What In Your Opinion Would Be The Top Two Physical Factors That Can Cause Or Lead To Accidents And

What type of error or factor is the leading cause of accidents?Material.Environment...

A major cause of accidents isn't due to driver error, it is debris on the road...hard to believe isn't it? Blown tires, scrap from trailers, pieces from preceeding accidents, plastic bags (they get sucked up into the engine), and so on. Oil from vehicles also contributes on wet roads by making them slick. Even the most careful driver isn't immune from an accident because of this.

What factors can cause a person to have a a) Heart Attack b) Stroke c) Cardiac Arrest?

The AHA are proven SCAMMERS who have no credibility and have already LIED about Framingham

The REAL factors are










THIS MYTH is because they will NOT admite that the Lipid Hypothesis is INCORRECT

The French do NOT have a monopoly on wine consumption

Italy and Spain consume just as much and do NOT have nearly as low rates the French have of CHD

Talking about best sport to play which gives best results. For lots of people, swimming offers low-impact, full body cardio workouts. If a pool is at some distance from your place, then swimming can be wonderful.Anyway, swimming is beneficial to your health. Swimming regularly may help reduce the risk of chronic illnesses in some people. Swimming is also a relatively safe exercise which can be done with fun. Swimming can support up to 90% of the body’s weight in the water, so those who are overweight have disabilities or some injuries can take part without putting as much strain on their bodies.But still there are some chances for injuries in swimming. You must prepare your self with all the necessories items your body required such as body tapes for leg and arms to lower down the pain. Applying body lotion before going for swimming. All these items are easily available at very affordable prize.I recommend buying these products from Phiten Online Store | Singapore

Our surroundings is the core of all influences on our behavior. Surrounding is something which influences mental state, physical state, perception etc and then bring about change in our behavior.Human body is made to adapt and that is what we have been doing since thousands of years. We adapt to situations, people's reactions , customs, culture, geography and what not. And when we adapt we bring a change in our behavior too. This change is sometimes intentional owing to mental state and sometimes unintentional owing to other factors.During childhood we used to do things as our parents used to tell us. We believed in boogeyman & all such things. As we grew up and started school we came in contact with multiple other personalities and learned lot of things from there which falsified some of our previous beliefs. This changed our behavior. We started liking chocolates, candy, ice-creams not by choice but by influences ( surroundings).Then we had a period of hormonal changes (physical state) and simultaneously moved to newer company (college or high school). We started interacting with new personalities ( stimuli) and adapted to certain things. We made some perceptions based on surrounding stimuli and then had more changes.Similarly you can relate to other phases of life.The reason we see different behaviors around us is the level of exposure someone had in past (or present) with a particular surrounding and the extent of things perceived from different surroundings. Else everyone is created equal.

Which factors lead to global warming?

I would say the person that made that question doesn't know the first thing about it.
Water pollution wouldn't lead to warming. Air pollution can lead to cooling and warming if you count CO2 as a pollutant which is bogus but those that want to tax it need for it be classified as a pollutant. Some soot can absorb heat and warm the air. Some particulates / aerosols can reflect light back into space resulting in cooling. D is wrong but the other answers are complete idiocy.

This is an extremely loaded question! There are an infinite amount of factors that play into how well or poorly you digest your food. Here are some I think are major ones:State of your digestive system· Probiotics - the presence of good bacteria is so important in properly processing your food; ingesting fermented foods regularly or taking probiotic supplements will help boost the number of probiotics in your system; pretty much everyone can benefit from supplementing with probiotics or eating probiotic rich foods as taking antibiotics or eating conventionally grown meat, fruits or vegetables can decrease the healthy flora· Enzymes - enzymes are crucial in helping you break down the food in your stomach; some people choose to supplement with enzymes while there is a differing school of thought that if you supplement with enzymes, your body develops a reliance on it and does not produce their own; I tend to take enzymes when I have a heavier meal to act as supportWhat you eat· Quantity of food- the more you eat, the more work your body has to do; I'm pretty sure anyone can relate to overeating· Quality of food– as stated above, conventionally grown food can have additional chemicals that can throw off the balance of your gutHow you eat· Food combining - this is an extensive topic but basically the more complicated your meals are, the harder they are to digest; general food combining rules: eat fruit alone and on an empty stomach, don't combine protein and starches· Mood/mindset when you're eating - eating when you're happy is a way better digestive experience than eating when you're sad, angry, or stressed; being able to mindfully eat also helps· Mood/mindset when you're cooking – this is a little woo-woo but cooking when sad, angry or stressed imparts that property to the food and can cause issues; one time I cooked a meal for my husband when I was very upset at him, he had a stomach ache that night; another example – mom's home cooking – nothing can replace it because your mom puts her love into it· Environment you are eating in - eating in a quiet environment vs. a loud one can effect your digestive system· Chewing – chewing your food thoroughly is so important to helping your digestive system because you don't have anything like teeth in your stomach that will help breakdown food· When you eat – eating too late, before strenuous activity and in the middle of the night are some of the times that can create poor digestionHappy to elaborate or edit!

I have often wondered what are some of the causes of planes crashing some minutes after takeoff. Do you know?

The reason most problem occur at take off or shortly after is that this is the period of time when the engines are the most stressed out (they are at full power) and when a loss of engine would cause the most trouble. The flaps are deflected, the gear is down (this cause additional crash) and if the airplane is not flight worthy (due to being overweight -- which is illegal, but seemingly there always will be idiots to temps fate -- or due to some mechanical or environmental problems, like ice on the wings) this is when the problem will manifest itself, simply because the aircraft is not capable of going beyond the takeoff or initial climb out.

There is only one common denominator in airplane accident: there usually was more than a single cause (ruling out terrorist actions, actually). Airplane design and pilot training, and the fact that there are two pair of eyes to look around means that an accident is the combination of several factors, a chain of event that leads to the accident. And those are human error, mechanical problems, and meteorological conditions (which is some sort of human error; if the weather is that bad, a prudent pilot should not fly.)
And, thanks to the findings of investigations being acted on, with modification to design or training, there should not be two accident from the same set of causes.
As the saying goes: learn from the mistake of others, you'll never get the chance to do them all yourself.