What Is Psychosomatic Medicine

What is psychosomatic disease?

The mind has immense control over the reactions of the body. Psychosomatic disease is basically when the person is so convinced that there is something wrong with them that they may even begin to show symptoms. Frequently this is not the case and the person is just convinced that they have a problem. Psychosomatic medicine has been developed in reaction to this, where if a person has a problem/ thinks they have a problem; they can be given a placebo medication and convince their mind that they are being treated.

What is ”psychosomatic”?

The somatic nervous system is the voluntary nervous system. It allows you to lift your arm to move a pan or to ride a bicycle. The somatic nervous system is controlled by the brain via the thought process.When the thought process is under a lot of stress it can cause real or imagined medical issues. Stress is not healthy and will push the body into doing things that are not healthy.Psychsomatic issues can affect almost any body function and is suspected in causing panic attacks, IBS and other complaints. It all depends on who you talk to as to who should be treating psychsomatic complaints. Some think psychiatrists are the primary providers and others think that internets should be the primary providers. Personally I think thing a combination of both is the best approach.The mind is very powerful. I can control my blood pressure with my mind to the point that I can pass out. My last checkup the MA took my blood pressure and said it was a little high at 138/84. I told her to check it again. I relaxed and she got 104/68. I got a little lightheaded and had to move around to get my blood pressure back up again.I have a niece that has some mental issues. She is a very hard worker and en excellent person who sets a very high standard but she has imagined many different diseases and many have come true and required surgery. Is the coincidence or did her mind actually create those diseases. Who knows.The mind is very powerful. Look at those who believe the Earth is flat in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. But to them the Earth is flat and you will never be able to convince them otherwise.

What is psychosomatic medicine characterized for?

Q: What is psychosomatic medicine characterized for?A: psychosomatic medicine is a sugar pill a placibo. The power of suggestion is strong especially with those with a psychosomatic condition.Who think they have a condition they don't even to the point the exhibit physical symptoms.

Is Dr. Watson’s limp psychosomatic?

Not in the books. But Conan Doyle is inconsistent as to the location of the wound… leg or shoulder. Or maybe there were two wounds, but it strikes most readers as merely inconsistent. But Watson, who is not a neurotic character at all, does reflect upon the pain and his disability a couple of times, and so the impression is that it is quite real.Moffat and Gatiss in BBC Sherlock played with this by making Watson deeply depressed at the outset, and initially feeling lamer than perhaps he was, therefore having a psychosomatic component to his limp. He needed a cane until the adrenalin of his first case with Holmes kicked in. Sherlock in this version dismissively calls the limp psychosomatic.In medical terms, adrenalin often does mask, or can arguably resolve, pain. And depression can exacerbate it. So psychomatic? Well in BBC, at least, Watson’s limp was related to his mental state.

What is a psychosomatic response?

Imagine reading/hearing about something truly horrific which causes your fists to clench or your heart rate to elevate etc. That is a psychosomatic response. Essentially - it pertains to the interaction of your mental state with your physical state.

How can psychosomatic medicine help alleviate headaches?

I am writing this based on 30 years of my own experience of reducing migraine headaches sans medicines. So, this is a proven method, which can be used by all migraine-affected people, with zero side effects. It reduces the frequency of migraine attacks substantially, for sure. Here is my simple but very very effective remedy to prevent/reduce migraine headaches:always cover your eyes with a good-quality pair of sunglasses & also cover your head with a comfortable cap/hat, whenever you go out in the sun/in any kind of glare. Wear the sun-glasses & the cap/hat all the time when you are outdoors, or when you feel that the glare is too much to bear;Eat something at your daily-intake times, without exceptions. What you eat & how much you eat is secondary. What is vital is to feed your stomach at regular intervals, or at/around the time you normally consume food everyday. This eradicates the ill-effects of bile & prevents headaches;Do not keep awake late at night. Ideally, a 11 pm to 6 am sleep is desirable. Also, try to stick to your daily routine, to the extent feasible & avoid erratic daily routines as far as you can;Keep stress as low/less as feasible. Try your best & then, accept the results coolly. Worrying over what is beyond your control is a invitation to migraine headaches;Have more fruits, salads, nuts & other natural foods. Avoid processed/non-veg./fried foods, or consume as less of it as may be possible;For peace of mind, do meditation (focus on breathing) daily, morning & night. Vipassana meditation is very good;Keep this attitude as regards the results, after putting in your best efforts: 0% expectations & 100% acceptance. This will reduce stress & thus, reduce the frequency & intensity of headaches. Do your best & then, accept the outcome with grace & equanimity. This attitude will reduce headaches.

What does nearsightedness as a psychosomatic disease mean?

What does nearsightedness as a psychosomatic disease mean?It means some website is trying to scam you or trying to sell you something by telling you that your brain is making you nearsighted instead of your eyes.Don’t fall for it.

How do you describe a psychosomatic person?

Psychosomatic means mind (psyche) and body (soma). A psychosomatic disorder is a disease which involves both mind and body. Some physical diseases are thought to be particularly prone to be made worse by mental factors such as stress and anxiety. Your current mental state can affect how bad a physical disease is at any given time.There is a mental aspect to every physical disease. How we react to disease and how we cope with disease vary greatly from person to person. For example, the rash of psoriasis may not bother some people very much. However, the rash covering the same parts of the body in someone else may make them feel depressed and more ill.There can be physical effects from mental illness. For example, with some mental illnesses you may not eat, or take care of yourself, very well which can cause physical problems.However, the term psychosomatic disorder is mainly used to mean ... "a physical disease that is thought to be caused, or made worse, by mental factors".Some physical diseases are thought to be particularly prone to be made worse by mental factors such as stress and anxiety. For example, these include psoriasis, eczema, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure and heart disease. It is thought that the actual physical part of the illness (the extent of a rash, the level of the blood pressure, etc) can be affected by mental factors. This is difficult to prove. However, many people with these and other physical diseases say that their current mental state can affect how bad their physical disease is at any given time.Some people also use the term psychosomatic disorder when mental factors cause physical symptoms but where there is no physical disease. For example, a chest pain may be caused by stress and no physical disease can be found.