What Is Bonded Goods And Non Bonded Goods Explain The Differences Between Them

Difference between motor oil and crude oil?

There are thousands, probably tens of thousands, of different carbon based components to crude oil. Different chain lengths, different bonding structures, different numbers of hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur and other elements. Crude oil from different areas of the world contain different compounds from other areas and different ratios of those compounds.

The refining process is very sophisticated to maximize production of particular kinds of end products from a particular batch of crude, based on the primary components, and the anticipated market requirements for each of those products.

So - fundamentally, crude is all possible components, whereas motor oil would be a much more homogeneous fluid with only a few different kinds of carbon molecules (well, in reality, maybe a few hundred different ones, carefully selected for specific properties).

If the gulf spill were entirely of motor oil, it <> be easier to clean up, since the entire slick would have more the same characteristics, and one kind of dispersant, for example, might work better. With crude oil, the volatile parts, light chain compounds and mixed in gases, evaporate (or can be burned off), the remaining compounds behave in lots of different ways depending on molecular weight, hydrophilic properties and other characteristics.

Some components may tend to separate from others, grouping with molecules more similar to themselves, so treatment that works on one part of the slick may not work as well on a different part.

Physical removal from the water or the sand and shoreline would probably be about the same effort for either raw crude oil, or motor oil.

What is the difference between fructose and sucrose?

Glucose is simple sugar, fructose is fruit sugar, and sucrose is a glucose molecule bonded to a fructose molecule.

As for "not consuming too many fruits if we don't want to put on weight because of all the sugar" this is pure mis-information. Consuming whole fruits, such as apples, oranges, bananas, grapes and so on, is preferable to drinking fruit juice. This is owing to the dietary fibre available in the whole fruit, which is removed with the pulp when the fruit is juiced. Fruit juice is, however, better for you than soda.

If the electronegativity difference between two atoms is zero, the result is a(n) __________. ?

Your answer is non polar covalent bond ;
c this web page ,it will help u

"Nonpolar Covalent: This type of bond occurs when there is equal sharing (between the two atoms) of the electrons in the bond. Molecules such as Cl2, H2 and F2 are the usual examples.

Textbooks typically use a maximum difference of 0.2 - 0.5 to indicate nonpolar covalent. Since textbooks vary, make sure to check with your teacher for the value he/she wants. The ChemTeam will use 0.5.

One interesting example molecule is CS2. This molecule has nonpolar bonds. Sometimes a teacher will only use diatomics as examples in lecture and then spring CS2 as a test question. Since the electronegativities of C and S are both 2.5, you have a nonpolar bond."