what so ever! It must be noted that this was done under medical supervision and the man drank water and was given vitamins.In 1965 a unnamed Scottish man who was severely obese weighing 207 kilograms (32 stone/456 llbs) turned up at Department of Medicine at the Royal Infirmary in Dundee and declared he was going to starve himself until he lost his weight and that was that, 1 year and 17days later he ended his fast weighing only 83 kilograms. You can read about the full story here: years after his yearlong self-imposed fast the Scotsman had only regained 7 kilograms and showed no ill effects from the extreme fast he had been on. You can read the peer reviewed journal article here: really is remarkable what the human body is capable of and you can only marvel at its abilities to adapt to such extreme circumstances!That said, you could also just exercise and eat healthily if your goal is to lose weight, its far safer and a hell of a lot more fun.

What would happen if I didn't blink for an entire hour?

What blinking does is clean off dust and other microscopic materials from settling and irritating your eye. If you didn't blink for one entire hour your eyes would be covered with so so much dust and particulates you would start to cry. This way it would clean your eyes out but still not enough to be comfortable in any way. You constantly need to blink so those particles don't scratch or scar your eyes which may impair your vision even if only slightly.

I asked my eye doctor the same question about a year ago

I hope this way helpful,