What Is Happening All My Teeth Picture-

What is happening to my teeth?!?

My teeth have always been really healthy. I have NEVER had a cavity. Last week my 14 month old jumped up while I was playing with him & hit me under the chin with his head. It made my bottom teeth slam into my top ones really hard & then slide across them a bit. It hurt REALLY bad for a minute but then I was fine. The next day my top right front tooth started hurting & continued to hurt for 3 days straight before it stopped. The day it stopped the one next to it (top left front) started hurting. It has been hurting for 3 days now & feels the same as the other one did. The pain isn't really bad, but it feels like a light throbbing pain that doesn't stop. Then yesterday I noticed that my teeth are starting to move. I don't mean they are loose...I mean the position they are in is changing! I had a gap between those 2 front teeth as a kid that closed up once all of my permanents came in & now the gap has started to open back up. I want to go to the dentist, but I don't have dental insurance right now & I can't afford to pay for a visit. Like I said, I have always had really healthy teeth. But this is starting to scare me! Do you think it is from him hitting me or could it be something else? Anyone else ever had this happen?

Are my teeth super ugly? (pictures )?

No.. it's NOT UGLY..but that's just me! Never been into teeth's, and honestly teeth is the least thing i look for! But I've always (since i can remember, around the age of 5) had a thing for crooked teeth's! I'm born with straight teeth's, and it's just boring and average.. :/
But the type of crooked teeth's you have are soo cute, i honestly wouldn't mind switching! And as if that isn't enough reason for me to envy your teeth's, it is actually proven that people crooked teeth's are the best kissers... You probably think i' crazy,but beauty is int he eyes of a beholder..and in my eyes crooked teeth's are sexy!!

Do i have ugly teeth? [i have pictures]?

They look nice and white. 90% of them are lined up right. I'm sure you have a nice smile. With all the rotten sets of teeth out there, people will like your smile. You don't have one of those awful mouths, if that is what you are thinking. Don't worry about it. When you worry about it, a bit of a wince creeps into your smile and ruins the demeanor of your whole face. Don't do that! Just forget about it once and for all and sparkle with confidence. Guys love you, cutie. People like your personality that is always eminating in everything you do.

I'm telling you straight up. Don't listen to these people on here. Just look at your gaping mouth. There is one wrong tooth that only shows a bit when you smile. Now, look at the rest of it. It's very good. Don't nitpick on the slight misalignment here and there. It's nothing at all. I mean it, too. Many of the teeth are 100% correct with a few of them with really small problems. I mean it. Those a small little problems.

This is an indictment; right???
You have a good set of teeth. ^_^

The first question your dentist needs to establish is why your teeth are “turning black”. If it only 1 or 2 teeth, for example as a result of trauma, it could be internal bleeding and your teeth is dying. If All of your teeth are “turning black”, and you did not sustain any trauma, it could be a staining issue, especially if you smoke, drink black coffee or tea….A dentist needs to see you, take a history, do an exam, take X-rays, then make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Had all four wisdom teeth removed 4 weeks ago?

I had all my wisdom teeth pulled 4 weeks ago, and then i had dry sockets. They did the packings etc. Felt great. This past weekend my husband gave me a kiss on the cheek and it hurt. It even hurts to open my mouth to eat now. I dont know what is happening. It is mainly just my bottom right one with pain that will sometime go to the ear. I no longer have ins. so if i dont have to go to the dentist i dont want to. Just wondering if anyone might no what is going on.

Lots of problems with my included! I need serious help!?

"But if it's my only option, and if it's only going to be for a few months i can put up with that, cause it's free anyway."

This is precisley the problem - because its free (Socialised Medicine), you have taken no care of your teeth - lack of brushing, smoking, drinking, etc. You assume that people like myself who pay over 25% tax will take care of you. Like a child in a candy store, taking as much as they can, people like yourself ravage the health system because you haven't taken proper care of yourself. The level of service is now so poor due to people like yourselves who take advantage of the system, that it becomes unnacceptable for many, like myself, who chose to go private, but still have to pay for YOUR health.

