What Has To Be Done To Move In With My Dad

Should i stay with my mom or move in with my dad?

okay so... i am 13 my parents have been divorced since i was 2 and my mom recently just got remarried and i had to move in the middle of 7th grade the past six months have been hell my mother has been getting on my last nerves so has my step dad all that me and my mom have done these past six months is argue , but lately i have been thinking about moving in with my dad but i don"t want to leave my mom because i love her way too much . my mom has been thinking of moving to VA which is the same state my dad lives in so i could be closer to him .i just found of that out of the blue my father is trying to get custody of me because he thinks that i m not in a stable enviorment and that my mothers doesn't let me spend time with him or let him see me with is all not true but thats what he is telling his lawyer... i asked my mom what she would do if i went and lived with my dad and she said she would be sad which breaks my heart..... i really don't know what is best for me my mom does every thing for me and she provides me with so much and cares for me but the arguing has gotten out of hand . I am gonna try and stay with my dad over the summer and see what its like and if i like living there and go back with my mom during the school year and if the arguing and drama is as bad as is was last year than i will try living with him during my 9th grade year and if things work out...... i just really need some advice

Should I stay with my mom or move with my dad?

Okay, this is it. My parents got a divorce about two years ago. Before that...they had been together all my life. I'm 13...turning 14 on May 8th. (soon). I currently live in Washington, in the house ive grown up in (that i love) with my mom. While my dad moved to California with his *high school sweetheart* When my parents got a divorce. I go down to California to visit on major holidays...(christmas/summer/etc.) My mom has drinking/smoking problems. And really doesn't understand a growing teenager. She also doesn't trust me really and treats me like a little kid. I love my mom dearly believe me. Another thing is my dad also drinks, and so does my step mom. Some more facts: My dad and step mom have more money available to help me with my needs where as my mom is barely scraping along with the bills. Me and my dad have been talking on the phone about me coming to live there. And my dad finally broke it to my mom that we have been thinking about moving me down there because of the better living situation..and way better school. (I currently live in one of the world's smallest towns :P) *about 1,000 people* And after my dad told my mom she has been crying and making me feel bad all day. Trying to make me promise that I wont "leave her". But I don't know what to decide! Plus, I don't want to hurt all of my friends..or the guy I like a lot (who also likes me back) Hes really nice...and I know that a boy shouldn't hold me back but it just makes me wonder what would happen if I stayed and I became his girlfriend? I'm more mature than most people my age...please don't say im too young to have a boyfriend thank you. This is a huge decision for me...and it would basically effect my whole life. Because the schooling down there would also help where I can go (career) in life. Please help me! This hurts me very much to chose and I just don't know what to do without hurting anyone!
P.S. I'm in 8th grade and I need to know this decision before I go to high school..because I would like to start the new school as a freshman. Another thing is if I left my mom said she would sell this house that I grew up in :( and I would never get to see it again even when i come up to visit :( and I love this house! She also said she would get an apartment and she would have to get rid of or put down my puppy:( My puppy is my baby and I love her:'( Help!

How do I move on from my dad's death?

My Dad died a couple of years ago. He followed my Mum, who died 2 years before that.They both lead a good life and their deaths were not unexpected.In the case of my Mum, who had dementia, the grieving process began years before her actual death, as the woman we knew and loved slowly disappeared before our eyes.In my Dad’s case, he was a relatively healthy 92 year old but, in his last 6 months, his body started giving up and the end came as a blessing.So, for my Mum, I had this bittersweet feeling when she died: her suffering was now over and we could begin to remember her how she used to be. But she wasn’t with us any more.For my Dad, I was glad he wasn’t in any more pain.As for grieving, it just happens. I still dream about them both and I miss them. Sometimes, perhaps when I’ve done something I’m proud of, I miss the chance to share it with them.I dream my Dad is still here and he just crops up as normal in everyday life and I share stories with him. I dream my Mum is happy and laughing and her normal self. I cherish those dreams.I suppose we all grieve differently and have different memories of our relationships with those who have passed.Cherishing their memory is important, but so is putting it in perspective and moving on with your life.Don’t concern yourself about what stage you’re at - it will happen when and how it’s meant to.

How do I make my dad move out of my house?

How we do know it is your house .you look quite younge secondly if he signed over the house to you. you are leagaly obligated to look after him for the rest of his life .on saying why are you so hell bent in getting rid of him you will have to mow the lawn fix the windows fix the gutters and clean the gutters fix the floor boards and the weather boards outside paint the house shovel the snow light the fire make the meals clean the house buy your own clothes make or grow your own food fix the car if your father is an alcoholic or a drug addict send him to rehab if he is hurting you in any way not just making normal rules like most parents do for our kids then send him for a short stay or a long one if a holiday cutesy or our majesty as the British would say jail in other words I f he has alzymers or medical problems get midic aid or contact a social worker to have them assess him but beware they may assess you as well and you may be charged and also find your self in foster care for my self I try to put limitations and keep social workers to a minimum good luck if he is beating you or your mum contact the police if he is raping punching or hitting you to need to call the police and have him removed if he has killed your animals or ripped up what is precious this to is emotional abuse contact again the police if it is alzymers they can be put into a home . if its alcoholism contact a doctor as and as nurse if he just unemployed you find him a job and you find safe housing with housing first which is an organisation which works with homelessness do you seriously want your father to die of hyperthermia on the street there must of been a time when he was nice remember the good times also have him seen by a phsychiactrist to see if he has some mitigating factors that making him unable to control please don't throw your father away because your going through issues that can be related here is something you may not know all teenagers hate their parents all children long to be left alone and want there parent to leaves and when they finally do they wish they were still with them . its human nature this is how the species of the human grows up. .

