What If The Repo Man Is Looking For A Deceased Person Car

In the movies "Repo Man" & "Pulp Fiction" what was in the briecase ?

Speculation abounds as to the nature of the mysterious glowing contents of the case:
Could it be Elvis's gold suit, seen worn by Val Kilmer (as Elvis) in True Romance (1993)?
The most persistent theory (most usually attributed to a friend of a friend who saw it posted on a message board by someone whose brother had read a report of a radio interview with Tarantino himself) is that it is Marcellus Wallace's soul. The story goes that when the Devil takes a person's soul, it is removed through the back of the head (this isn't part of any known religion, but this is what the message board posters say). When we see the back of Marcellus's head he has a Band-Aid covering the precise spot indicated by tradition for soul removal. Perhaps Marcellus sold his soul to the devil which would also explain why the combination to open the briefcase is 666.
Quentin Tarantino has said that the band-aid on the back of Marsellus Wallace's neck had nothing to do with an allusion to the Devil stealing Marsellus's soul... but that the actor Ving Rhames had a scar on the back of his neck he wanted to cover up.
Or could it be simply a 20-watt light bulb?
According to Roger Avary, who co-wrote the script with Quentin Tarantino, the original plan was to have the briefcase contain diamonds. This seemed neither exciting nor original, so Avary and Tarantino decided to have the briefcase's contents never appear on screen; this way each filmgoer could mentally "fill in the blank" with whatever struck his or her imagination as best fitting the description "so beautiful". The orange light bulb (projecting shimmering light onto the actors' faces) was a last-minute decision and added a completely unintended fantastic element.
In a radio interview with 'Howard Stern' in late 2003, Quentin Tarantino was asked by a caller the contents of the briefcase, and he answered, "It's whatever the viewer wants it to be."

The Repo Man, it was the bodies of aliens, the green kind.

Where do used car dealers like to install the GPS devices on the cars they sell?

I like how everyone sort of dodged the direct answer to the question.Answer: Probably in the most convenient yet inconspicuous place that Joe Average would find it.I once removed one from a car that I had sold to a friend; I had bought the car from another friend, and I know that there was a clear title on the car.My friend called me when the car wouldn’t start. I’m a mechanic.Looking under the dash, I noticed that the ignition wire bundle had been cut into, professionally, and tracked the wires down to a box that I initially had thought to be a long-forgotten car alarm. It *almost* looked like something stock in the car, except for the non-stock splicing.I removed the device, paired the cut ends of the wire back up, and her car started normally.Looking over the device, thinking I could get a remote for the “car alarm” (but curious why there wasn’t wire going out to the horn, lights, or external siren), I googled the numbers I found on the device.Sure enough, it was a GPS cut-off switch. I opened up the device, curious about what was inside; a relay had failed, basically triggering the starter to not work.Everything was mounted up behind the center console.I would later discover that (on the East Coast anyhow) there is a trade of people who specialize in removing these devices from cars, $200 to $500.As a business person, and someone who has self-financed cars, I wouldn’t do it as a trade, but the whole side of me who likes to know how things work was happy to know I could, and happier yet to have helped a friend for free enjoy her car.

Will taking my car apart keep the repo man from taking it?

I lost my job a few mouths ago and just got a new one i just need to hold thim off for a couple mounts to fix it i dont drive the car often so takning it apart will not be a problem

In Texas, a repoman knocked on my door, and we didnt answer. He went to a window...?

and started shining his flashlight through my window, and he shined it on me while I was in the kitchen cooking my mother dinner. The car he wants isn't mine but my parents. After he shined the light on me, he went over to the door and banged on it again. He shined the light through all of my windows, and when he spotted me, he started flashing it on me.

DId he do anything illegal?

Can a repo man take your car if he can't get it out of PARK?

My neighbor (we live in a gated apartment complex with no garages) has an SUV due to get repossessed. He changed the code on the factory alarm, covered the VIN and put a lock on the brake pedal (effectively locking the car in PARK). He was laid off and wants to catch up on payments. I told him to stash it at a friends garage but he feels ok the way he has it set up. What do you make of this?

What happens if you hide from the repo man?

its not me, but my best friend ask med to do some research online, he just got a knock at the door early this morning like 4am. Strange thing is, he said that a tow truck pulled up to his house, and they were ringing and knocking for about 20 minutes, but the strange thing is, he said there was already a car hooked to the tow of the tow truck. He said the tow truck was not a flat bed, and was the old style with the lift hook up. Why would they come to his home with a car already on the tow, trying to reposs his car. I asked him did both men get back in the same truck, and he said they did.

He said they left a card on the door with 2 cell phone numbers that are for area codes that are 4 hours away, and a case number. This is strange, he cant get financed so if he keeps hiding, or if he calls the number and they tell him it was for his car, then what will happen if he keeps hiding? Can he go to jail, or get in criminal trouble, or is it just civil?

I had this happen to me once in my life, and they told me if i didnt open the garage and bring out the keys, that they would call the police, i think that was just a threat. Do police get involved if you dnot give up the car? I turned the car in, but i got it back and paid on time

What happens if your car dies while paying off a car loan?

Three months ago I purchased a used 2001 Honda Civic from a used car dealership. Recently, the car has been having problems of leaking coolant from a suspected blown head gasket.

I am three months into a $4000 loan I took out for the car. If the car engine dies and the car cannot be fixed, what do I do with the rest of the loan? Am I forced to pay the remaining car loan for a car that is broken down or do I have other options?
I do have the title of the car.

Can you be prosecuted if your car is booby trapped and kills a repossessor?

Can you be prosecuted if your car is booby trapped and kills a repossessor?Yes, you can be prosecuted for setting a booby trap that harms or kills someone.It is because your trap is indiscriminate. It would harm anyone without reason for why they are where they are. You are putting yourself in danger, you are putting family members in danger, you are putting neighbors, the police, neighborhood children and yes, potential thieves in danger.A booby trap is any concealed or camouflaged device designed to cause bodily harm or death. Suc devices are patently illegal under US law.A repossessor has a legal reason for being in the car or the house he is repossessing. Hindering his ability to do his legal duty is illegal on your part.Setting a booby trap in your car knowing that it is going to be repossessed could lead to a premeditated murder charge against you if the legal repossessor is killed by your trap.