What Is Another Phrase For

What is another phrase for “Did you know?”

As usual, it all depends on the rest of the question - for example:A) Did you know what time it was?Are you aware of the time?Do/Did you have any idea what time it was?Were you aware of how late it had become?B) Did you know she was seeing someone else?Where you aware of the fact that she was seeing someone else?Had you been told (or: made aware of the fact that ) she was seeing someone else?Had you been informed that she’d been seeing someone else?Had/Hadn’t it occurred to you that she’d been seeing someone else?C) Did you know the deadline for all applications was on the 10th?Weren’t you told that the deadline for all applications was on the 10th?Had/Hadn’t you been/ Were you/ Weren’t you informed that the deadline for the application was on the 10th?Did/Didn’t anyone mention/let you know that the deadline for the application was on the 10th?D) Did you know what they had decided to base the role-playing exercises on?Did/Didn’t anyone tell you what they had decided to base the role-playing exercises on?Had you been told what they had decided to base the role-playing exercises on?Had you been appraised about what they had decided to base the role-playing exercises on?Didn’t/ Hadn’t you realized what they had decided to base the role-playing exercises on?I realized this question was asked quite a while ago, but hopefully it will be of some help.

What is another phrase for "at this point"?

I'm writing an essay and I'm starting almost every paragraph with "At this point, ..." and I'm getting a bit sick of it; can anyone think of any alternate phrases?


What is another phrase for "Like minds"?

As in Like minds think alike? How about birds of a feather flock together? People who think along the same lines. People who share the same outlook. People with similar interests or mentalities.

What is another phrase for "wear many hats"?

Jack of all trades.

What is another phrase for "I was wondering if..."?

I was concerned...
I was suspecting...
I was questioning...
I was quizzical...

What is another phrase I could use instead of "I am aware of" ?

It seems to me

My impression is that

I realize

What is another phrase for "in today's world"?


Another phrase for "The Sky's the Limit" please.?

Walt Disney's famous words; "If you can dream it, you can do it"

What is another phrase for "risk everything"?

Go for broke.