What In The Name Of Zeus Could My Dream Mean

What does my dream mean and Who is Zeus?

[Okay so I had a dream that I told my mom about me looking up wiccan and she asked me "Why do you think Zeus is calling out to you?" I said "Well I'm very open minded..." Then I woke up.] Can anyone tell me what this could mean and who Zeus or give me info about Zeus I want to learn more. Thanks.

What does it mean when a man dreams that he was being chased by an angry white bull that jumped a fence in front of his parents’ house & came after him?

I quite like M. A. J. Reddick’s answer. If you are the type who believes in those signs, then your unconscious will use them, so consider her answer carefully if you are a believer.Bulls are often thought of as symbols of stubbornness, so it’s something that you’re likely being stubborn about. White is often your spiritual side, so that part of your other answerer is most what i agree with. It’s also a strong symbol of innocence and purity. Dream Moods Dream Themes: Colors (scroll down to find ‘white’.) If you look under ‘animals’ for ‘bull,’ you’ll see what else bulls might represent. Remember that symbols have a range of meanings—it’s your unconscious using this symbol to try to communicate with your waking mind, so your opinion on what it might mean is always the most powerful and true.It jumped over a fence, which is fascinating—remember that it’s best if you take all the symbols into account—the meaning of one will change when taken in context. A fence is a barrier. A front fence keeps things from intruding on you—it’s there to protect the house. That site above says this about fences, which seems most relevant in context: the fence symbolizes your need for privacy. You are trying to shut off the rest of the world. (but do look at the whole entry.)The fence was in front of the dreamer’s parent’s house. Your parent’s house is where you learn your beliefs, your morals, your ways of thinking and being. The spiritual bull jumped that barrier and chased the man.To me, that might mean that spiritual strength is, according to your unconscious, jumping the fence that shuts you off from the world and attempting to chase you away from some old beliefs.

What does it mean if I fall in love with a stranger in a dream?

Might be a wish-fulfillment dream. If you haven't met your forever love, yet, you might be ready to.Otherwise, let's look at what a Jungian dream dictionary makes of the symbolism:The words you instinctively use matter. You fall in loveFallTo dream that you fall and are not frightened signifies that you will overcome your adversities with ease.So your unconscious feels that you will find love. It's confident.LoveTo dream of love or being in love suggests intense feelings carried over from a waking relationship. It refers to your contentment with what you already have and where you are in life. On the other hand, the dream may be compensatory and implies that you may not be getting enough love in your life. We naturally long for the sense to belong and to be accepted.Dreaming of saying the words "I love you" implies that you are ready for love and want to give love. To hear someone say "I love you" signifies that you are ready to accept love into your life. If you say "I love you" to someone and he or she doesn't say it back, then it represents uncertainty in your relationship. Perhaps you feel that you are giving more than you are getting back.If you are already in love, your unconscious may think that he feels, somehow, like a stranger.Let's see what stranger means:StrangerTo see a stranger in your dream signifies a part of yourself that is repressed and hidden. Alternatively, it symbolizes the archetypal dream helper who is offering you insight and advice.To dream that you are kissing a stranger represents acknowledgement and acceptance of the repressed aspect of yourself.It could be a repressed, hidden part of you, a stranger, who your unconscious feels needs to be loved.The dream site gives you a range of things your dream might mean because you are talking to you—your unconscious is trying to communicate with your waking mind. Therefore, only you can accurately interpret the dream. You have to decide what it means.

Dream about Zeus-any meaning?

So I had a dream that Zeus was my father, and he was mad at me for saying something to a friend about him sending me to do something that was stupid. I can't really remember exactly what I said. But in the end we made up when i apologized. Now i don't really know a lot about zeus except what i've read in like textbooks. So what do you think?

What does it mean if you dream that a loved one dies?

Death is part of the natural cycle of life for human beings, plants and animals. In Tarot, the death card symbolizes the end of a phase or cycle and heralds new beginnings. This is often the case in dreams.