Does this seem fair? I don't think so.

If you want your teeth corrected, I'd suggest the following:

1)get a proper teeth cleaning, by a hygenist 2x a year
2)floss AM & PM
3) brush AM & PM
4) mouthwash AM & PM
5) get invisalign.

And for goodness sake, pay for it yourself.

Why do my teeth keep cracking and falling apart?

Hi, there are many possible reasons and i will name only some, try to locate the reason most suitable for you..
1. very common reason is bruxism- strong biting during nights(which you're probably unaware of..-ask your boy/girlfriend if they noticed) the solution is a night guard made by the dentist.
2. don't drink/eat hot &cold together
3. cavities (even filled ones) weaken the tooth because of tooth material loss, the solution is mostly preventive, soda/sweets are fine as long as you keep good oral Hygiene (brush twice a day for at least 2 min. with a fluoride t.paste ask your dentist for the correct technique, use floss, go twice a year for a dental check up)
there are other reasons (genetic, ortho and more) but not much you can do about it yourself.
hope it gets better, all the best.

This is what your dental hygienist sees and you don’t.This usually happens slowly and you don’t even realize it until one day you decide to floss and it won’t slide down the tooth. Sometimes a little piece will chip away and your tongue feels a rough ledge. This may send you to the dentist where you get a good teeth cleaning.These deposits will build up again if your not very faithful about brushing and FLOSSING. We recommend professional cleaning at least twice a year. Some people have saliva that make them more prone to tarter buildup. You may actually need to see the dental hygienist every 3–4 months to remove the hard deposits.This tarter build up may be a kind of warning that you want to keep a better eye on your mouth. haha

By 10 months most patients notice improvements tbh, but there are different treatment plans and different steps to take to attain an ideal final treatment. So no one can accurately judge if it is going well or not without fully reviewing your case.As long as you are keeping to your orthodontist's appointments and he/she are able to evaluate you in each visit, then probably and i mean PROBABLY you are doing well.Your orthodontist should explain to you the treatment plan very well, talking you through the process, highlighting the changes that will happen during the course of treatment, and of course possible adverse effects and the risks. That should all be in your consent form.You have the right to raise your points of concern at any moment during the course of treatment. On your next visit, i advise to ask your orthodontist a clarification of what is happening and if your treatment is going according to plan.

So, you told your dentist you were experiencing tooth sensitivity. Your dentist confirmed that you have enamel erosion.A condition that results when the enamel on your teeth has been worn away. So why is this happening and what can you do about it?Many people are affected by both enamel erosion and tooth sensitivity, pain or discomfort to the teeth that often occurs from dental erosion.Many factors can contribute to Enamel Erosion.Consuming acidic food and beverages or foods, such as citrus foods,soft drinks and orange juiceEating too much sugar or too many sweetsBrushing teeth too hardDry mouth or low salivary flow in the mouth (Xerostomia)Acid reflux diseaseThere are things you can do to relieve the sensitivity you have now and to protect teeth from becoming more sensitive in the future:To prevent enamel loss and keep teeth healthy, be sure to brush and floss teeth daily.Brush your teeth correctly with a soft bristled toothbrush.If you are unsure, ask your dentist to show you how.See your dentist every 6 months for checkups and cleaning.Limit your intake of acidic foods and beverages. If you do drink acidic beverages,rinse your mouth immediately with clear water after eating acidic foods or drinking acidic drinks, use a straw to minimize contact with your teeth. This will help reduce acid erosion.Use a fluoride toothpaste and/or mouth rinse to help strengthen the enamel of your teeth .Chew sugar-free gum between meals. Chewing gum boosts saliva production up to 10 times the normal flow.Drink more water, especially if your mouth is dryTreatment of tooth enamel loss depends on the problem.Once the enamel of a tooth is lost, it cannot be replaced naturally. sensitive toothpaste may be used to manage any discomfort.Sometimes fillings may be placed to protect the tooth, If the enamel loss is significant,may recommend covering the tooth with crown. The crown may protect the tooth from sensitivity and further decay..