What Is My Political View

What are my political views?

You sound Liberal, but look at these issues and see where you fall:

How are political views formed?


Are my political views left or right wing?

I'm sometimes a little unsure over whether my political views would classify as left or right. When taking a UK political party test on the internet, I got the following order earlier today:

Liberal Democrats - 76%
Conservative - 60%
Green - 55%
UKIP - 55%
Labour - 41%
BNP - 11%

My point is that amongst this, there are a mixture of left and right wing political parties at different points. I sort of feel the following in terms of politics:

*Give children the vote
*Allow permit free street trading
*Lower taxes of smaller businesses, increase for large
*Reduce the minimum wage, but allow it to apply for children
*Lower taxes for everyone by 5%, but increase penalties for avoidance

More detailed stuff to do with my views can be found below:

From all this, would you say that I am left or right of centre? I know that I'm not either far left or right, but do you know where I probably come on either side? Please help me find my answer...

How were your political views formed?

I went to a religious school and when I was 11 or so we had to right an essay on who we vote for if we were able to vote. Every single student except me chose Bush Sr., because of his stance on abortion. I wanted to choose Clinton because I agreed with him more, however knowing this would get me an F I went with Perot.

At that point I really saw that religion and politics shouldn't mix, because how is that if the same Bible they taught us said we had free will and should make our choices, do they justify using their religion to force their views on everyone regardless of what they believe. I shunned the church and all religion at that point and considered myself a Democrat.

Over the last four years after reading a lot and just seeing how things worked in our government I realized that both parties were essentially the same and out for corporate American and did nothing to benefit the average person. I voted for Gore in 2000, after that I changed my affiliation to Independent and have voted third party on every level of election since then. I always vote, for everything, I want my vote on my paper as saying I don't agree with the two party dichotomy and how it manipulates people, no matter how small of an election it is.