What Is A Good Story To Write About

I need a good story to write.?

I need it for school but I don't want all the deatails because then I'll feel bad for taking your ideas so, please, just type the basics of the story line. It cant be long and I've got to illustrate it, also. Anyways, just post your ideas.

Please n' Thanks. :)

How to write a good story?

Start out with a plot. Something interesting to keep the reader's attention.

Once you got the plot down, everything else kind of falls into place. Answer these questions:

Who is the main character?
What does he/she look like?
When is this story taking place?
Where is this story taking place?
Why is the main character so 'different' than others, or why is the plot so important?
How does the story start and end?

If you can answer all of those, you basically got most of your story.

Now, how to make a story good?
I'm not exactly sure, myself.

How can I be a good story writer? What things must my story have?

I agree with both Boris and Mihai. An original idea, compelling characters and a plot to give your story structure.I'd like to add that you need to tell your story in a captivating manner. A good story doesn't necessarily have to be dramatic and full of tragedy or high suspense. Some stories are calm, quiet little things, but they manage to achieve something special by containing unexpected twists or even by being particularly beautiful. I wish I could write even a tiny bit as well as Neil Gaiman, whose books and stories often differ wildly from one another. So much so, that I can't think of a "typical Neil Gaiman" story. When I write, my style is very visual. I'm a visual person, having worked as a photographer, that's my style. Other writers are poetic, others just have a talent which allows them to create believable dialogues. Others are brilliant at making a character "come to life". In order to be a good writer, it helps to find out what you are particularly good at. And then write, write and write. Show your work to people. Get feedback, write more - and more. Your style will ripen and your writing will improve. It takes a lot of work. A lot of perseverance. But it's so much fun - it's definitely worth it.Good luck!

What is a good news story to write a report on?

obama being annogerated and senator kennedy having a seizure there