How to tell my dad it's time for him to move out.?

Kick him out already.

I’m 14 and want to live with my dad but my mom won't let me. They never went to court for a custody arrangement. What can I do?

Those lawyers who here, tell you that the ball is in your dad’s court are very naive. True, your dad can take your case to court, but the case will be heard by the same judge who put you with your mother in the first place, and if your mom is likely to defend her preference to have you live with her, there is little your dad can do.Your opinion counts, but not much, when you are opposed by your mother. Most divorse courts are not dad-friendly). But the closer you get to 18, the less likely your mom is likely to chase you. If you just left mom, and moved to live with dad at 17, your mom can fight it, but if your lawyer stalls enough, you will be almost 18 by the time the judge has ruled. And she knows it.If you leave mom at 16, and just refuse to return to mom, you can probably get away with it unless you are incorrigible, in which case they will blame your dad for influencing your bad behavior, and you will never get your wish till you are 18 and on your own.The court knows that it is difficult to get an adolescent to live where he/she does not want to live, unless you are a kid who gets into trouble. As long as you are a good kid, you have a better chance of being allowed to stay where you want to, after you move there, and there seems to be no good reason to move you back.Good luck, and stay squeeky clean.

Should i live with my dad?

the thing is, my dad has health issues and some other problems and hes cheap and complains a lot but.., im not sure if i wanna live wih my mom because shes very strict with everything!! and when i mean strict, i mean STRICT. she doesnt let me eat in my own room and wont let me study any where else but at the desk. shes also an overachiever. also im very bored when i live with her, i almost have nothing to do during the weekends. also because we live in a very wealthy neighborhood, and the school over there is filled with rich white kids (not that i hate it, but i dont think i’ll fit in) also the teachers are strict. if i live with my dad he’ll take me to places and i think i’ll fit in better although ive already moved to 3 different high schools so far...

How do I get my coward dad to move out?

Financial considerations are often the driving force behind decisions parents make even though they are splitting up. paying for two different residences, two different water bills, two different electricity bills, two different utilities of other kinds, can be impossible. Your dad may be less of a coward, and more afraid of bankruptcy. it's really none of your business how your parents decide to handle their situation. The best thing that you can do for yourself, is to not delude yourself into believing you can change things. Amount of money coming into your household is not going to change and make things easier to run two households. There are clearly things that you need from your parents that you're not able to get right now. They are very wounded people, and may not be making some of the best decisions of their lives. adult life can sometimes be extremely crappy given your resources and what you wish you had. it sounds like to me that unless your family is independently wealthy, you were at the rock bottom find out that money is while your dad is not leaving. There are quite a number of divorcing and divorced couples that have just decided to live amicably in the same house. They don't have a choice as to what to do to have two seperate dwellings. You're poopy mood is not helping. You need to stay out of their business as much as you possibly can. They have to wrestle this out for themselves. I know that's a harsh reality. But it is what it is. I'm sorry that it's difficult for you now.

Should I leave my mom's house and move in with my dad?

It’s not good for your self-esteem, or self-confidence to be in an abusive home; leave when you can.Tip: people can usually get to where they need to go, faster than they initially believe.Question: you are 18, legal; have you considered moving out on your own? Renting a room, take public transportation, keeping your expenses very low?You can still go to college, pursue an extra curricular activity, while working. Life is give and take, choices, and you create the ambiance of life that you want, once you are on your own.About your dad: you don’t live with him. You say he is an alcoholic. There is much more going on with him, and his life, than what you have ever seen so far. You will be negatively affected with your father too.Going from one bad place, to another bad place, (even if less bad), is not the thing to do.You are legally an adult, so you have every choice in the world available to you now; so plan a financial budget for the necessities of life, figure out how many hours a week you need to work at minimum, while at a lower paying job. Figure out what you need, and want out of life. Go after it.You create how you want yourself, and your life to be. Always remember that.You are capable. Work hard. Work smart.

I want to live with my dad, but my mom wont let me?

Im 15 and my parents divorced when i was 7. ive lived with my mom all my life but we just dont get along very good... we get into fights about EVERYTHING! she also jokes about not being able to wait till i move out and when we fight she always tells me to go move with my dad.

One night we got into a big fight n she told me to move with my dad and i told him i was moving there. days later she told me i wasnt n when i fought back she said we would discuss it later.. then she decided i wasnt moving n if i did shed sue my dad. my dad said they had joint custody and she couldnt do anything but my mom said she could because he doesnt pay child support or anything (but she has never told him to or said anything about it to him.) shes really controlling and thinks she can have whatever she wants

now my dad says that ill just come down before school and tell her im not coming back but that sounds like a bad idea too me

also my dad only lives like an hour away and my mom goes there almost every weekend.. and i think it would be better for me to live there because its a bigger town with more to do, i could get a job there and have more friends and wouldnt be so bored all the time.

so how do i handle this. Any Advise???