What Is 3/4 Root Of 3 I Think It = 16 But Idk

Think of a number, double it, add six, divide it in half, and subtract the number you started with. The answer is three. Why?

Of course. Work it out algebraically with X as your number.X Starting number. Now, double it to get:2X Now, add 6 to get;2X + 6 Now divide this in half to get;X + 3 Now subtract the original number (X) to get3Voila! No matter what X you choose, you will always be left with 3 at the end. It’s all just ‘smoke and mirrors’ or ‘misdirection’, if you like. The intent is to obfuscate (conceal) what is going on to the extent that the result seems, somehow, ‘magical’. It isn’t and this particular method is really very transparent compared to some that are much more convoluted.Showing how this works is pretty good exercise for solving lots of things. I doubt that this represents any ‘failure’ in our system of mathematics.

What type of problem is this?

A bag is filled with marbles, ¼th of which are green and the rest are yellow. One-fourth of the green
marbles are striped and ½ of the yellow marbles are striped. What fraction of the marbles in the bag
are striped?
and how do i solve it?
Thanks in advance. (The answer is 7/16 but idk how to solve it)

A pyramid has a square base. If each edge of the pyramid is 4, what is the total surface area of the entire pyramid?

a.8 times the square root of 3
b.8 times the square root of 3 plus 16
c.16 times the square root of 3 16
d.64 times the square root of 3

Am i supposed to find the slant height by using 4 as the hypotenuse and 2 as one of the legs? or is there another way idk

Math question help please!!!?

describe a pattern in the sequences of numbers. predict the next number.

1. 1,4,7,10 . . . .

2. 1,11,121,1331, . . . .

3. 7,9,13,19,27, . . . .

4. 256,16,4,2 . . . .

thanks so much!