If you dream of the loss of your partner, analyze whether your relationship is in need of rescue or renewal. You may have hidden fears about losing your lover, or they may be drawing away from you. If you are already aware of problems, you may need to reflect upon whether you want to revive it or move on. If the person who died in your dream is a friend or family member, take a look at whether there are things that need to be said or at whether you need to spend more time with that person. Events like September 11 have shown us that we never know what the day will bring. We can not be reminded too often that life is short and unpredictable. You may be working too hard and missing precious time with those you love. Your dream may be an important signal to slow down and spend time with those you love most.

Dreams of death may be preparing you for inevitable end of a marriage or career. In these dreams, death is symbolic and it is unlikely that death will actually occur. The individual who passed on in your dream may symbolize an aspect of yourself that needs to be dealt with. For instance, dreaming of the death of your mother may express a fear that you are losing identity with your maternal nature. Your own death may symbolize a desire to be free of a situation. Look at the context to determine the meaning of your dream.

Dreams of loved ones who have passed on are widely reported and are a natural part of the grieving process. Dream research suggests that these dreams are actual visits from the departed and a means that the subconscious employs to help us heal. These dreams can occur immediately after their death or several years later. Cherish each one as a special gift. When these dreams occur, it may be helpful to plan a remembrance ritual for your deceased loved one. It can be as simple as planting their favorite flower or tree or lighting a candle. You might consider remembering them by visiting a place you used to go together or doing something you'd planned to do together but weren't able to. Performing this type of ritual regularly on a holiday, birthday or anniversary can bring comfort and healing. Our loved ones may leave this earth, but they never leave our hearts.

Is there any significance of seeing Allah swt name in ur dream?

Written in the sky,

That is beautifull..

There is a significance. Dreams with significance could be information about good news or a warning. A warning , for example, seeing hell if someone is bad as a reminder to be good. or perhaps seeing some person as a bad person in your dream so that you may avoid that person.

Yours was definitly not a warning. It was a good dream. It will be a dream helpfull for you to de stress if you ever had to ask your self "Why am I in this situation. Is it because (1) God is punishing me or is it because (2)God is testing me/ this world is full with unfair people"

Maybe you have never asked this question for yourself. But there is someone in this very forum just a few questions below you asking.. this question.

If you ever face a hard time in your life just know that it is not a curse on you from God. Thus you can always hope for portection from God, Al-Wali , THE PROTECTOR sufficient to protect you.

Pls check the question in;...

Dream with Hecate?

Being that Hecate is the Goddess of Crossroads and Magick(and my patron Goddess), I'd say that Her appearance in your dreams would mean that she's chosen you to follow Her path.
However, since your husand's face appears as an image in your dream, I'd say it's possible that you'll face a decision with him that you'll have to make: possible a "Either him or Me" situation.
For example, it could be that following Hecate may not be to his liking and you may have to choose between practicing with him and practicing by yourself.
May She bless you, no matter what your choice.

What does a Dream about a dragonfly and danger mean?


I am new to this site but have been bothered by two dreams that I have had and hope someone has some insight in their meanings for me.

A little history I am a First Nations (Native American) in the NWT of Canada. Many of my ancestors and elders where very spiritual and my mother regularly speaks with spirits. I was living in Southern California when I felt a strong urge to get back to the NWT. I sold my business, packed up my stuff and moved back. Once I settled in I started seeing or sensing the presence of the elders. Okay on to my dreams:

1) I am in a ancient temple or castle (kind of reminds me of the temple of Zeus or the Parthenon) that is strange because it is open to the outdoors. and very beautiful. There are no furnishings just empty rooms. I enter one of the rooms and there are several people sitting in a circle on the floor. They are waiting for me.

I recognize these people but I don't (if that makes sense) they all remind me of religious or spiritual icons like b

What happens if someone kills me in a dream?

First identify if the killer is truly someone else or yourself.If you dream about you killing someone you may have some hostility or anger towards the person you are killing, that person could also be yourself. If the person is someone that’s not yourself it would probably be best to end the relationship with that person.If you find out that the person being killed is yourself then you could have some sort of character trait or something that you don’t really like which cause a sense of self hate in your subconscious. Whatever flaw that is seen makes you feel vulnerable and makes you want to defend and protect yourself. When you see yourself being killed by in your dream it can also show that you are going through changes within your life and provides a way to release and confront the stresses in your life.