What Is Anxiety-tension And Symptoms

What are the symptoms of anxiety?

Anxiety symptoms can be numerous and varied. They involve our body, mind and behaviour.Physical Symptoms:Palpitations (Rapid / strong / irregular heartbeat).Fast and shallow breathing.Trembling and shaking.Legs feel like jelly.Excessive sweating.Blushing.Dry throat and difficulty swallowing.Dizziness and feeling light-headed.Tightness across the chest.Nausea.Needing the toilet.Generally feeling 'on-edge'.Other problems associated with physical anxiety symptoms may include: constant headaches, insomnia, and various muscle pains due to increased and prolonged tension.Mental Symptoms:Feelings of apprehension and dread.Being 'mildly scared' for much of the time.Trouble concentrating.Starting to worry more.Irritability.Anger.Increased self-consciousness.Thoughts about illness.Restlessness.Anxiety-Driven Behaviours:Anxious behaviour depends on personal beliefs about what is stressful and vary from person to person. However there are some common ones which include:-Making excuses to avoid going out or doing things.Hurrying out of places or situations where we feel anxious.Only going to quiet places where there aren't many people.Not saying anything in front of others.Sitting near doors and exits or at the back.Walking to avoid buses; crossing the street to avoid people.Having a drink or taking a tablet before doing something stressful.(You can find out how and why anxiety causes physical symptoms at: Anxiety and Panic and the Fight-or-Flight Response )

Can anxiety have physical symptoms?

It would almost be easier to ask what isn’t a physical symptom of anxiety. I’ve created a masterlist, all with sources, in alphabetical order. I might expand if I think it’s necessary in the future:Acid reflux/heartburn (Acid Reflux and Anxiety - How to Treat Heartburn)Allergy number, sensitivity, reaction time (The Links Between Allergies and Anxiety)Body tremors (Body Tremors Anxiety Symptoms)Chest pain (Understanding Anxiety Chest Pain)Choking feeling (Choking Symptoms/Tight Throat with Anxiety or Panic Attacks)Chronic fatigue (Chronic fatigue and anxiety/depression: a twin study.)Clumsiness, Difficulty walking (Coordination Problems, Clumsiness anxiety symptoms.)Cold flashes (Anxiety and the Chills - The Cause and Connection)Constipation (Does stress cause constipation and why?)Diarrhoea (Does Stress or Anxiety Really Cause Diarrhoea? | IMODIUM®)Distorted vision (Anxiety and Vision Problems - Symptoms - Anxiety | HealthCentral)Double vision (How Anxiety Creates Double Vision)Dry mouth (The Link between Anxiety and Dry Mouth)Eczema (Eczema and Stress: The Emotional Impact)Fast heart rate (Rapid or irregular heartbeat)Gagging feeling (Anxiety Symptoms Series: Gagging - Symptoms - Anxiety | HealthCentral)Hallucinations (How anxiety induces verbal hallucinations)Headaches (Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA)Hot flashes (Stress, Anxiety and Hot Flashes - Alternative Therapies - Anxiety | HealthCentral)Hyperventilating (Hyperventilation And Anxiety)Insomnia (What Causes Insomnia?)Irregular periods (Irregular Periods and Anxiety Episodes: The Link)Loss of appetite (Lack of Appetite)Memory loss (Neuroinflammatory Dynamics Underlie Memory Impairments after Repeated Social Defeat)Nausea (Anxiety symptoms heart.)Nosebleeds (Bleeding Nose: An Unusual Anxiety Symptom)Oversleeping (Oversleeping Side Effects)Pins & needles (Pins and Needles and Anxiety)Ringing in ears (tinnitus) (Stress and tinnitus – relationship between tinnitus and stress - (non-epileptic seizures)Slow heart rate (Can Anxiety Cause a SLOWER Heart Rate?)Slow motion (Slow Motion Feeling)Sweating (Profuse, Excessive, Uncontrollable Sweating - anxiety symptoms)Twitching (Muscle Twitching - anxiety symptoms)Visual irregularities, tunnel vision, blurriness (Anxiety and Eye and Vision Problems.)

Can anxiety be anxiety without mental symptoms but with physical symptoms only?

