What Is A Good Way To Build Muscle And Tone Up

What is a good way to build muscle and tone up?

Im 22 yrs old, 5 ft tall and only weigh 90 lbs.How can I build muscle mass or tone to look bigger.Im sure muscle will make me gain a little weight. Also is it good to drink protein shakes or those other shakes at gnc to get muscle?

How can i build muscle and tone up at the same time?

you have to eat 20x your body weight in calories to build muscle
one gram of protein for each pound u weigh
do reps of 6 - 8 on week or 4 - 6
and every 2 weeks u can do some light lifting for 10 - 12

if u need to burn more fat..u need some cardio for 40 mins 4 - 5 days a week

train abs everyother day...

How long does it take to build Muscle Mass? Or Tone?

About 3 months if you use gym weight machines (guys can gain 5 pounds of muscle mass a month).

You need at least a day or two of rest between weight training sessions (in your 20s and younger), two or three days (in your 30s), three or four days (in your 40s), four or five days (in your 50s)…and so on. The older you get, the longer you have to wait for DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) so you can repair stronger and not interfere with your healing.

You do not get stronger while just doing weight training, you get stronger doing weight training AND eating healthy (lots of carbs for the exercising as it is anaerobic and fat burning shuts down, and lots of protein for the repairing stronger) AND pushing yourself just a little bit beyond your strength, feel the burn, so you damage your muscle fiber and THEN you have to rest to repair stronger, providing that you rest long enough between sessions, but not too long or you'd lose your brand new extra muscle mass in a couple of days after the soreness is gone (muscle mass is a “use it or lose it” system as well as a “you need more, you’ll get more” system). If you do it right, you should be able to add a couple of reps each session, for the same physical effort, until you need to add more weights and lower the reps.

Listen to your body. Go gentle at first so you get an idea of your body’s capability and from there, you can go up (in weights, reps or frequency) until you reach a comfortable level of progression that fits YOU. Some people like to push harder, get more soreness, but then, they need more days to heal. Others don’t push so hard, get mild soreness, heal faster and have to do it more often.
The whole process has a lot to do about your pain threshold.

Also on those days when you’re resting after weight training and feeling a little soreness because your muscles are repairing stronger, you can rest assure that you’re burning a lot of calories even if you’re not moving...that’s the part when your body needs those extra protein to build up muscle mass.

Building muscle mass and toning muscle?

You are correct, for mass and strength building you need to do low reps with high weight. The most important aspect will be your diet though. You need to take in 1-2 grams of protein for every pound of your body weight. So if you weigh 200lbs you need to take in between 200-400 grams of protein every day. This is only if you are serious and training serious. If you are not, then it will be a waste of your time and money. If you are serious about your training, and you are doing heavy weight with 6-8 reps per set, then you will notice the difference immedately. The most common mistake I see is people that train very hard, but their diet sucks and they are not giving their muscles enough protein to grow. I promise if you train hard and get 1-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight every day, you will explode in muscle mass and strength. Also, remember that you want to constantly progress. So as soon as you can do a weight for 8 reps, add 2.5 lbs. Then when you can do that weight for 8 reps, add another 2.5 lbs. Just a little at a time, the key is to keep moving forward.

Remember, your muscles grow while you rest. So when I say serious training, I dont mean training the same muscle groups 5 times a week. I mean that you train hard when you are at the gym and you make it to the gym at least 5 times a week. Unless someone is doing steroids, they can not train the same body part more then 2 times a week, 3 at the very, very most depending on the person and their age. I personally like to train chest, tricepts, and shoulders on mon and thurs. Then do back and bicepts on tues and fri. Then do legs on wed and sat and take sunday off completely. Last thing, I know that most people dont like to do legs but there has been study after study after study that shows people that train their legs gain anywhere from 10%-21% more UPPERbody strength then people that just train their upperbody. I know it sounds crazy, but its the truth. It is your body trying to remain in a state called homeostasis. Your body likes everything to be equal and balanced and does much better when everything grows equally.

What is the fastest way to build muscle?

What is the best way to in sets and reps in weightlifting to build muscle the fastest. I know of pyramid lifting when you start at a low weight and do 12 reps and then for the next set you put more weight and do 10 reps.. etc. This is way im lifting right now and im using protein and creatine and i have results but not so significant. Please just let me know what you think.