What Is A Good Exercise Routine For A Beginnerthat Does Not Require Equipment

My muscles hurt really bad from exercising?

Drink milk, get some healthy carbs (like fruits/vegetables, rice), and eat some meat. Milk is so nutrient packed that it's like steroids for a beginner weight lifter - amazingly beneficial properties.

Stretch. Take cold water baths (not before stretching) - just need to be stay in the water three minutes or so, nothing extreme. Use icepacks outside of the bath if you need. Some people like to alternate cold water baths/ice packs with hot showers/heating pads, if you want to try that it may help - personally it's never really helped me too much but worth a shot if you're really hurting.

Most importantly, rest and sleep. Go to bed early tonight, and get plenty of sleep.

Legs shaking happens sometimes. If it's really bad after a not too hard workout, that may be a sign of a problem. But if you were working out your legs really hard, then it's just something you'll have to deal with.

If you're still hurting, don't go hard. Especially if you're a beginner. That's counterproductive. As you workout more and get to know your body and its limitations more, you can push through your workouts with more intensity if you so choose. But for now, take it easy tomorrow, don't overtrain, don't hurt yourself.

What is a good workout routine for a 13 year old boy?

Push-ups, sit-ups, and running. At 13, you shouldn’t do many weights(especially lower body, ill get to that in a minute). Arm strength is easy to improve because pushups don’t require assistance or anything else. For biceps, single arm curls with household weights can also do. But keep in mind, you have to do many reps ( like 5 sets of 10 reps, and it shouldn’t be easy). You also need consistency. Must do this at least 5 times a week for any actual progress. If you do free weights, here’s what you DONT do: weighted squats. At 13, you are about to have a growth spurt. Most of your growing is in your legs, and weighted squats will absolutely murder your knees. This stunts your growth. I am 6’2” and never did squats until my sophomore year. My older brother is 5’10” and started squatting between seventh to eighth grade. Both of our growth spurts started around the same time, which was end of 8th grade year, and both ended right around the end of sophomore year. However, at the beginning of both of our respective 8th grade years, we both were around 5’6”. Squatting stunted his growth tremendously. Of course, jump squats are ok, but squatting as in free weights(the stuff on TV) you shouldn’t do. An alternative is leg press. Running is probably the most important thing. When you get around 50, if you are fat you are at risk for heart attack and things like that. The way to not be fat is to run. Running as a 13 year old will help you to build endurance and become more mentally tough, which helps in the long term because when you put on 15 pounds of fat junior year in high school cuz of beer or stuff, you have already been running for a while so burning off the fat won’t be an issue