What Is A Sick Movie To Watch On A Casual Monday Night With Your Friends

I have trouble making friends...?

I am the same way. I have yet to find an answer. I usually meet new friends because I have two very good - old friends that meet new people and I meet then I meet new friends through my two very old friends. I use my best friends as an avenue to meet new people. It is very difficult but you just have to put yourself out there, be yourself and take some risks.

How do I talk to a girl in the hallway?

Ok, you start a discussion by asking her about something with school. Like what are you taking this semester etc. Then you ask her for her number, and tell her "we should hang out some time"
A good way to get her to go out is to tell her about a movie you really wanna watch and if she would care to join. Pay her some compliments about her clothes or hair or something like that. Be really polite and nice, while playful... flirt a little, let her know you are interested and see if she engages or not. Girls are not as hard to approach as you think, maybe she wants to talk to but she is scared, you have nothing to loose really!

This girl in my class smells realy bad, and shes refusing our help?

That's pretty rude. I understand you were trying to be nice and helpful. How would you like it if someone did that to you? You'd start questioning yourself and whomever did it. Right?

I suggest speaking with her, become friends with her, get to know her, then you can help her. Otherwise speak with the guidance counselor who can better assist her getting the proper things she needs.