What Is A Word For Someone Who

What is another word for someone who takes a trip?


What is the word for someone that uses words that they don't know the meaning of?

People like that are witlings.

What is a word for someone who has the same birthday as you?

Birthday Twin or Birthday Buddy (because we like alliteration).I propose if they were born on the same day of the same year they are: Mono-diurnal Birthday Twins In response to Kelly Compton's answer you might also choose:Periodically-Synchronized Solar Circumnavigator

A word for someone that gives good advice?


What is a word that names someone who behaves like a crow?

I may be way off with my answer, but the only thing I can think of is someone who "nags"

For example you could call someone a "nagging old crow". As well a person an "old crow" because of there annoying chatter. Very much like the annoying sound a crow makes.

CAW! CAW! .....CAW! CAW! ......CAW! CAW!

Hope this helps you out.

What’s the word you use for someone who doesn’t like to be alone?

A positive term for that is extrovert.A somewhat professional term is ‘isolation anxiety disorder’.Note that some moderate extroverts do prefer to have ‘alone time’ occasionally, whereas some extreme extroverts do not function when they are alone.

Is there a word for someone who contacts you when they need something but then goes dark when you try to contact them for something?

User. Con artist, politician.... depending on the extremity of their userness.

What is another word for someone who doesn't listen?

Well they could be ignorant, apathetic, inattentive, careless, distracted, unmindful...or you could just say they're not listening. Good luck with your essay!

What is a word that means “someone who thinks they are better than they actually are”?

Most of the replies have offered you adjectives; these may be used to describe a person who thinks they are better than they actually are but do not themselves mean ‘someone who thinks they are better than they actually are’. For that you need a noun. And these are thin on the ground. ‘Self-aggrandiser’ and ‘egoist’ are in the right area; ‘narcissist’ perhaps primarily suggests too much concern with appearance but doesn’t relate only to this as it can encompass a general self-admiration. Popinjay also hints at a strutting conceit. Prima donna would fit in some contexts as this certainly conveys the idea that the person referred to has an inflated view of their own talent or importance. A little tin god is typically someone who overestimates their own power and influence. Bighead was the usual playground taunt aimed at those who were getting a bit above themselves. One interpretation of snob is being condescending and thinking that you're better than everyone else. If there’s a single, simple, generally applicable word it eludes me just now…