Yes, absolutely. Many people get physical symptoms such as these when the are stressed or anxious. Some people aren't even aware that they are stressed/anxious so these symptoms can be particularly worrying for them.
If this is happening to you, I suggest you see your GP. If these symptoms are anxiety then they will be able to refer you to the right person to help, but palpitations and general tenseness/irritability can suggest other conditions so it is best to seek professional help.
Hope this is useful to you, good luck :)

Throat closing sensation related to anxiety?

Generalized anxiety disorder can be defined as chronic and exaggerated worry and tension with constant anticipation of a disaster and excessive worry about health, money, family, or work. The cause is often hard to find. The most common symptoms of GAD are anxiety, trouble concentrating, irritability , depression, troubles with sleeping, lightheadedness, racing and pounding heartbeat, muscle tension and aches, problems swallowing, lump in the throat feeling, sweating, nausea, etc.

Patients suffering from arthritis in the neck, also known as Cervical Spondylitis may feel a lump in the throat due to increased muscle tension in the neck and around the larynx.

Why do I get physical symptoms of anxiety even when I'm calm?

Yes, it is anxiety. Hence why you're asking on here, because you're worried. You're symptoms are anxiety, because you're always subconsciously anxious, the anxiety just doesn't feel the same as it did when it first hit you. You have what's called Generalized-anciety disorder. You don't even have to have a trigger in order for you to feel anxious, it just hits you, as soon as you wake up, as soon as you lay down or do anything. The anxiety hits you first THEN come the anxious thoughts. I'm the same. Headaches, shaky hands, chest pains etc. It's hard, very hard to deal with. It hits me every night, I fall asleep and sleep well… then I wake up, I'm fine for a few mins then boom headache, shaky hands. But it isn't your thoughts at this point causing you anxiety, it's your anxiety causing you the anxious thoughts. I struggle with it daily.Just a quick question, do you have tight neck muscles in the back of your neck? Because if so then that possibly could be the cause of the headache… these muscles are connected, so all the tension comes from the back, neck and into the head. They're called tension headaches, however not many people know that severe anxiety can cause chronic migraines that are agonizing. If you have severe anxiety for long periods and it then develops to subconscious anxiety you probably have chronic headaches. Im not diagnosing you of course, this just comes from personal experience. It's saddening to hear. I'm on painkillers daily but they never help me, just talk to a doctor, get help if you can. Though not many doctors these days truly care.

Any woman experiencing severe PMS symptoms? How about Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder?

The website below has some great info about PMS. They list thirteen common symptoms of PMS, and I routinely get about eleven of them. Some months are more severe than others, but I don't think my symptoms are unusually severe. My biggest problems are irritability and anxiety/sadness. I take Vitex (Chastetree Berry) and that helps immensely. You can get it at GNC or (I prefer Nature's Way brand). You have to take it all the time, not just during PMS, and it takes a few months to kick in. Once it does, though, it's could make a big difference in your symptoms.

Can anxiety disorder cause muscle tension, 'shivers/chills' or a slightly raised temperature with sweating?

I've had an anxiety disorder for a while, and its like a roller coaster...sometimes my muscles go like a week feeling tired, or sore, and i often get the chills at night...but only at night...and around the same time every night..almost like clockwork...and when i get these 'chills' ill call them, i get a temperature of about 99*, and its been as high as 99.6*...i get nervous when this happens, which is all the time...and my palms sweat...

i was told by my doctor, and a few specialists....and a psychiatrist, that these are common, and if anything, rather mild symptoms and i should be glad im not having full blown panic symptoms...

~i am not on medication, cause im scared to take i t...

ANYWAYS, do those symptoms sound normal to you guys? i just find it hard to believe that being nervous or...just 'having a 'generalized anxiety disorder', can cause these chills, muscle tension, and a fever....even though the 'fever' is really within a degree of a normal body temp...idk...answers pleasE? for help towards some piece of mind.

edit: in case u need to know, when i was 1st diagnosed with this thing, they gave me a whole bunch of cat scans, blood tests, urine tests, ultra sounds, and had me see a neurologist and gastrologist...they said they ruled out everything other than mental distress/nervous disorder.