What Is Effective Mean

What does effective date mean?>?

What Does "Effective Date" Mean?
I was hired for a job with the united states postal service and it says

Effective Date: November 4 2010

Orientation on Wednesday November 7 2010

You will report to your assignment on Thursday November 8 2010

What most effective and least effective mean in a question of 5 answers?????? Please help!!!!?

It means you have to choose the MOST effective answer and the LEAST effective for handling a specific situation. Or rank the answers from most to least, sometimes. In other words, what is the BEST thing (most effective) to do and what is the WORST thing (least effective). Let's do an example:

The situation: A customer is yelling at you on the phone. What do you do?
1) Yell back
2) Put them on hold, then go and talk to them again after 5 minutes
3) Talk calmly and softly, ask them how you can address their specific problem
4) Hang up
5) Ask if they would like to talk with your supervisor.

So, MOST effective? Probably 3 or 5, depending on the company policy. LEAST effective - either 1 or 4. Of course, most questions won't be this clear-cut, but that gives you an idea of what is wanted.

What does "cost effective" mean?

Let's suppose you have 10 lads who would end up in prison, and it costs £1 to keep each one there.  So your outlay is £10.Let's suppose that you now run a program, that is 60% effective at keeping a lad out of prison, but costs you 2/- to put them through.  So it costs you £1 to put the 10 lads through the program, and 4 still go to goal, so you pay £4 for the prison, and £1 for the program, all together £5.Now, suppose department AA runs the prisons, and BB runs the program, the budget of AA is seen as 'accidental' (that is, they're always going to be crims), and BB is seen as an added burden.Since by definition you don't have control over accidental, but do over planned things, you can make yourself 'acting to a budget emergency' by cutting funding to BB, and then the increase in AA is 'not your fault'.But it is more cost effective to the country to let BB run, because the total cost is £5 less than it would have been.  Cost effectiveness is not self-apparent, instead, you have to consider the effects of doing nothing vs doing something.

What does ineffective or effective mean?

Ineffective----not working or getting results
effective---working or results are seen

What does Ineffective and Effective mean?

Ineffective: not producing an intended effect
Effective: producing or capable of producing an intended result

What is the most effective advertising means?

You answered the question yourself really, it depends on what is being advertised. But here are the 3 components that matter most in advertising. You need to get all 3 right.Market - Identify who your market is and know as much as possible about them. What keeps them up at night? Where do they shop? How old are they? Do they have kids? Get to know your market really well.Message - What is the message you will send to your market? Does it make them want to do business with you? Crafting a message is extremely important. It must sell!Media - The form of media you use only matters when you know that your market will be reached with it and your message will sell. There are tons of ways to advertise and each one is effective in its own way.Get those 3 right and you will be fine. Hope that helps,- JR

What does effective mean in this sentence? “How effective is the language the author uses? How effective is this evidence would a different types of evidence or some combination of evidence, be more effective?”

“What does effective mean in this sentence? ‘How effective is the language the author uses? How effective is this evidence would a different types of evidence or some combination of evidence, be more effective?’”Effective language fulfills, or helps to fulfill, the purpose of the written work.Does the author’s language …… make her horror novel creepier?… make her non-fiction easier and more fun to read?… make her poetry more pleasing to the target audience?… make her literary novel more beautiful while lending clarity to its insights about human nature?… make her memoir more fun to read even during the stretches when her life is boring?Effective language is language that helps the author convey what she wants to convey—and impress whom she wants to impress.Effective evidence is persuasive evidence. Cookies are missing from the cookie jar. Little Timmy, whose nickname is Cookie Monster, enters the kitchen. Asked whether he ate any chocolate cookies, Timmy denies doing so. But the chocolate smears on his lips and face prove to be effective evidence to the contrary.Other kinds of evidence, however, might support or rule out my conclusion. A videotape of Timmy stealing the chocolate cookies would strengthen my conclusion that Timmy took those treats. But if the same videotape showed Larry (Timothy’s older brother) stealing the brownies and smearing Timmy’s face with one of them, I would have to abandon said conclusion.

What does being rhetorically effective mean?

It means being good at persuading (putting forth an idea or point) with words.