What Is Ny 2d What Is 2d Represent

What does ny mean in texting?

Why don't you ask them what they mean because there are always several meanings to some of the letters. 'NY' can mean New York, Not Yet or Nothing Yet, Not You and several others that I have seen out there.

How can I store the starting address of a 2D array in a pointer?

#includevoid main(){int a[10][10];//consider an arraya[0][0]=12;int *b; //consider a pointer bb=&a; //simply 'a' refers to the first element i.e a[0][0]printf("address of first element = %d\n",b);printf("value of first element = %d",a[0][0]);}

What are 3 advantages of a DNA model?

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), genetic material of all cellular organisms and most viruses. DNA carries the information needed to direct protein synthesis and replication. Protein synthesis is the production of the proteins needed by the cell or virus for its activities and development. Replication is the process by which DNA copies itself for each descendant cell or virus, passing on the information needed for protein synthesis. In most cellular organisms, DNA is organized on chromosomes located in the nucleus of the cell.

DNA model enable us to study the function, mechanism, structure, protein synthesis, replication,

What does your handwriting reveal?

Is there any connection between your handwriting and your personality? What does graphology believe? What can graphologist tell by looking at your handwriting? Are they right? Do you believe them?

What is a rational argument for the right to own guns in the US?

What is a rational argument for the right to own guns in the US?There was a period in history, between 1947 and 1991, the reality largely forgotten now, known as the “Cold War”. This war remained “cold” because both principals, the US and the USSR were armed with equal, equally terrifying weapons. Neither side would put them aside because of the knowledge that if they did, they would be at the mercy of the other. This policy was known as “Mutually Assured Destruction”. Many people see this as the origin of the concept, but it’s not.The Founding Fathers had fought a long, war against their Rightful Sovereign after some 80 years of increasingly onerous tyranny from that sovereign. At the beginning, in an effort to head off hostilities, the Governor of Massachusetts started seizing Colonial powder. After several instances where the Governor’s troops failed to accomplish their mission, on 19 April 1775 the Governor sent 700 troops to Concord to seize the powder. No one knows exactly who fired the first shot, but the Colonials succeeded on repelling the troops, and the Governor retreated to his ship in the harbor.Two days later, and completely unrelated, the Governor of Virginia likewise seized the militia’s powder at Williamsburg. Through diplomacy, the Virginia partisans regained their powder, but the Governor lost the good will of the people of Virginia, and retreated to his ship, guaranteeing that the previously fence sitting Virginians, including Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington would join the rebellion.As you can see, the role of government seizing arms was key to the ignition of rebellion in the Colonies. Our Founding Fathers well remembered this as they wrote our Founding Documents. They knew that government, no matter its original intentions could ignore the will of the people to the point of tyranny. For this reason, they defined “militia” as every citizen who could bear arms, and protected their right to keep and bear (own and carry) arms as a check against an overreaching government such as they had recently fought and won, as well as for defense of self, family, and each other, as guaranteed by the 1689, Declaration of Right they had lived with as Citizens of England.I will not argue that this is the first implementation of “Mutually Assured Destruction”, but the Founders insuring that their progeny would be an armed check against the government they created is certainly exemplary of it.

Chemistry help 10 points to best answer?

2KClO3 --> 2KCl + 3O2
245 g 96 g

? g KClO3 = 160 g O2 x 245 g KClO3 / 96 g O2 = 408 g KClO3

If the 2nd, 3rd and 6th term in arithmetic progression form geometric progression, how much is the ratio?

for the arithmetic progression,let the first term be a and common difference be dso the terms are a, a+d, a+2d.. a+5d...2nd term is a+d3rd term is a+2d5th term is a+5dnow if these are in GP,(a+2d) / (a+d) = (a+5d) / (a+2d)(a+2d)^2 = (a+d)(a+5d)a^2 + 4ad + 4d^2 = a^2 + 6ad + 5d^2d^2 = -2ad (Assuming d is not equal to 0 else we wont have an AP initially)or d = -2a ... (1)Now, using this to determine the ratio(a+2d) / (a+d) = (a-4a) / (a-2a) = -3a/-a = 3So,common ratio is 3.

Four years ago, Marina was three times older than her daughter. Six years from now, Marina will be twice as old as her daughter. What are their present ages?

Let’s say that the present age of Marina’s daughter is ‘x’ years. Then 4 years ago, her age was (x - 4) years. Therefore, Marina’s age 4 years ago was: (x - 4) + 3(x - 4) = 4(x - 4) years. 6 years from now, the daughter’s age will be (x + 6) years, and Marina’s age will be: 2(x + 6) years.Now, 6 years from now will be (6+4), i.e., 10 years away from 4 years ago. Thus, Marina’s age 6 years from now can also be written as 4(x - 4) + 10 = (4x - 6) years. Therefore, 2(x + 6) = 4x - 6.Or, 2x + 12 = 4x - 6.Or, 2x = 18.Thus, the daughter’s age (x) = 9 years, and Marina’s present age = 4(x - 4) + 4 = 24 years.The following infographic on answering Aptitude type questions on Averages could be useful:You may also be interested in the following aptitude questions:Quantitative Aptitude Test: AgesOnline Aptitude Test Questions

Inheritance/genetics question...A normal-visioned man whose father was colorblind marries a colorblind woman.?

You are correct. Where N=normal, the man's genotype is NY, and he produces N and Y gametes; the woman is nn, and she produces n gametes. The Punnett square is a 1x2:
N___Nn___←all daughters are normal, but carriers
Y___nY___←all sons are colorblind