What Is My Personality Like

What is your personality like?

I'm a bit of a loner. I have a small group of friends. I prefer a diverse group of pals from different nationalities. I'm kind of an introvert. I'm very friendly, empathetic and compassionate. I'm also very serious and quiet. But I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist. I don't trust people too easy. I suck at being funny lol. I'm also an earth zodiac sign ( Taurus) as stubborn as a mule . what else, uhm, I'm not an early bird, I'm a night owl.

I feel like I've lost my personality?

Also I'd really appreciate it if you could give me some tips on how to bring it up to my parents that I need to go to the Dr. without making it awkward? Thank you!

My mom doesn't like my personality?

My mother doesn't understand my personality, i'm a little introverted and anxious, i hate my face without makeup i never want anyone to see what i truly look like without bangs and makeup because they will judge me, my mother in the other hand is very outgoing and dedicated to the family
Once they visited us, and i was in a bad mood and everything in me was a mess so i got out of my room welcomed them then never came out meanwhile they spent the whole evening in our hourse they were all of my uncles and aunts my mom was furious at my behavior and told me that i'm selfish and don't care about her sacrifices for me then she blamed me for always never staying and hangiing with the family members and being the quiet child that never helps or contributes to the family.. but that's me that's who i am, i'm 17 and i am very anxious about myself and everything i have those days that i want to stay alone in my room i'm not very outgoing and social and i fear peoples judgment on me but my mom just calls me a psycho for being like that and that she and i will never get along, i love my mom alot she's good to me and all but it just seems that she doesn't try to understand me that's why although i love her so much and want to stay with her for a long time, i think we should part soon and i should take my own path since staying together will only cause us to fight and for her to be mad and stressed because of who i am... i'm very confused and sad..

What is my personality supposed to be like?

I'm Sun in Virgo in the Taurus Decante
Rising in Libra in the Libra Decante
And Moon in Capricorn in the Scorpio Decante

My Mercury sign is Virgo, my Venus sign is Libra, my Mars sign is Scorpio.. I'm sorry, but I can't remember what the rest of my signs are. XD

So what is my personality supposed to be?

How can I fix my personality so guys will like me?

I'm about to turn 19 and no guy has ever liked me, much less asked me out.

Physically, I'm probably a 6 or 7 on a scale of 1-10. I have an okay face, really nice hair (my best feature), and am pretty lanky (no curves really and 5'8.5''). But girls I know who have been uglier than me have had no problem dating.

I have a feeling that the problem lies in my personality. I really love learning and talking about things that I learned (that sounds so pathetic, I know). I constantly read. I'm kind of awkward and not very eloquent. I talk really fast, go off on all sorts of tangents, and tend to ramble about things no one else cares about.

My closest friend is one of those girls who always has lots of close guy friends. Apparently they told her that I scare them and seem crazy and too intense.

What can I do? I think my parents are concerned that I have had no relationships. I feel so left out when people swap date and relationship stories. I'm the only person I know who has never been in a relationship. I wasn't even asked to prom or homecoming!

I feel like some of my co-workers don't like my personality and they are treating me badly, like making hate my life; what should I do?

I do not want to quit.
They act like the boss of me, are rude, lecture me a lot.
Act arrogant and like they hate me.
I'm very nice and I'm trying my best at work.
They talk to me like I am stupid a lot too.
I think they are liberals idk.
I feel like if I stand up to them it will make things worse?
I'm an abused child and whenever I'm feeling good and try to be happy I feel like miserable people try to make me feel bad about myself.