What Happens To All The Questions I See Posted Re Moochelle

What question would you like to ask First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden?

Yahoo! Shine will be conducting an exclusive interview with First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden, focusing primarily on military families in honor of Veterans Day. What question would you like us to ask? Let us know and we may include your question in our interview!

Also, make sure to check back and watch the interview the week of November 7th, we’ll provide the link!

Do you think Michelle Obama would be a good president of the United States?

Whenever I think of Michelle Obama, I think of her with the angry face, holding up and pointing at a sign with the hashtag #bringbackourgirls. This was her response to the kidnapping of 276 Nigerian girls by the Muslim extremists of Boko Haram.Of course, the United States never did anything effective to recover these poor girls, and our overall response to Islamist terror on Obama’s watch was not particularly effective. (Remember President Obama calling ISIS “the jayvee?”) Posturing and virtue-signalling have zero effectiveness when your adversaries are violent jihadis.So I think a Michelle Obama presidency would be even more talk, though less eloquent, and even less action than we saw during her husband’s term as Chief Executive.I also suspect that Michelle, once her every word and action was put under a microscope, would prove much less even-tempered than her husband. Whatever else you say about him, Obama was Mr. Cool.

Michelle Obama farted onstage?

What a bigoted, biased ill mannered offensive lot you all are. What the hell is the matter with you ? To break wind, or fart if you prefer that term ,is a perfectly natural bodily function which if you ever find it possible to do, will probably kill you. Everyone farts, those who pretend not to , and those who get great pleasure from the experience. It is a truly a wonderful experience , be it a mighty blast that makes the windows tremble, or an apologetic whimper that finds great difficulties escaping the confines of your knickers, the feeling is one of godliness.
Do try to grow up and outgrow your biases which when viewed against the normal levels of intelligence make onlookers cringe.

Shouldn't they have printed Michelle Obama's book on Toilet paper to save the environment?

Of course, it should not have been printed at all, but toilet paper would be the proper material if it happens. And she could have changed the name of the book to "What Happened? Sh!t Happened."

Michelle Obama, Pres. Obama, Chelsea Clinton, and Bill are all campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Is this a sign that Democrats are losing the campaign?

We are getting a lot of these push poll questions about Hillary on Quora lately and I want to explain what I think is happening. The OP has posted several of these kinds of questions and they are clearly intended to weaken support for Hillary.A push poll is an interactive marketing technique, most commonly employed during political campaigning, in which an individual or organization attempts to manipulate or alter prospective voters' views/beliefs under the guise of conducting an opinion poll. We are dealing with a different mindset than with most Quorans. Their world view is different and may seem alien.I suspect there is a deliberate attempt by a few people to shape opinion on Quora against Hillary. Since this has been going on for twenty years why should Quora be exempt for the graces of the Republican propaganda machine.I have long noticed that Republicans tend to be self-righteous. That is they believe in their cause so strongly that it is okay to do whatever is necessary to prevail. In other words the end justifies the means.Since they are on the side of the angels and their adversaries are evil it is both right and necessary to do whatever is it takes to “destroy” the enemy. This is the consequence of their having allied with right-wing Christian fundamentalists who believe Earth is ground zero for a war between God and Satan, Good and Evil. This alliance was forged 50 years ago when Jerry Falwell decided Christianity needed a political party and the Republicans greeted Falwell with open arms.Therefore it is okay to fabricate issues to attack and demolish Hillary. These manufactured assaults were born twenty years ago in part by Gerald Ziefman who concocted a story that he had to fire Hillary from the Watergate Commission for ethical violations. She didn’t do anything unethical and he didn’t fire her but that didn’t stop Limbaugh from running with the story. FALSE: Jerry Zeifman Fired Hillary Clinton from the Watergate InvestigationBill Clinton called it the “politics of personal destruction”. Instead of debating issues they engage in character assassination.So it is they come to Quora with their lies, misrepresentations, and ungrounded accusations. Their push-poll questions are flooding our inboxes and discussions with them can lead to angry personal attacks on our character.I’m hoping they fade away after the election.The One Weird Trait That Predicts Whether You’re a Trump Supporter