What Is Sclerosis Of The Spine

What is sclerosis of the spine?

I think you have mis-splelled it. Do you want to know about SCOLIOSIS/ OR SCLEROSIS? Scoliosis is abnormal lateral (sideways) curvature of spine and corrective surgery is done for it when angle is beyond permissible limit. Suregry recovery will take between 6- 10 weeks. Sclerosis is increased density of bone which normally does not require surgery

What is thoracic sclerosis?

thoracic is the upper spine and I think it is meant to be scoliosis which means a slight twist or curve in the spine. That is what I have. If you have any further questions mail me. x

I just found out i have sclerosis of the spine but they said in the sl joints what does that mean please help?

"sl joints" = sacroiliac joints. These are found in the pelvis.

"Sclerosis" refers to hardening of tissue. It is quite common as a result of degenerative disc disease - basically "wear and tear" on the bones of the spine. Where structures in and around the spine are not in place properly, they press on the spinal cord - this causes a number of problems including muscle spasms, pain, tremor, tingling and numbness, loss of feeling, loss of function and mobility

I don't think there is very much more I can usefully tell you from the information given. This really is something that you need to talk over with your doctor.

What is sclorosis and spondylosis?

Sclerosis simply means a narrowing of the normal tube. Spinal stenosis is common in older people and what is happening is that the spinal cord is getting closed in on by the surrounding tissue, such as bone and discs.
Also, her spine is beginning to shrink and the discs are no longer able to completely support her spinal column, which is why she has marginal plates at the entire lumbar level.

Spondylosis is the breaking of the joint capsule. Normally, there is a sac surrounding the joints and the bones sit in there and do their job. Now, the bones are beginning to slide off of one another and out of their normal spacing in her spinal column.

All she can do for all of these conditions is strengthen her back muscles and drink lots of water. Drinking water should help prevent the discs from deteriorating too much.

Best of luck to you!

What do you know about Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. MS can cause a variety of symptoms, including changes in sensation, visual problems, muscle weakness, depression, and difficulties with coordination and speech. Although many patients lead full and rewarding lives, MS can cause impaired mobility and disability in the more severe cases.

Multiple sclerosis affects neurons, the cells of the brain and spinal cord that carry information, create thought and perception and allow the brain to control the body. Surrounding and protecting these neurons is a fatty layer known as the myelin sheath, which helps neurons carry electrical signals. MS causes gradual destruction of myelin (demyelination) and transection of neuron axons in patches throughout the brain and spinal cord, causing various symptoms depending upon which signals are interrupted. The name multiple sclerosis refers to the multiple scars (or scleroses) on the myelin sheaths. It is thought that MS results from attacks by an individual's immune system on the nervous system and is therefore categorized as an autoimmune disease.

Multiple sclerosis may take several different forms, with new symptoms occurring in discrete attacks or slowly accruing over time. Between attacks, symptoms may resolve completely, but permanent neurologic problems often persist. Although much is known about how MS causes damage, its exact cause remains unknown. MS currently does not have a cure, though several treatments are available which may slow the appearance of new symptoms. MS primarily affects adults, with an age of onset typically between 20 and 40 years, and is more common in women than in men.

MRI scan of the brain/multiple sclerosis/spinal stenosis?

Sciatica is signified by shooting suffering, tingling, numbness, or weakness that originates in the lower right back and techniques through the trunk of the leg and when you have this problem then the eBook of Glen Johnson from here can help you.
Sciatica SOS is a proven, drug-free house way of quickly and permanently reducing sciatica in 7 days or less with a daily consume which contains decision herbs and “effective comforting agents,” all centered around a 2000-year previous Nepalese strategy Glen discovered from a buddy of his wife's.
The procedure from Sciatica SOS will eliminate tense energies from your bones, muscles, tendons and nerves, which build up from repeated jolts of pain brought on by your sciatica and and yes it will take relaxed and cooling to an overly lively body.

What causes Primary Lateral Sclerosis?If only we knew...Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS) is a variation of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, aka Lou Gehrig's Disease) which is a condition in which the motor neurons, the nerves which carry instructions from the brain to the muscles, mysteriously die leaving all other neurons alive and unaffected. The other common variation is called Progressive Muscular Atrophy (PMA).Motor neurons are divided into the upper motor neurons (UMNs), those running from the motor cortex down into the spinal column, and the lower motor neurons (LMNs), those running from the spine out to the muscles. It's a little more complicated than that (namely the cranial lower motor neurons which don't reach the spine) but that's basically the gist.The difference between ALS, PLS, and PMA is that in ALS both the UMNs and LMNs die off. In PLS only the UMNs die. And in PMA only the LMNs die. The cause of either three is unknown except in about 10% of cases, called Familial, where the cause is an identified genetic defect. 90% of cases, called Sporadic, have no currently known cause.Sorry to bear such bad news but Quora is about sharing truth.

Lumbar disc degeneration, end-plate sclerosis. disc space narrowing and sciatica nerve damage in my back!?

Spinal discs break down with age, resulting in a loss of fluid that can prevent discs from acting as natural shock absorbers. This fluid loss makes discs thinner and shrinks the gap between the vertebrae. Muscle imbalances - essentially, one set of muscles overpowering another - create "postural dysfunctions" that put abnormal pressure on a disc and cause increased wear and tear over time. Eventually, the weak spot gives way and makes contact with the nerve, bringing pain. Barring trauma, degenerative disc disease does not happen overnight. It takes a long time for a nerve to be put under enough pressure to cause pain.

Treatments that you have tried, such as cortisone injections, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), hot packs, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and therapeutic exercises have not worked for you. Surgery should be a last resort, with the two main goals being to take pressure off the nerve and stabilize the joints.

Most traditional treatments fail because they simply address the symptoms and do not address the cause of the condition. Your degenerated disc is a physical problem, and it requires a physical solution. There are no pills or injections that can create postural balance in your body, which is what is necessary to reduce the pressure on the nerve.

Degenerative Disc Disease is a loss of height of the disc and combining multiple treatment approaches together in order to decompress and generate balance and stability in the spine is very important for long term results. Inversion Therapy can be very effective but it works even better when you also perform Muscle Balance Therapy.

For more information on Muscle Balance Therapy and Inversion Therapy, copy and paste the below link into a new browser:

Sclerosis of the spine occurs when the tissues in the spinal cord or the vertebrae become unusually stiff. This stiffness causes moving to be difficult or painful, and it may be hard to sit/stand, bend over, twist, or lift large objects. You may experience pain even when not moving (in the case of lumbar sclerosis, this would be worst in the lower back and legs), but this varies from person to person.Because the spinal cord is a crucial part of the nervous system, there may also be symptoms related to damaged or pinched nerves. These include slow response time, tingling or numbness, and tremors in the limbs. Again, since it is the lumbar region being affected in this case, the symptoms will most likely be concentrated in the lower back and legs.Other symptoms include weakness, weight loss (due to decreased muscle mass), loss of coordination, and difficulty breathing.I hope you’ve found this information helpful! If you have other medical questions or concerns, take a look at this website. It can get you access to treatment information, 24/7 online doctor consultations, and great discounts on MRIs and other medical imaging (which are often used to identify/diagnose spinal sclerosis).Here’s to your continued health and happiness!-TeddyCanHeal