What Is Family Who Makes Up A Family Why Is Family Important

Why is family important?

There is an expression blood is thicker than water. What happens in most situations is family helps each other in times of need over strangers and friends. Simply because most of that closeness is a direct result of having the same genes and a family connection. It is rare to have friends come forth in the same way as family because most of your time has really been spent cultivating the family. There are exceptions to this rule but reality shows differently. When you have a fight with someone in your family you usually make up because you see each other often. Friends can be separated and don't require making up when a fight exists. I don't think you have to talk to family everyday but quality time is important. Don't forget birthdays, anniversaries, get wells, congratulatory occasions, etc. and you'll be a great family participant.

Why is family important?

1.When your ineed of help and your friedns not there they are the ones who will help you.
2.Family mourns in every sorrow or they explain sorrows will come and go but happiness will always stay.
3.Family are one of the few people who wont judge you and will look past your flaws and mistakes.
4.Family is important because they can sometimes be all you have.
5.They are the people who make you feel special no matter how ugly you are.

Why is family important to you?

Family will always be there.
When your friends think your a ****, your family will say strong willed.
when your neighbours say your selfish your family will say you look out for yourself and independent.
It dosent matter who your family is either.
you could be chiniese and your family russian ( adoption)
athiest will religious family members
it dosent matter
family dosent mean a certificate either
your comrades at the fire station are your family
your soldiers in the barracks are your family
it just means you are safe with them
you trust them

Why is family important?

Perhaps it's due to the fact I have a misfortunate family. Or perhaps it's simply that I can see through shallow tendencies. But it seems to me, that "family" is really just a way of getting what you want for free.

I mean, let's think about it; why are people encouraged from a young age to be friendly to their relatives, even if they don't like them? I mean, I can understand teaching a child to respect their elders, but when you really think about it, why should a person have to make another believe he/she likes them, simply because they're related?

The only answer I can suffice is "because what *they* can do for *you*." Many say this is the way the world works; I say it is, only because we don't oppose it. it seems to me, that "family politics" are just as manipulating and corrupting to a child, as anything else could possibly be.

So, with all these faults and potential hazards, what is it that makes family so important? I hope to hear *real* answers, not just opinions of "love".

Why is a family tree important?

couple of things... your last name is just a last name, and in many cases, is just a usable tag for finding relationships. There are many reasons why you may not be finding something on dad's side.. we can't answer that without specifics for each immediate person. I can almost guarantee.. you are probably relying TOO MUCH on ancestor sites, instead of exact documents. All genealogy is not online. We have no way to know, if you have things ie census records, birth/death certificates, or which sites you have used. The difficult thing to say, but factual.. for an African American.. you are fortunate if you can find documentation prior to 1865. IN SOME can link your ancestor, Mary, to a prior owner/ family. That is, IF the record was kept. One type of record would be deeds or estate records.. again, those are commonly not online. Number one suggestion.. step back, and see your research as a multi piece puzzle. BE SPECIFIC. As in "I need the parents or birth place for grandpa Jones, born in 1920 in Raleigh, North Carolina". Take it all, one small piece at a time, then build on that. Each time someone here solves something that you post, you'll start seeing a pattern of sources used. There is far more out there, than you realize. The key is not locking yourself into just the internet or any one source. Make yourself at home here, and ask more questions. If your profile is not open.. be sure to have that open and email available. Many times, people use the older questions to "review" your problem/ family, and some answers appear AFTER your question closes.

Do you think family is important in life & why?

Yes. You need their support, and they need your support, at various times in your life. This can come in the form of advice, help moving a heavy object, or monetary assistance, but the overall feeling of having someone to turn to who will help you out in a time of uncertainty is the most important thing.

With that said, it's not a simple relationship where you "use" them for these things, because there is usually a degree of deep, familial love there that also helps make your life feel more whole. If you don't feel love for your family, they and/or you have some serious issues and chances are good your life feels less complete as a result of this void in your interpersonal relationship experience.

Why are family values important?

I am a liberal, a little left of Gandhi. I had 2 sons, 2 step-daughters, all grown up now, and see my grand-daughter every few days. Most of us are very close. I certainly believe in the value of family loyalty and togetherness. I cherish my children, whether they do what I want them to or not. I also, believe in gay marriage, and that gays should be able to adopt. I believe in abortion, and the right to bear arms. I was in the military for almost 20 years, and am against war.for just about any reason. I do not believe in capital punishment, but I would defend my family to the death. I love the United States, but we are often misguided and greedy and stupid, just as individuals are. I also think that if my family mistreats me, or cheats me, I am free to avoid them and even press charges, if necessary. Lumping ALL LIBERALS into some pile that doesn't or does believe in all one thing, is not conducive to understanding and tolerance of other views. All liberals don't exactly agree on everything anymore than all conservatives do. I know a very conservative, Christian woman who doesn't believe in abortion, or gay marriage, but she has inter-racial children and drinks a lot. There are conservatives who would have a fit about her stand on race or over-indulging in alcohol. There are liberals who would have a problem with her alcoholism, and marriage stance. We are individuals. You, too. Quit trying to cubby-hole people and listen. What exactly are you trying to address with your question?