What Is A Muscle Spasm From

Muscle Spasm from Sneezing?

I sneezed pretty good earlier and immediately felt a sharp abdominal pain, like a pulled muscle or something.

The location is not in the ribs, however. It is closer to the groin region, on my left side, just left of my abdomen.

I think I was sort of standing in a weird, twisted way when I sneezed.

The pain is basically gone, but it still feels very sore throughout my abdomen in weird places, internally. It almost feels like bad gas pressure, if I were to compare it to anything.

Any idea that this could be? There is no swelling at all in the area, so I'm thinking that it probably wasn't a hernia.

Please help! Not gonna lie, I'm a little worried here. thank you.

What does it mean if you have a muscle spasm?

A muscle spasm means the motor neurons that control the muscle are firing off rapidly, probably due to an involuntary signal from the brain. If it is really bad, and happens over a long time (like weeks or months) then it could be a sign of nerve degeneration. But normally it's a response to muscle strain from working out too hard.

What is a muscle spasm?

Muscle spasms are caused by inflammation that occurs when a muscle is stretched too far or torn. What begins as a muscle strain can eventually turn into more severe pain. Fortunately, muscle strains customarily heal with time in a matter of days or weeks.TREATMENT FOR MUSCLE SPASMSThose that suffer muscle spasms know that they can be incredibly annoying, and the severe ones can be downright agonizing. The involuntary muscle contractions that are muscle spasms cause your muscles to shorten. When experiencing a muscle spasm there will be a tightness or cramping sensation. These spasms can occur all over the body but are most common in the neck, legs (hamstrings, quads), arms and back.There are many types of causes that can lead to muscle spasms. Of these, the most common is prolonged or excessive exercise. When you exercise regularly or for very long periods of time, your muscles do not have a chance to relax which can cause spasms to happen. These muscle spasms can also occur from dehydration or an injury or trauma to the muscle. Muscle spasms can also be symptoms of neuromuscular diseases like multiple sclerosis.

How are muscle spasms caused by massage?

There is a possibility that the muscle is to tight or even in a weaker state. So the massage would only aggravate an issue that is already there. A good massage therapist can usually go on feel if something is wrong with a muscle. Although that is not always the case.

Really bad sunburn, muscle spasm?

This is actually pretty common with fair skinned people. I've had this happen a few times when I forgot sunblock and spent hours outside. The best thing to do is apply a lot of aloe. NOT aloe with lidocaine which has actually been proven to slow the healing process.

She should also take LUKE WARM showers, often. It loosens the skin with the moisture of the shower, which becomes tight because it has been damaged so badly.

And she should drink crap tons of water. I mean like way over the max of eight glasses a day. Your tissues in your body use water to regenerate, so the more water she drinks the faster she will heal.

Also when she feels her legs tightening up she should get up and walk around. Although that's the last thing she wants to do, she should keep her skin loose so she isn't in pain all day. More than likely her legs hurt when she gets up in the morning because she has laid still all night.

And finally when its just too much to bear! Wrap ice packs in towels and apply them to her legs, it leeches the heat out of her skin and gives her nerves a breather from all the pain.

:) Hope this helped!