What Is It Called And What Happened To It

What is it called when many things happen at the same time, same place, on different sense?

The answer depends upon the events.It can be called chaos.It can be called synchronicity.It can be called happenstance.It can be called convergence.It can be a collocation.It can be called accident or a collision.It can be called crisis or critical mass.It can be called transformation.It can be called catharsis.It can be called a junction or a juncture.It can be called an intersection or an interaction.It can be called a collusion.It can be called a perpendicularity.It can be called a correspondence.It can be called a relation or a relationship.It can be called a continuum.It can be a crucifixion.It can be a nexus.It can be a synthesis.It can be a collect or a collective.It can be an interplay or an interchange.It can be related to a Cartesian Coordinate System.Synchronicity Ii Lyrics..The events may be related or unrelated, and that needs to be known.Everything depends upon context.Context! Context! Context!What facts can be known, and what does reasoning show?

What happens if I call 666?

The receptionist at Hell picks up your call. He proceeds to ask you your name and your details. Then he asks you whether you wish to be redirected to someone. In case you tell him “Satan”, he puts your name on the list and asks you to wait. He puts you on hold and plays some satanic chants for you to enjoy as you wait. Finally, the phone is answered by a deep, croaky voice who speaks, “I know who you are, [your name]. I will find you and I will bring you to live here in hell.” And then you get hung upon. Soon, Satan turns up in your room and takes you to Hell.Other options include telling the receptionist that you wish to communicate with a particular demon or spirit. If you tell him to do so, he will ask you to hang up and close your eyes for five minutes. When you open your eyes after five minutes, you will find the demon/spirit standing in front of you. It is then up to you what you wish to do with it. This is the best helpline if you're lonely and want a friend who will never leave your side.Lastly, you can tell the receptionist you wish to make a reservation at Palais du Lucifer. The reservation can be made years in advance. The staff will always be happy to welcome you and make your stay feel as comfortable as possible. So comfortable that you might not want to check out. Ever.....Just kidding.I actually tried calling 666. I was hoping to receive a response better than “You have dialed an invalid number.” I guess Satan’s an orthodox person who doesn't own a phone. Or he/she got tired of getting trolled by people like us and decided to throw it away.Update:My fellow Quoran Jason Joby found this on Truecaller:Legit.

What happens if you call a person that is on a plane?

You will get a message saying the phone is switched off or in an area with no reception!!

Mobile companies say using phones on planes can play havoc with their ground networks, because the antennae can't cope with relaying the signal from a phone which is travelling at 500mph.

I see things before they happen. Whats this called and why does it happen?

I tend to see things a few seconds before they happen. It feels like deja vu, but its different. I would get an image in my head and describe it and often one of my friends would point out that they had been thinking the exact thing that i was describing at the same moment.

For example, I was shopping in the whiteley shopping centre and flashes were going through my head but i ignored it. After a couple of times, 3 or 4, i realised it must of meant something. So i described the image to my mum. It was someone wearing brand new blue tracksuit bottoms. My mum then said that she was about to walk into the shop and buy my brother blue nike tracksuit bottoms.

In some cases i will be able to know instantly what someone will say in a couple of seconds and i will be able to say exactly what they say at the same time. Its freaky.

Its not psychic is it? I mean.. If someone asked me what will happen in 10 minutes, i wouldnt be able to say. But sometimes random flashes of an image or moving image (video) comes into my head then it would relate to someone either around me or someone who isnt even near me.

Im really curious to find out if i am the only one, what this is called and why it happens to me?

What is it called when you see something before it happens?

It happens randomly. I'll see something mabye a day or a week before something happens but it becomes foggy and I usually forget about it until it actually happens. Then I kind of find myself dumbfounded. Wondering where it happened before I have even asked someone if it had happened before but the told me that it didn't. This is probably a bit confusing. So here is an Example:

I was playing with my younger siblings when I suddenly felt like I had see it bofore. Like I had actually been there and was doing this exact thing in a different time. I watched them as they jumped on the bed and even knew what they were going to say. I was quite freaked out. I stopped jumping on the bed and asked them in mid conversation. "Didn't you say that before?" They looked at me like I was an idiot.

Another time I was talking to my mother while I was in the bathroom and I was just staring at my hands and everything she said I knew she was going to say and every move I made was like I had already done it except it bothered me that I felt i had seen this before so I shoved my hands in my pockets and ignored the rest of her conversation.

I don't know if I'm maybe paranoid but sometimes it really does scare me. Can someone please explain this to me and what it is?

What is this called when things happen again?

So things start to be the same the exact time last year.
For example I start to listen to the same songs I did this month last year, random thoughts and events happen the same month of last year...

What is it called when two things happen at the same time?

Well, things happening at the same time are "simultaneous."

Or perhaps you mean a symbiotic relationship? Commensal?

What has happened, technically, when my iPhone says "Call Failed"?

You will get the solution of your problem from this thread :