What Is Another Way To Write This Sentence

How do you write "U.S." at the end of a sentence?

→ Due to the high medical costs, one must take care of themselves while visiting the U.S.→ Samantha said, “Next week, they are going to the U.S.” Madison replied, “What? Who is going to the U.S.?”The sentence ends with a single period, even when periods are used for abbreviations or initialisms. Unless the sentence ends with another punctuation than a period, in which case both the period and the other punctuation must be used.If a sentence ends with an abbreviation, the period used for the abbreviation also serves as the period for the sentence. This is true even if the abbreviation is contained within a quotation.Reference: Period -- The Punctuation Guide

How to write a sentence that lists events?

That is what commas are for:
I went to the park, got some ice cream, played frisbee, went swimming, and (then I) went home.

Or add some additional verbs and descriptions:
I went to the park, enjoyed some ice cream, played frisbee with some friends, cooled off in the swimming pool, and then caught the last bus home.

Alternative ways of writing 'As a result' in sentences?

In consequence; Following on from this; This leads to..

I need help reivising a sentence!!?

i need to explain the following info in ONE sentence but the way i put it sounds awkward. can u think of another way to write this??

In some ways, Massachusetts Bay and Chesapeake Bay were similar, but they were also different in the way that they were founded for disparate reasons thus leading to dissimilar governments, one religious and the other representative, and had different geography and climate thus had different foundations for their economy, one based on agriculture and the other based on manufacturing, and had different views on family values therefore differing on social aspects.

Why do people say "period" after the end of a sentence to stress upon its importance?

In North American English, the . at the end of a sentence is called a period. It ends a sentence; the sentence absolutely cannot continue after the period. Therefore in conversations, when you say I will not do this, period, what you are saying is that you will not do it, and the conversation is over. You're not going to discuss it anymore, and can't be convinced otherwise;period.Also interesting to note: In British English and some other variants of English the period (.) is referred to as a "full stop". So in those dialects, instead of saying I will not discuss this, period, one would say I will not discuss this, full stop. This might be helpful if you're having discussions with someone who speaks another dialect of English.A more lengthy way to write your example sentence would be:I don't want to do this, and that's all I'm going to say on the subject.Thanks follow me for more answers.

Whats a good sentence with the word allegorical?

The plot of EVERYMAN is allegorical.

Implying the allegorical image of Medusa, Dante illustrates the hardening of the pilgrim's heart to the evil he confronts on his journey.

Death personified as a "Grim Reaper" was the most common allegorical symbol of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.