What I Do Next Help Me

With $7 I would invest in a library card and go read many good books about business and investing. This will have the greatest ROI with $7. The vast majority of equities and bonds are not available for $7, and you probably would make at most 50 cents in a month. Or you can buy a box of candies and sell them individually, but that isn't ambitious enough! Go read a book instead!

Only in the most general of terms, it is, after all, your life.Start by deciding on your priority. What’s the most important thing you want out of life.Pick your major life goal.Now research that goal and find out what is necessary to do to achieve that goal. Break it down into smaller goals that act as stepping stones towards that major life goal.Keep breaking the major life goal down into smaller and smaller achievable goals until you have a definite plan for what you want to do with the next day, week, month, year, two years, three years, four years, five years and ten years.

My mom is making me dress preppy next year. Help?

To be honest Emo, Goth dies when you enter college. Almost every one in college dresses preppy believe it or not (HS would consider it preppy but in college we don't have the cliques or labels on people so there we're not preps).

I think you should just go with the flow. Girls that dress preppy I find look really cute. Plus Hot Topic is so HS and in the real world no looked at very good. I mean whos going to give a job to someone with body pricing all over there body and tattoos.

Most likely this phase will end and you will probably dress more preppy in the future. How much 30 year old goths do you see out there?

If you don't want to dress preppy start buying your own clothes (Getting a Job). That way she can't have any say in it because its your money. She may even respect you more.

It takes a lot more than 4 hours to acquire a skill. In some instances, people will tell you that it took the whole of their young lives to acquire a skill. So, what can you achieve in 4 hours? Very little of reall substance that would be valuable for the rest of your life. If it were possible, the world would be filled with successful, rich people. Sadly, that is not the case. Look at the number of unemployed, the homeless etc. It anyone could teach these people what you’re hoping to find in 4 hours, it would already have been implemented, and the government would have stepped in to make it happen. Why? Because it would have relieved the pressure on the system to take care of the less fortunate, to ease the burden on society. What you are hoping for is some kind of miracle. When I encounter people with unrealistic expectations I have a regular retort; ‘the impossible I can probably do immediately, but miracles will take a bit longger.!’ Do you get the picture? You cannot circumvent what is important and necessary ,for a quick outcome. Life just does not work that way! There is one way though. If you have a sure-fire way of beating the odds in a casino, at the slot machines, or a fail-safe method to win the lottery, then you could set yourself up for life, but the odds of you being one of a miniscule number of people who have managed to get even close, is less than remote! My advice? Stick to your day job, you will probably acquire more skills there over time.

I can wish you good luck. That’s just about all I can or am willing to help you. An assignment is given to you to solve. So, solve it.

Help me make varsity cheerleading next year?

Honestly, I think the most important thing for you to work on is your tumbling. You should try to find a tumbling class you can afford. Maybe your local community centre offers tumbling classes that might be cheaper than classes at a professional gymnastics studio or gym. If you can't find any affordable tumbling classes, try learning some skills by yourself.

Here is a list of skills you should try to learn:

1. Cartwheel
2. Roundoff
3. Splits (right, left, middle)
4. Tuck Jump
5. Toe Touch*

I think you will be able to get your roundoff and definitely your cartwheel in time for tryouts. Your splits are also super important. Try to stretch your splits at least 4-5 times a week. Tuck jumps are pretty easy, I bet you can already do one now. Practice them. A toe touch is also really important for you to learn. I know it might be quite difficult to get it in time for tryouts, but work on it. It is definitely a very important cheerleading skill. To learn these skills, try looking up tutorials on youtube about how to do a cartwheel, stretch your splits, etc. Youtube tutorials definitely do not replace a proper coach, though. You should be very careful when trying skills on your own, and don't attempt any skills that you know are beyond your level.

Other tips for doing well at tryouts:

- be really confident
- be cheerful and kind
- encourage other girls
- speak loudly and confidently when saying the cheers

Good luck!

Thanks for A2A,If you are an engineer you will know the scarcity of jobs these days, but if your financial status is good, considering you are planning your masters from USA, i would say it's best to leave that damn job and follow your interest as per a new job concerns, if you are sure to get good credits then for sure you will get a job that you actually want to do, just follow your interests and excel in them, once you are settled in corporate world you will find it difficult to study further, we live once so 'just do it'.

Do I have illegals living next door someone help me with this can you ?

My next door neighbors consist of what appears to be at least 12 non-English speaking Mexican nationals living in a small 2 bedroom apartment. Some drive inconsistent vehicles and there is a constant flow of traffic all day. They all appear to either stay home all day or leave in shifts or constantly go in and out the door to the front of their patio all evening long. Sometimes there are up to 10 cars parked for that one apartment. They seem to change up vehicles sometimes.Even though I have never said anything to them, especially when they play super loud Mexican fiesta music, they constantly harass me by throwing trash in my yard, knocking on my door all times of the night, slamming doors, shocking me with floor thumping when I try to sleep. This happens on a daily basis
I just wanted to know if you or someone here could share some advice for me. If someone can help me, refer me or give me advice, I would be forever grateful, At the end of my rope!My lease will be up in the near future and I am moving, but I don't know what to do until then? Any suggestions?