What Is A Good Idea For A Psychology Experiment

Psychology Experiment ideas?

hi for my psych class i need to design an EXPERIMENTAL research study but i cant think of any ideas
the examples in class we got were "does listening to music help you study better?" and "does exposing kids to violent tv shows make them more agressive?"
thanks for the help

What are some psychology experiment ideas?

I am in a higher level psychology class in college and am required to do a 2x2 between subjects design in the classroom. It is a rushed (6 week) course so we do not have to recruit random people our fellow classmates will be our participants. All the ideas I have however cannot be done in a classroom. They are more lab type experiments. I wanted to do how stress and playing a violent game affect aggression, however I cannot bring a ps2 system into the classroom for each individual to play. I need two IV's and cannot think of two that can be tested together in a classroom!! Please help!!

Ideas for Psychology Experiment?

Desensitization in kids from the media.
or police offers from crime?

What are some good psychology experiment ideas?

If you go into a room and check its belonging and surroundings in a normal environment, you might be effective and efficient but if you go to the same place for the same purpose and there is someone who has a pistol and gun in his hand or a knife with a blood on it, unless you are a professional, a common person would be distracted.If I share a video which shows two cars, and I ask about 100 people to guess their speed. My phrasing would impact their answers (they would guess more speed for one phrasing and relatively less speed for the other). When I would say (a) what is the speed of car (s) when one car comes into contact with another car? As opposed to, (b) what is the speed of the car(s) when one car crashes into another car? (The video shown would be the same, only questions would be different).You can also take a selective attention test of one minute available on You Tube. You may have already, if not, take it, simple and interesting:You may know, if not, look up Ivan Pavlov’s experiment in which he used dogs, B.F. Skinner’s skinner box and experiment with pigeons, Stanford prison experiment, Little Albert experiment (J.B. Watson), so on and so forth.


One I have done before is how attractiveness is correlated to less criminal action being taken against victims.
For my experiment I gave a control group a fictional situation and a photograph of the 'criminal' (a typical good looking teenage heart throb)
"This is Steve, he was caught vandalizing public property. How many months community service do you think he should be given?"
The next control group you choose an unattractive photograph but the same situation.
Generally the attractive 'criminal' had a lower suggested sentence. This idea has been brought up by many courtrooms and cases world-wide.

What are some good ideas for a psychology experiment?

if you have a friend who is always telling jokes,
try the one some university students did with their professor,
they only laughed at his humour when he was near the exit door,
and did this through the whole period,
and made no interest of his jokes anywhere else in the room,
well, when the professor was standing next to the door they all laughed very hard at another joke,
before they stopped laughing he made an exit out the door,
then he realized what had just happened,
they manoeuvred him right out the door by paying attention,
only at that particular point in the room laughing with the students thinking it was time to go while the crowd was pleased.

♪ ツ ♪

What are some good ap psychology experiments?

Conforming to an Obviously Wrong Majority:
Psychologist Solomon Asch conducted a famous set of experiments involving a seemingly simple question asked to a group of participants. However, there was only a single actual test subject with the remainder of the group consisting of “confederates” who were instructed to give the wrong answer.
The group was arranged so that the subject gave their answer next-to-last so that they could hear the confederates’ incorrect answers first. The majority of subjects (37 out of 50) conformed to the incorrect majority at least once. Asch later said this about the results: “That we have found the tendency to conformity in our society so strong…is a matter of concern. It raises questions about…the values that guide our conduct.” (Asch 1955)

What are some easy psychology experiment ideas?

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Psychology experiment ideas anyone?

depends on which area of psychology. i had a friend that did an experiment on memory. the hypothesis is that you could remember numbers better depending on how they were said. as in saying a list of numbers and have the subject repeat them back to you and see how many they can remember. then pair the numbers and see how much their memory improves after doing 3 or 4 sets as in.... 1, 5, 8, 3, 6, 2,..... then say 15, 83, 62... using different numbers and different lengths. sounds corny but it was actually alotta fun to help out with.

What are some ideas for a psychology experiment for an AP class?

I had the same assignment as my final project.One idea is to test conformity.Find one random person. Instruct four or five of your friends to sit in on an oral quiz with the random person. Ask them all the same, very easy question, but have them all give the wrong answer. See if the random person follows the group or stands on their own.